PHP はブラウザの種類を決定します

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1. $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'] を通じてブラウザの種類を決定する PHP メソッドを作成しましょう。

<p>function my_get_browser(){</p>	if(empty($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'])){<br />		return '命令行,机器人来了!';<br />	}<br />	if(false!==strpos($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'],'MSIE 9.0')){<br />		return 'Internet Explorer 9.0';<br />	}<br />	if(false!==strpos($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'],'MSIE 8.0')){<br />		return 'Internet Explorer 8.0';<br />	}<br />	if(false!==strpos($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'],'MSIE 7.0')){<br />		return 'Internet Explorer 7.0';<br />	}<br />	if(false!==strpos($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'],'MSIE 6.0')){<br />		return 'Internet Explorer 6.0';<br />	}<br />	if(false!==strpos($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'],'Firefox')){<br />		return 'Firefox';<br />	}<br />	if(false!==strpos($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'],'Chrome')){<br />		return 'Chrome';<br />	}<br />	if(false!==strpos($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'],'Safari')){<br />		return 'Safari';<br />	}<br />	if(false!==strpos($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'],'Opera')){<br />		return 'Opera';<br />	}<br />	if(false!==strpos($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'],'360SE')){<br />		return '360SE';<br />	}<br /><p>}</p>

$_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'] は主にここで使用され、ページを閲覧している訪問者が使用しているオペレーティング システムを確認します。ブラウザ (バージョン番号を含む) とユーザーの個人設定。使い方は非常に簡単で、プログラムから印刷するだけで理解できます。

2. さらに、PHP は、PHP システム関数 get_browser() 関数を通じてブラウザの種類を決定することもできます。この関数は、ユーザーのブラウザのパフォーマンス データを返します。

この関数は、ユーザーの browscap.ini ファイルを参照して、ユーザーのブラウザのパフォーマンスを測定します。成功した場合、関数はユーザーのブラウザ情報を含むオブジェクトまたは配列を返し、失敗した場合は false を返します。 get_browser 構文 get_browser(user_agent, return_array) この関数には 2 つのパラメータがあります。パラメータの意味は次のように説明されます。 user_agent はオプションです。 HTTP ユーザー エージェントの名前を指定します。デフォルトは $HTTP_USER_AGENT の値です。 NULL を設定すると、このパラメータをバイパスできます。

return_array オプション。このパラメータが true に設定されている場合、この関数はオブジェクトの代わりに配列を返します。 PHP が $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'] および get_browser を通じて取得するブラウザー情報については、次の例で理解できます。

<p><?php</p>echo $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'] . "<br /><br />";<br />$browser = get_browser(null,true);<br />print_r($browser);<br /><p>?></p>



(互換性; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; SV1; .NET CLR 1.1.4322)Array(
[browser_name_regex] => ^mozilla/. .0
(互換性; msie 6.0.*;.*windows nt 5.1.*.net clr.*).*$
[browser_name_pattern] => Mozilla/?.0
(互換性; MSIE) 6.0* ;*Windows NT 5.1*.NET CLR*)*
[親] =>IE 6.0
[プラットフォーム] =>WinXP
[netclr] =>[ブラウザ] ] = > IE
[バージョン] => 6.0
[メジャー] => 6
[マイナー] => 0
[css] => 2
[フレーム] = > 1
[iframe] => 1
[cookie] => 1
[vbscript] = > 1
[javascript] => 1
[アクティブxコントロール] => 1
[aol] = >
[ベータ] =>
[win16] =>
[クローラー] =>
[ストリッパー] =>
[ワップ] =>
[ak ] => 直接使用すると、通常、次のエラーが報告されます:

警告: get_browser() [function.get-browser]: browscap ini ディレクティブが設定されていません...

