难点在动态添加整行表格数据,而且每行数据上的各文本框对象的事件也要实现自动统计和运算,有相当的难度。如果使用JavaScript需要调用Dom对象创建一个 使用jQuery可以大大减轻工作量,在实际开发中,使用了jQuery的clone(true)函数,该函数可以创建一个jQury对象的副本,并且参数为true时,可以复制该元素的所有事件处理函数。 最初の行で送料の計算を実装できます。然后点增加明细按钮时,调用jQuery 的clone(true)函数,建立第一行的副本对象插入到表格下方,由于使用clone(true)可以复制对象的事件处理函数,所以每行中文本框的onblur事件和运费计算函数也被成功复制,No further processing is required. Greatly reduces the workload. 单元格,还需要在tr里面添加10多个单元格 对象,每个单元格 对象内要添加文本框对象,还需要在文本框对象上响应onblur事件进行运费计算,代码量相当大。
Key code
(1) Create a cloned cell object and add it to the table
var v=$("#tbin");//Get the jquery object of the table
//All data rows have a Class of .MyRow, get the size of the data row
var vcount=$("#tbin tr").filter(".MyRow").size() 1;//How many data rows does the table have
var vTr=$("#tbin #trDataRow1"); //Get the first row of data in the table
var vTrClone=vTr.clone(true);//Create a copy object of the first row vTrClone
vTrClone.appendTo(v);//Create the copy cell object Add to the bottom of the table
(2) Statistical update total amount
function UpdateTotal()//Update the total amount
var vTotalMoney=0;//The initial value of the total amount is 0;
var vTable=$("#tbin ");//Get the jquery object of the table
var vTotal= vTable.find("#txtTotal");//Get the total amount object
var vtxtAfters=vTable.find("#txtMoney");// Get all the calculated expense objects;
vtxtAfters.each( //Use jQuery's each function to traverse each row of expense objects and add them up to the total amount
var vTempValue=$ (this).val();
vTotalMoney=vTotalMoney parseFloat(vTempValue);//Calculate the total cost
)//End of traversal
vTotal.val(vTotalMoney); //Display the total cost into the corresponding text box object
(3) Calculate the cost when the billing weight changes, and calculate the total cost
$("#txtMoneyWeight").bind("change", function()
var vTotalMoney=0;//The initial value of the total amount is 0;
var vtxtDetail=$(this); //Get the changed text box object
var vVal=vtxtDetail.val();
var vtxtAfter=vtxtDetail.parent("td").parent("tr").find("#txtRate"); //Get the rate;
var vtxtMoney=vtxtDetail.parent("td").parent("tr").find("#txtMoney");//Get the fee;
var vMoney=CalculatorMoney(vVal ,vtxtAfter.val());//Use formula to calculate single line freight rate
vtxtMoney.val(vMoney); //Display single line freight information
UpdateTotal(); //Call function to update total cost statistics
} ;