ホームページ php教程 php手册 PHP 無制限キャッシュ クラス拡張

PHP 無制限キャッシュ クラス拡張

Jun 13, 2016 pm 12:24 PM
php コード 使用 減らす 分類 関数 コピー 確立する 拡大する 無制限 状態 親切 カテゴリー キャッシュ

コードをコピー コードは次のとおりです:

* 機能: 条件に基づいてカテゴリ キャッシュを作成し、カテゴリの使用量を削減します
* 作成日: Thu May 31 15:55:11 CST 2007
* 最終更新日:
* 著者: sanshi <sanshi0815 @トム.com>

var $tableName = "index_category" //テーブル名<🎜; >var $where = "1"; //条件
var $pidStr ="i_c_pid"; //pid のフィールド名
var $tempCode = array(); //生成されたファイルの配列var $pid = '0' //pidの初期値
var $db; //データベースハンドル
var $idStr="i_c_id"; //取得したデータID
var $title = " i_c_cn"; //名前フィールド
var $createArrayName = "treeCache"; //作成された配列の名前
var $createFileName =""; //作成されたファイルの名前
var $appendArr = array() ; //追加の属性、フィールド名はデータ内の名前に対応する必要があります。 set($db)
$this->db = $db;
$this->tempCode[] = "
;すべてのレベル 1 を取得します
function getRootID()
$sql = "SELECT {$this->idStr} FROM {$this->tableName} WHERE
{$this->>; pidStr}='{ $this->pid}' AND {$this->where} ";
$result = $this->db->; select($sql) ;
$temp = array();
foreach ($result as $r)
$temp[]=$r["{$this->idStr }"];
$this->tempCode[] = "${$this->createArrayName}['root']='".implode(',',$temp)." ';";
return $temp;
//子 ID を取得
function getChildren($pid)
$sql = "SELECT {$this->idStr} FROM {$this->tableName} WHERE
{$this->pidStr}='{$pid}' AND {$this->where } ";
$result = $this->db->select($sql);
$temp = array();
foreach ($result as $r)
$temp[] =$r["{$this->idStr}"];
return $temp;
関数 getParent; ($cid)
$sql = "SELECT {$this->pidStr} FROM {$this->tableName} WHERE
{$this->idStr}='{$cid }' AND {$this ->where} ";
$result = $this->db->select($sql);
return $result[ 0]["{$this->pidStr}"];
//上司の ID を取得
function getPidStr($cid,$pidStr="")
$temp = array();
while ($pid!=$this->pid && !emptyempty($) pid)) {
$temp[] = $pid;
//print_r($temp); return implode(',' ,$temp);
function getDepth($cid,$ Depth=0)
$pid=$this-> ;getParent($cid) ;
$ Depth ;
if( $pid != $this->pid && !emptyempty($pid))
$ Depth = $this->getDepth($ pid,$ Depth);
return $ Depth;
// ファイルを作成します
function make()
$this->createFileName = "{$this->createArrayName}.data.php";