By php マニュアルを参照すると、次のように説明されています。 この関数を使用するには、php.ini ファイル内の browscap.ini ファイルに構成ポイントを追加する必要があります。browscap.ini ファイルには、既存のすべてのブラウザの種類と情報が記録されます。最新のファイルをダウンロードし、browscap.ini をサーバー上のどこかに配置する必要があります。 get_browser() を使用すると、取得したクライアント情報がこのファイルと比較され、見つかった場合は対応するタイプが返されます。上記のことから、ブラウザの種類を取得するために get_browser() を使用するのはコストが高いようです。

3. PHP でブラウザの種類を判断する別の方法は、外国の専門家によって書かれたオープン ソース コードを使用することです。海外には mavrick というブラウザ プロジェクトがあり、作成した Browser クラスは更新され続けており、私が見た最新のクラスは iPhone、BlackBerry、win、mac、linux、OS、BeOS などのプラットフォームで入手できます。ブラウザ情報機能は非常に強力だと言えます。

このファイルをダウンロードするときは、使用している PHP バージョンに応じて選択する必要があります。このクラスの具体的なコードは次のとおりです。


さて、PHP でブラウザの種類を判断する方法をまとめました。方法は 3 つありますが、要求される精度がそれほど高くない場合は、最初の方法で十分です。 2 番目の方法と 3 番目の方法は、信頼性が判断されていないにもかかわらず、少し詳細すぎるため、複雑であることは明らかです。
<p><?php</p>/**<br /> * File: Browser.php<br /> * Author: Chris Schuld (<br /> *<br /> * Last Modified: August 20th, 2010<br /> * @version 1.9<br /> * @package PegasusPHP<br /> *<br /> * Copyright (C) 2008-2010 Chris Schuld  (<br /> *<br /> * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or<br /> * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as<br /> * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of<br /> * the License, or (at your option) any later version.<br /> *<br /> * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,<br /> * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of<br /> * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the<br /> * GNU General Public License for more details at:<br /> *<br /> *<br /> *<br /> * Typical Usage:<br /> *<br /> *   $browser = new Browser();<br /> *   if( $browser->getBrowser() == Browser::BROWSER_FIREFOX && $browser->getVersion() >= 2 ) {<br /> *   	echo 'You have FireFox version 2 or greater';<br /> *   }<br /> *<br /> * User Agents Sampled from:<br /> *<br /> * This implementation is based on the original work from Gary White<br /> *<br /> *<br /> *<br /> */<br /><br />class Browser {<br />	private $_agent = '';<br />	private $_browser_name = '';<br />	private $_version = '';<br />	private $_platform = '';<br />	private $_os = '';<br />	private $_is_aol = false;<br />	private $_is_mobile = false;<br />	private $_is_robot = false;<br />	private $_aol_version = '';<br /><br />	const BROWSER_UNKNOWN = 'unknown';<br />	const VERSION_UNKNOWN = 'unknown';<br /><br />	const BROWSER_OPERA = 'Opera';//<br />	const BROWSER_OPERA_MINI = 'Opera Mini';  //<br />	const BROWSER_WEBTV = 'WebTV';//<br />	const BROWSER_IE = 'Internet Explorer';   //<br />	const BROWSER_POCKET_IE = 'Pocket Internet Explorer'; //<br />	const BROWSER_KONQUEROR = 'Konqueror';//<br />	const BROWSER_ICAB = 'iCab';  //<br />	const BROWSER_OMNIWEB = 'OmniWeb';//<br />	const BROWSER_FIREBIRD = 'Firebird';  //<br />	const BROWSER_FIREFOX = 'Firefox';//<br />	const BROWSER_ICEWEASEL = 'Iceweasel';//<br />	const BROWSER_SHIRETOKO = 'Shiretoko';//<br />	const BROWSER_MOZILLA = 'Mozilla';//<br />	const BROWSER_AMAYA = 'Amaya';//<br />	const BROWSER_LYNX = 'Lynx';  //<br />	const BROWSER_SAFARI = 'Safari';  //<br />	const BROWSER_IPHONE = 'iPhone';  //<br />	const BROWSER_IPOD = 'iPod';  //<br />	const BROWSER_IPAD = 'iPad';  //<br />	const BROWSER_CHROME = 'Chrome';  //<br />	const BROWSER_ANDROID = 'Android';//<br />	const BROWSER_GOOGLEBOT = 'GoogleBot';//<br />	const BROWSER_SLURP = 'Yahoo! Slurp'; //!_Slurp<br />	const BROWSER_W3CVALIDATOR = 'W3C Validator'; //<br />	const BROWSER_BLACKBERRY = 'BlackBerry';  //<br />	const BROWSER_ICECAT = 'IceCat';  //<br />	const BROWSER_NOKIA_S60 = 'Nokia S60 OSS Browser';//<br />	const BROWSER_NOKIA = 'Nokia Browser';// * all other WAP-based browsers on the Nokia Platform<br />	const BROWSER_MSN = 'MSN Browser';//<br />	const BROWSER_MSNBOT = 'MSN Bot'; //<br />	  //  (used for Bing as well)<br />	<br />	const BROWSER_NETSCAPE_NAVIGATOR = 'Netscape Navigator';  // (DEPRECATED)<br />	const BROWSER_GALEON = 'Galeon';  // (DEPRECATED)<br />	const BROWSER_NETPOSITIVE = 'NetPositive';// (DEPRECATED)<br />	const BROWSER_PHOENIX = 'Phoenix';// (DEPRECATED)<br /><br />	const PLATFORM_UNKNOWN = 'unknown';<br />	const PLATFORM_WINDOWS = 'Windows';<br />	const PLATFORM_WINDOWS_CE = 'Windows CE';<br />	const PLATFORM_APPLE = 'Apple';<br />	const PLATFORM_LINUX = 'Linux';<br />	const PLATFORM_OS2 = 'OS/2';<br />	const PLATFORM_BEOS = 'BeOS';<br />	const PLATFORM_IPHONE = 'iPhone';<br />	const PLATFORM_IPOD = 'iPod';<br />	const PLATFORM_IPAD = 'iPad';<br />	const PLATFORM_BLACKBERRY = 'BlackBerry';<br />	const PLATFORM_NOKIA = 'Nokia';<br />	const PLATFORM_FREEBSD = 'FreeBSD';<br />	const PLATFORM_OPENBSD = 'OpenBSD';<br />	const PLATFORM_NETBSD = 'NetBSD';<br />	const PLATFORM_SUNOS = 'SunOS';<br />	const PLATFORM_OPENSOLARIS = 'OpenSolaris';<br />	const PLATFORM_ANDROID = 'Android';<br />	<br />	const OPERATING_SYSTEM_UNKNOWN = 'unknown';<br /><br />	public function Browser($useragent="") {<br />		$this->reset();<br />		if( $useragent != "" ) {<br />			$this->setUserAgent($useragent);<br />		}<br />		else {<br />			$this->determine();<br />		}<br />	}<br /><br />	/**<br />	* Reset all properties<br />	*/<br />	public function reset() {<br />		$this->_agent = isset($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']) ? $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'] : "";<br />		$this->_browser_name = self::BROWSER_UNKNOWN;<br />		$this->_version = self::VERSION_UNKNOWN;<br />		$this->_platform = self::PLATFORM_UNKNOWN;<br />		$this->_os = self::OPERATING_SYSTEM_UNKNOWN;<br />		$this->_is_aol = false;<br />		$this->_is_mobile = false;<br />		$this->_is_robot = false;<br />		$this->_aol_version = self::VERSION_UNKNOWN;<br />	}<br /><br />	/**<br />	* Check to see if the specific browser is valid<br />	* @param string $browserName<br />	* @return True if the browser is the specified browser<br />	*/<br />	function isBrowser($browserName) { return( 0 == strcasecmp($this->_browser_name, trim($browserName))); }<br /><br />	/**<br />	* The name of the browser.  All return types are from the class contants<br />	* @return string Name of the browser<br />	*/<br />	public function getBrowser() { return $this->_browser_name; }<br />	/**<br />	* Set the name of the browser<br />	* @param $browser The name of the Browser<br />	*/<br />	public function setBrowser($browser) { return $this->_browser_name = $browser; }<br />	/**<br />	* The name of the platform.  All return types are from the class contants<br />	* @return string Name of the browser<br />	*/<br />	public function getPlatform() { return $this->_platform; }<br />	/**<br />	* Set the name of the platform<br />	* @param $platform The name of the Platform<br />	*/<br />	public function setPlatform($platform) { return $this->_platform = $platform; }<br />	/**<br />	* The version of the browser.