$rootArr = $this->getRootID(); {$this->idStr},{$this->title},{$this->pidStr}";
foreach ($this->appendArr as $app)
if(emptyempty($app )) 続行;
$selectF .=",{$app}";
$sql = "{$this->tableName} から {$selectF} を選択しますWHERE
{$ this->where}";
$result = $this->db->select($sql);
for ($i=0;$i{
//id 値
$this->tempCode[] =
"${$this->createArrayName}['{$result[$ i][$this->idStr]}']['id']='{$result[$i]["{$this->idStr}"]}';";
$this->tempCode[] =
"${$this->createArrayName}['{$result[$i][$this->idStr]}']['title'] ='{$result[ $i]["{$this->title}"]}';";
//親 ID
$this->tempCode[] =
"$ {$this-> createArrayName}['{$result[$i][$this->idStr]}']['pid']='{$result[$i]["{$this-> pidStr}"]}' ;";
$this->tempCode[] =
"${$this->createArrayName}['{$result[$i][ $this->idStr]}']['cid']='".implode(',',$this->getChildren($result[$i]["$this->idStr"])) ."';" ;
$this->tempCode[] =
"${$this->createArrayName}['{$result[$i][$this] ->idStr] }']['深さ']='".$this->getDepth($result[$i]["$this->idStr"])."';";
//親 ID ID 文字列
$this->tempCode[] =
"${$this->createArrayName}['{$result[$i][$this->idStr]} ']['pstr ']='".$this->getPidStr($result[$i]["$this->idStr"])."';";
foreach ( $this->appendArr as $app)
if(emptyempty($app)) continue;
$this->gt;tempCode[] =
"${$ this-> createArrayName}['{$result[$i][$this->idStr]}']['{$app}']='{$result[$i]["{$app}" ]}'; ";
$this->tempCode[] = "${$this->createArrayName} を返す;";
$this->tempCode[] = "?>";
//$content = implode("n",$this->tempCode);
//print_r( $this->tempCode);
$content = implode("n",$this->tempCode);
$fio=Factory::getBaseClass('FileIO') ;
if($this->is_utf8) $content = "xEFxBBxBF".$content;
$fio->writeFile($this->createFileName,$content); ;
include_once(dirname(dirname( __FILE__)). "/config/config.inc.php");
include_pATH."factryObject.class.php"); ;
$c = new TreeCache($db);
//exit(); "treeCache.data .php");
$treeCache=isset($treeCache) ? $treeCache : array();
$rootStr = isset($treeCache['root']) ? '] : " ";
echo parseTree($treeCache,$rootStr);
$tempStr = ""; explode(', ',$rootStr);
foreach ($temp AS $cid)
$info = $treeCache[$cid];
$cidStr = $info['cid' ];
$tempStr .= str_repeat('-',($info['深さ']-1)*3);
$tempStr.=$info['title']; empty($info ['pid']))
$tempStr .= "<br/>"
if(!empty( $info[' cid']))
$tempStr .=parseTree($treeCache,$info['cid']);
return $tempStr;
* 機能: 条件に基づいてカテゴリ キャッシュを作成し、カテゴリの使用量を削減します
* 作成日: Thu May 31 15:55:11 CST 2007
* 最終更新日:
* 著者: sanshi <sanshi0815 @トム.com>

クラス ツリーキャッシュ
var $tableName = "index_category"; name
var $where = "1"; //where 条件
var $pidStr ="i_c_pid"; //pid フィールド名
var $tempCode = array(); 🎜>var $pid = '0'; //pid の初期値
var $db; //データベースハンドル
var $idStr="i_c_id"; //取得したデータ ID
var $title = "i_c_cn "; //名前フィールド
var $createArrayName = "treeCache" //作成された配列の名前
var $createFileName ="" //作成されたファイルの名前
; $appendArr = array(); //追加の属性。フィールド名はデータ内の名前に対応する必要があります。
var $is_utf8 = false
function TreeCache()
} <🎜; >関数セット($db)
$this->db = $db;
$this->tempCode[] = "<?php";
//レベル 1 をすべて取得します
function getRootID()
$sql = "SELECT {$this->idStr} FROM {$this->tableName} WHERE
{$this- >pidStr}='{$ this->pid}' AND {$this->where} ";
$result = $this->db- >select($sql);
$temp = array();
foreach ($result as $r)
$temp[]=$r["{$this-> ;idStr}"];
$this->tempCode[] = "${$this->createArrayName}['root']='".implode(',',$temp) ."';";
return $temp;
//子 ID を取得します
function getChildren($pid)
$sql = "SELECT { $this->idStr} FROM {$this->tableName} WHERE
{$this->pidStr}='{$pid}' AND {$this-> ;where} ";
$ result = $this->db->select($sql);
$temp = array();
foreach ($result as $r)
$temp[]= $r["{$this->idStr}"]
return $temp;
//夫の ID を取得します。 function getParent($cid)
$sql = "SELECT {$this->pidStr} FROM {$this->tableName} WHERE
{$this->idStr}='{ $cid}' AND {$this->where} ";
$result = $this->db->select($sql);
//print_r($result);exit() ;
return $result[0 ]["{$this->pidStr}"]
//上司の ID を取得する
function getPidStr($cid,$pidStr="" )
$ pid=$this->getParent($cid);
$temp = array();
while ($pid!=$this->pid && !empty ($pid)) {
$temp[] = $pid;
//print_r($temp); 🎜>return implode(',', $temp);
関数 getDepth($cid,$ Depth=0)
$pid=$ this->getParent($cid);
$ Depth ;
if( $pid != $this->pid && !empty($pid))
$ Depth = $this-> getDepth($pid,$ Depth);
return $ Depth;
// ファイルを作成します
function make()
if(empty($this-> createFileName))
$this->createFileName = "{$this->createArrayName}.data.php";