<br />	* @return string Version of the browser (will only contain alpha-numeric characters and a period)<br />	*/<br />	public function getVersion() { return $this->_version; }<br />	/**<br />	* Set the version of the browser<br />	* @param $version The version of the Browser<br />	*/<br />	public function setVersion($version) { $this->_version = preg_replace('/[^0-9,.,a-z,A-Z-]/','',$version); }<br />	/**<br />	* The version of AOL.<br />	* @return string Version of AOL (will only contain alpha-numeric characters and a period)<br />	*/<br />	public function getAolVersion() { return $this->_aol_version; }<br />	/**<br />	* Set the version of AOL<br />	* @param $version The version of AOL<br />	*/<br />	public function setAolVersion($version) { $this->_aol_version = preg_replace('/[^0-9,.,a-z,A-Z]/','',$version); }<br />	/**<br />	* Is the browser from AOL?<br />	* @return boolean True if the browser is from AOL otherwise false<br />	*/<br />	public function isAol() { return $this->_is_aol; }<br />	/**<br />	* Is the browser from a mobile device?<br />	* @return boolean True if the browser is from a mobile device otherwise false<br />	*/<br />	public function isMobile() { return $this->_is_mobile; }<br />	/**<br />	* Is the browser from a robot (ex Slurp,GoogleBot)?<br />	* @return boolean True if the browser is from a robot otherwise false<br />	*/<br />	public function isRobot() { return $this->_is_robot; }<br />	/**<br />	* Set the browser to be from AOL<br />	* @param $isAol<br />	*/<br />	public function setAol($isAol) { $this->_is_aol = $isAol; }<br />	/**<br />	 * Set the Browser to be mobile<br />	 * @param boolean $value is the browser a mobile brower or not<br />	 */<br />	protected function setMobile($value=true) { $this->_is_mobile = $value; }<br />	/**<br />	 * Set the Browser to be a robot<br />	 * @param boolean $value is the browser a robot or not<br />	 */<br />	protected function setRobot($value=true) { $this->_is_robot = $value; }<br />	/**<br />	* Get the user agent value in use to determine the browser<br />	* @return string The user agent from the HTTP header<br />	*/<br />	public function getUserAgent() { return $this->_agent; }<br />	/**<br />	* Set the user agent value (the construction will use the HTTP header value - this will overwrite it)<br />	* @param $agent_string The value for the User Agent<br />	*/<br />	public function setUserAgent($agent_string) {<br />		$this->reset();<br />		$this->_agent = $agent_string;<br />		$this->determine();<br />	}<br />	/**<br />	 * Used to determine if the browser is actually "chromeframe"<br />	 * @since 1.7<br />	 * @return boolean True if the browser is using chromeframe<br />	 */<br />	public function isChromeFrame() {<br />		return( strpos($this->_agent,"chromeframe") !== false );<br />	}<br />	/**<br />	* Returns a formatted string with a summary of the details of the browser.<br />	* @return string formatted string with a summary of the browser<br />	*/<br />	public function __toString() {<br />		return "<strong>Browser Name:</strong>{$this->getBrowser()}<br/>\n" .<br />		   "<strong>Browser Version:</strong>{$this->getVersion()}<br/>\n" .<br />		   "<strong>Browser User Agent String:</strong>{$this->getUserAgent()}<br/>\n" .<br />		   "<strong>Platform:</strong>{$this->getPlatform()}<br/>";<br />	}<br />	/**<br />	 * Protected routine to calculate and determine what the browser is in use (including platform)<br />	 */<br />	protected function determine() {<br />		$this->checkPlatform();<br />		$this->checkBrowsers();<br />		$this->checkForAol();<br />	}<br />	/**<br />	 * Protected routine to determine the browser type<br />	 * @return boolean True if the browser was detected otherwise false<br />	 */<br />	 protected function checkBrowsers() {<br />		return (<br />			// well-known, well-used<br />			// Special Notes:<br />			// (1) Opera must be checked before FireFox due to the odd<br />			// user agents used in some older versions of Opera<br />			// (2) WebTV is strapped onto Internet Explorer so we must<br />			// check for WebTV before IE<br />			// (3) (deprecated) Galeon is based on Firefox and needs to be<br />			// tested before Firefox is tested<br />			// (4) OmniWeb is based on Safari so OmniWeb check must occur<br />			// before Safari<br />			// (5) Netscape 9+ is based on Firefox so Netscape checks<br />			// before FireFox are necessary<br />			$this->checkBrowserWebTv() ||<br />			$this->checkBrowserInternetExplorer() ||<br />			$this->checkBrowserOpera() ||<br />			$this->checkBrowserGaleon() ||<br />			$this->checkBrowserNetscapeNavigator9Plus() ||<br />			$this->checkBrowserFirefox() ||<br />			$this->checkBrowserChrome() ||<br />			$this->checkBrowserOmniWeb() ||<br /><br />			// common mobile<br />			$this->checkBrowserAndroid() ||<br />			$this->checkBrowseriPad() ||<br />			$this->checkBrowseriPod() ||<br />			$this->checkBrowseriPhone() ||<br />			$this->checkBrowserBlackBerry() ||<br />			$this->checkBrowserNokia() ||<br /><br />			// common bots<br />			$this->checkBrowserGoogleBot() ||<br />			$this->checkBrowserMSNBot() ||<br />			$this->checkBrowserSlurp() ||<br /><br />			// WebKit base check (post mobile and others)<br />			$this->checkBrowserSafari() ||<br />			<br />			// everyone else<br />			$this->checkBrowserNetPositive() ||<br />			$this->checkBrowserFirebird() ||<br />			$this->checkBrowserKonqueror() ||<br />			$this->checkBrowserIcab() ||<br />			$this->checkBrowserPhoenix() ||<br />			$this->checkBrowserAmaya() ||<br />			$this->checkBrowserLynx() ||<br />			$this->checkBrowserShiretoko() ||<br />			$this->checkBrowserIceCat() ||<br />			$this->checkBrowserW3CValidator() ||<br />			$this->checkBrowserMozilla() /* Mozilla is such an open standard that you must check it last */<br />		);<br />	}<br /><br />	/**<br />	 * Determine if the user is using a BlackBerry (last updated 1.7)<br />	 * @return boolean True if the browser is the BlackBerry browser otherwise false<br />	 */<br />	protected function checkBrowserBlackBerry() {<br />		if( stripos($this->_agent,'blackberry') !== false ) {<br />			$aresult = explode("/",stristr($this->_agent,"BlackBerry"));<br />			$aversion = explode(' ',$aresult[1]);<br />			$this->setVersion($aversion[0]);<br />			$this->_browser_name = self::BROWSER_BLACKBERRY;<br />			$this->setMobile(true);<br />			return true;<br />		}<br />		return false;<br />	}<br /><br />	/**<br />	 * Determine if the user is using an AOL User Agent (last updated 1.7)<br />	 * @return boolean True if the browser is from AOL otherwise false<br />	 */<br />	protected function checkForAol() {<br />			$this->setAol(false);<br />			$this->setAolVersion(self::VERSION_UNKNOWN);<br /><br />			if( stripos($this->_agent,'aol') !== false ) {<br />			$aversion = explode(' ',stristr($this->_agent, 'AOL'));<br />			$this->setAol(true);<br />			$this->setAolVersion(preg_replace('/[^0-9\.a-z]/i', '', $aversion[1]));<br />			return true;<br />		}<br />		return false;<br />	}<br /><br />	/**<br />	 * Determine if the browser is the GoogleBot or not (last updated 1.7)<br />	 * @return boolean True if the browser is the GoogletBot otherwise false<br />	 */<br />	protected function checkBrowserGoogleBot() {<br />		if( stripos($this->_agent,'googlebot') !