$rootArr = $this->getRootID(); selectF = "{$this->idStr },{$this->title},{$this->pidStr}";
foreach ($this->appendArr as $app)
if(empty($app) ) 続行;
$selectF .=",{$app}";
$sql = "{$this-> から SELECT {$selectF} ;tableName} WHERE
{$this ->where}";
$result = $this->db->select($sql);
for ($i=0;$i&lt) ;count($result);$i )
//id 値
$this->tempCode[] =
"${$this->createArrayName}['{$結果[$i][$this-&gt ;idStr]}']['id']='{$result[$i]["{$this->idStr}"]}';";
$this->tempCode[] =
"${$this->createArrayName}['{$result[$i][$this->idStr]}']['title']='{$result[$i][" {$this->title}"]}';";
$this->tempCode[] =
"${$this->createArrayName}['{ $result[$i][$this->idStr]}']['pid']='{$result[$i]["{$this->pidStr}"]}';";
$this->tempCode[] =
"${$this->createArrayName}['{$result[$i][$this->idStr]}'] ['cid']='".implode(',',$this->getChildren($result[$i]["$this->idStr"]))."';";
/ /目录深度
$this->tempCode[] =
"${$this->createArrayName}['{$result[$i][$this->idStr]}'][' Depth']='".$this->getDepth($result[$i]["$this->idStr"])."';";
$this->tempCode[] =
"${$this->createArrayName}['{$result[$i][$this->idStr]}']['pstr']='" .$this->getPidStr($result[$i]["$this->idStr"])."';";
foreach ($this-> appendArr as $app)
if(empty($app)) continue;
$this->tempCode[] =
"${$this->createArrayName}['{ $result[$i][$this->idStr]}']['{$app}']='{$result[$i]["{$app}"]}';";
$this->tempCode[] = "${$this->createArrayName} を返します;";
$this->tempCode[] = "?>";
//$content = implode("n",$this->tempCode);
$content = implode("n",$this->tempCode);
if($this->is_utf8) $content = "xEFxBBxBF".$content;
$content を返す ; " /config/config.inc.php");

$db =factoryObject::getDB('indexPush');
$c = 新しいツリーキャッシュ($db);

$treeCache=isset($treeCache) ? $treeCache : array();
$rootStr = isset($treeCache['root']) ? $treeCache['root'] : "";
echo parseTree($treeCache,$rootStr);
関数 parseTree($treeCache,$rootStr)
$tempStr = "";
$temp =explode(',',$rootStr);
foreach ($temp AS $cid)
$info = $treeCache[$cid];
$cidStr = $info['cid'];
$tempStr .= str_repeat('-',($info['深さ']-1)*3);
$tempStr .= "<br/>";
$tempStr .=parseTree($treeCache,$info['cid']);
return $tempStr;



class parseTree
var $ads_type_file = "";
var $isX = false;
var $rowSize=2;
function parseTree()
$this->ads_type_file = CACHE_PATH."ads_type_arr.data.php";
$this->ads_city_file = CACHE_PATH."ads_city_arr.data.php";
function make_ads_type()
$db = Factory::getDB("ads_type");
$tree =Factory::getItemClass('treeCache');
$tree->pidStr ="ads_type_pid";
$tree->idStr = "ads_type_id";
$tree->title = "広告タイプ名";
$tree->createArrayName ="ads_type_arr";
$tree->where = " ads_type_state=1 ORDER BY ads_type_id DESC ";
$tree->appendArr = array("ads_type_info");
$tree->createFileName = $this->ads_type_file;
$tree->is_utf8 = true;
return $tree->make();
関数 get_ads_type_str()
$temp_arr = $this->get_ads_type_arr();
$treeArr = emptyempty($temp_arr) ? array() : $temp_arr;
$rootStr = isset($temp_arr['root']) ? $temp_arr['root'] : "";
$show_content = $this->__parseTree($treeArr,$rootStr,'pares_type_link');
$show_content を返す;
function get_ads_type_arr()
return is_file($this->ads_type_file) ? require($this->ads_type_file) : array();
function pares_type_link($info)
$class_name = "ads_type";
$tempStr = "[<a href="?c={$class_name}&m=add&ads_type_pid={$info[" href="?c={$class_name}&m=add&ads_type_pid={$info["id ']}'>子-追加</a>]";
$tempStr .="[<a href="?c={$class_name}&m=edit&ads_type_id={$info[" href="?c={$class_name}&m=edit&ads_type_id={$info[" id']}'>编辑</a>]";
$tempStr .="[<a href="?c={$class_name}&m=del&ads_type_id={$info[" href="?c={$class_name}]&m=del&ads_type_id={$info["id']}'>删除</a>]";
$tempStr を返す;
function get_type_arr($type_no=0)
$temp_arr = $this->get_ads_type_arr();
$rootStr = $type_no==0 ? (isset($temp_arr['root'])?$temp_arr['root'] : "") : (isset($temp_arr[$type_no]['cid'])?$temp_arr[$type_no]['cid' ]:"");
$temp =explode(',',$rootStr);
$return_temp = array();
foreach($temp as $cid)
if(isset($temp_arr[$cid])) $return_temp[$temp_arr[$cid]['id']]=$temp_arr[$ cid]['タイトル'];
return $return_temp;