== false ) {<br />				$aresult = explode('/',stristr($this->_agent,'googlebot'));<br />				$aversion = explode(' ',$aresult[1]);<br />				$this->setVersion(str_replace(';','',$aversion[0]));<br />				$this->_browser_name = self::BROWSER_GOOGLEBOT;<br />				$this->setRobot(true);<br />				return true;<br />		}<br />		return false;<br />	}<br /><br />		/**<br />	 * Determine if the browser is the MSNBot or not (last updated 1.9)<br />	 * @return boolean True if the browser is the MSNBot otherwise false<br />	 */<br />		protected function checkBrowserMSNBot() {<br />			if( stripos($this->_agent,"msnbot") !== false ) {<br />				$aresult = explode("/",stristr($this->_agent,"msnbot"));<br />				$aversion = explode(" ",$aresult[1]);<br />				$this->setVersion(str_replace(";","",$aversion[0]));<br />				$this->_browser_name = self::BROWSER_MSNBOT;<br />				$this->setRobot(true);<br />				return true;<br />			}<br />			return false;<br />		}	<br />	<br />	/**<br />	 * Determine if the browser is the W3C Validator or not (last updated 1.7)<br />	 * @return boolean True if the browser is the W3C Validator otherwise false<br />	 */<br />	protected function checkBrowserW3CValidator() {<br />		if( stripos($this->_agent,'W3C-checklink') !== false ) {<br />			$aresult = explode('/',stristr($this->_agent,'W3C-checklink'));<br />			$aversion = explode(' ',$aresult[1]);<br />			$this->setVersion($aversion[0]);<br />			$this->_browser_name = self::BROWSER_W3CVALIDATOR;<br />			return true;<br />		}<br />		else if( stripos($this->_agent,'W3C_Validator') !== false ) {<br />				// Some of the Validator versions do not delineate w/ a slash - add it back in<br />				$ua = str_replace("W3C_Validator ", "W3C_Validator/", $this->_agent);<br />			$aresult = explode('/',stristr($ua,'W3C_Validator'));<br />			$aversion = explode(' ',$aresult[1]);<br />			$this->setVersion($aversion[0]);<br />			$this->_browser_name = self::BROWSER_W3CVALIDATOR;<br />			return true;<br />		}<br />		return false;<br />	}<br /><br />	/**<br />	 * Determine if the browser is the Yahoo! Slurp Robot or not (last updated 1.7)<br />	 * @return boolean True if the browser is the Yahoo! Slurp Robot otherwise false<br />	 */<br />	protected function checkBrowserSlurp() {<br />		if( stripos($this->_agent,'slurp') !== false ) {<br />			$aresult = explode('/',stristr($this->_agent,'Slurp'));<br />			$aversion = explode(' ',$aresult[1]);<br />			$this->setVersion($aversion[0]);<br />			$this->_browser_name = self::BROWSER_SLURP;<br />				$this->setRobot(true);<br />				$this->setMobile(false);<br />			return true;<br />		}<br />		return false;<br />	}<br /><br />	/**<br />	 * Determine if the browser is Internet Explorer or not (last updated 1.7)<br />	 * @return boolean True if the browser is Internet Explorer otherwise false<br />	 */<br />	protected function checkBrowserInternetExplorer() {<br /><br />		// Test for v1 - v1.5 IE<br />		if( stripos($this->_agent,'microsoft internet explorer') !== false ) {<br />			$this->setBrowser(self::BROWSER_IE);<br />			$this->setVersion('1.0');<br />			$aresult = stristr($this->_agent, '/');<br />			if( preg_match('/308|425|426|474|0b1/i', $aresult) ) {<br />				$this->setVersion('1.5');<br />			}<br />				return true;<br />		}<br />		// Test for versions > 1.5<br />		else if( stripos($this->_agent,'msie') !== false && stripos($this->_agent,'opera') === false ) {<br />			// See if the browser is the odd MSN Explorer<br />			if( stripos($this->_agent,'msnb') !== false ) {<br />				$aresult = explode(' ',stristr(str_replace(';','; ',$this->_agent),'MSN'));<br />				$this->setBrowser( self::BROWSER_MSN );<br />				$this->setVersion(str_replace(array('(',')',';'),'',$aresult[1]));<br />				return true;<br />			}<br />			$aresult = explode(' ',stristr(str_replace(';','; ',$this->_agent),'msie'));<br />			$this->setBrowser( self::BROWSER_IE );<br />			$this->setVersion(str_replace(array('(',')',';'),'',$aresult[1]));<br />			return true;<br />		}<br />		// Test for Pocket IE<br />		else if( stripos($this->_agent,'mspie') !== false || stripos($this->_agent,'pocket') !== false ) {<br />			$aresult = explode(' ',stristr($this->_agent,'mspie'));<br />			$this->setPlatform( self::PLATFORM_WINDOWS_CE );<br />			$this->setBrowser( self::BROWSER_POCKET_IE );<br />			$this->setMobile(true);<br /><br />			if( stripos($this->_agent,'mspie') !== false ) {<br />				$this->setVersion($aresult[1]);<br />			}<br />			else {<br />				$aversion = explode('/',$this->_agent);<br />				$this->setVersion($aversion[1]);<br />			}<br />			return true;<br />		}<br />			return false;<br />	}<br /><br />	/**<br />	 * Determine if the browser is Opera or not (last updated 1.7)<br />	 * @return boolean True if the browser is Opera otherwise false<br />	 */<br />	protected function checkBrowserOpera() {<br />		if( stripos($this->_agent,'opera mini') !== false ) {<br />			$resultant = stristr($this->_agent, 'opera mini');<br />			if( preg_match('/\//',$resultant) ) {<br />				$aresult = explode('/',$resultant);<br />				$aversion = explode(' ',$aresult[1]);<br />				$this->setVersion($aversion[0]);<br />				}<br />			else {<br />				$aversion = explode(' ',stristr($resultant,'opera mini'));<br />				$this->setVersion($aversion[1]);<br />			}<br />			$this->_browser_name = self::BROWSER_OPERA_MINI;<br />				$this->setMobile(true);<br />				return true;<br />		}<br />		else if( stripos($this->_agent,'opera') !== false ) {<br />			$resultant = stristr($this->_agent, 'opera');<br />			if( preg_match('/Version\/(10.*)$/',$resultant,$matches) ) {<br />				$this->setVersion($matches[1]);<br />			}<br />			else if( preg_match('/\//',$resultant) ) {<br />				$aresult = explode('/',str_replace("("," ",$resultant));<br />				$aversion = explode(' ',$aresult[1]);<br />				$this->setVersion($aversion[0]);<br />			}<br />			else {<br />				$aversion = explode(' ',stristr($resultant,'opera'));<br />				$this->setVersion(isset($aversion[1])?$aversion[1]:"");<br />			}<br />			$this->_browser_name = self::BROWSER_OPERA;<br />			return true;<br />		}<br />			return false;<br />	}<br /><br />	/**<br />	 * Determine if the browser is Chrome or not (last updated 1.7)<br />	 * @return boolean True if the browser is Chrome otherwise false<br />	 */<br />	protected function checkBrowserChrome() {<br />		if( stripos($this->_agent,'Chrome') !== false ) {<br />			$aresult = explode('/',stristr($this->_agent,'Chrome'));<br />			$aversion = explode(' ',$aresult[1]);<br />			$this->setVersion($aversion[0]);<br />			$this->setBrowser(self::BROWSER_CHROME);<br />			return true;<br />		}<br />		return false;<br />	}<br /><br /><br />	/**<br />	 * Determine if the browser is WebTv or not (last updated 1.7)<br />	 * @return boolean True if the browser is WebTv otherwise false<br />	 */<br />	protected function checkBrowserWebTv() {<br />		if( stripos($this->_agent,'webtv') !