function make_ads_city()
$db = Factory::getDB("ads_city");
$tree =Factory::getItemClass('treeCache');
$tree->pidStr ="ads_city_pid";
$tree->idStr = "ads_city_no";
$tree->title = "ads_city_name";
$tree->createArrayName ="ads_city_arr";
$tree->where = " ads_city_state=1 ORDER BY ads_city_no DESC ";
$tree->appendArr = array("ads_city_info");
$tree->createFileName = $this->ads_city_file;
$tree->is_utf8 = true;
return $tree->make();
function get_ads_city_arr()
return is_file($this->ads_city_file) ? require($this->ads_city_file) : array();
関数 get_ads_city_str()
$temp_arr = $this->get_ads_city_arr();
$treeArr = emptyempty($temp_arr) ? array() : $temp_arr;
$rootStr = isset($temp_arr['root']) ? $temp_arr['root'] : "";
$show_content = $this->__parseTree($treeArr,$rootStr,'pares_city_link');
$show_content を返す;
function pares_city_link($info)
$class_name = "ads_city";
$tempStr = "[<a href="?c={$class_name}&m=add&ads_city_pid={$info[" href="?c={$class_name}&m=add&ads_city_pid={$info["id ']}'>子-追加</a>]";
$tempStr .="[<a href="?c={$class_name}&m=edit&ads_city_no={$info[" href="?c={$class_name}&m=edit&ads_city_no={$info[" id']}'>编辑</a>]";
$tempStr .="[<a href="?c={$class_name}&m=del&ads_city_no={$info[" href="?c={$class_name}&m=del&ads_city_no={$info[" id']}'>删除</a>]";
$tempStr を返す;
function get_city_arr($city_no=0)
$temp_arr = $this->get_ads_city_arr();
$rootStr = $city_no==0 ? (isset($temp_arr['root'])?$temp_arr['root'] : "") : (isset($temp_arr[$city_no])?$temp_arr[$city_no]:"");
$temp =explode(',',$rootStr);
$return_temp = array();
foreach($temp as $cid)
if(isset($temp_arr[$cid])) $return_temp[$temp_arr[$cid]['id']]=$temp_arr[$ cid]['タイトル'];
return $return_temp;

関数 __parseTree($treeCache,$rootStr,$fuc_str)
$tempStr = "";
$temp =explode(',',$rootStr);
if(emptyempty($temp)) return "";
foreach ($temp AS $cid)
$info = $treeCache[$cid];
$cidStr = $info['cid'];
$tempStr .="<div >";
$tempStr .= str_repeat(' ',($info['深さ']-1)*3);
//$tempStr .="<img src="/images/arrow.jpg" src="images/arrow .jpg" style="カーソル:手;" style="カーソル:手;" onClick='javascript:ShowMenu("l_{$info['id']}");' id='pic_l_{$info['id']}'>";
//$tempStr .=">";
$tempStr .=$this->{$fuc_str}($info);
$tempStr .="</div>";
$tempStr .="<div id='l_{$info['id']}' >";
$tempStr .= $this->__parseTree($treeCache,$info['cid'],$fuc_str);
$tempStr .="</div>";
$this-> レイヤー ;
$tempStr .= str_repeat(' ',($info['深さ']-1)*3);
$tempStr .=$this->{$fuc_str}($info);
if($this->layer % $this->rowSize ==0)
$tempStr .= "&lt ;br/>";
$tempStr .= " ";
$tempStr .= "<br/>";
return $tempStr;

この記事の内容はネチズンが自主的に寄稿したものであり、著作権は原著者に帰属します。このサイトは、それに相当する法的責任を負いません。盗作または侵害の疑いのあるコンテンツを見つけた場合は、admin@php.cn までご連絡ください。





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