== false ) {<br />			$aresult = explode('/',stristr($this->_agent,'webtv'));<br />			$aversion = explode(' ',$aresult[1]);<br />			$this->setVersion($aversion[0]);<br />			$this->setBrowser(self::BROWSER_WEBTV);<br />			return true;<br />		}<br />		return false;<br />	}<br /><br />	/**<br />	 * Determine if the browser is NetPositive or not (last updated 1.7)<br />	 * @return boolean True if the browser is NetPositive otherwise false<br />	 */<br />	protected function checkBrowserNetPositive() {<br />		if( stripos($this->_agent,'NetPositive') !== false ) {<br />			$aresult = explode('/',stristr($this->_agent,'NetPositive'));<br />			$aversion = explode(' ',$aresult[1]);<br />			$this->setVersion(str_replace(array('(',')',';'),'',$aversion[0]));<br />			$this->setBrowser(self::BROWSER_NETPOSITIVE);<br />			return true;<br />		}<br />		return false;<br />	}<br /><br />	/**<br />	 * Determine if the browser is Galeon or not (last updated 1.7)<br />	 * @return boolean True if the browser is Galeon otherwise false<br />	 */<br />	protected function checkBrowserGaleon() {<br />		if( stripos($this->_agent,'galeon') !== false ) {<br />			$aresult = explode(' ',stristr($this->_agent,'galeon'));<br />			$aversion = explode('/',$aresult[0]);<br />			$this->setVersion($aversion[1]);<br />			$this->setBrowser(self::BROWSER_GALEON);<br />			return true;<br />		}<br />		return false;<br />	}<br /><br />	/**<br />	 * Determine if the browser is Konqueror or not (last updated 1.7)<br />	 * @return boolean True if the browser is Konqueror otherwise false<br />	 */<br />	protected function checkBrowserKonqueror() {<br />		if( stripos($this->_agent,'Konqueror') !== false ) {<br />			$aresult = explode(' ',stristr($this->_agent,'Konqueror'));<br />			$aversion = explode('/',$aresult[0]);<br />			$this->setVersion($aversion[1]);<br />			$this->setBrowser(self::BROWSER_KONQUEROR);<br />			return true;<br />		}<br />		return false;<br />	}<br /><br />	/**<br />	 * Determine if the browser is iCab or not (last updated 1.7)<br />	 * @return boolean True if the browser is iCab otherwise false<br />	 */<br />	protected function checkBrowserIcab() {<br />		if( stripos($this->_agent,'icab') !== false ) {<br />			$aversion = explode(' ',stristr(str_replace('/',' ',$this->_agent),'icab'));<br />			$this->setVersion($aversion[1]);<br />			$this->setBrowser(self::BROWSER_ICAB);<br />			return true;<br />		}<br />		return false;<br />	}<br /><br />	/**<br />	 * Determine if the browser is OmniWeb or not (last updated 1.7)<br />	 * @return boolean True if the browser is OmniWeb otherwise false<br />	 */<br />	protected function checkBrowserOmniWeb() {<br />		if( stripos($this->_agent,'omniweb') !== false ) {<br />			$aresult = explode('/',stristr($this->_agent,'omniweb'));<br />			$aversion = explode(' ',isset($aresult[1])?$aresult[1]:"");<br />			$this->setVersion($aversion[0]);<br />			$this->setBrowser(self::BROWSER_OMNIWEB);<br />			return true;<br />		}<br />		return false;<br />	}<br /><br />	/**<br />	 * Determine if the browser is Phoenix or not (last updated 1.7)<br />	 * @return boolean True if the browser is Phoenix otherwise false<br />	 */<br />	protected function checkBrowserPhoenix() {<br />		if( stripos($this->_agent,'Phoenix') !== false ) {<br />			$aversion = explode('/',stristr($this->_agent,'Phoenix'));<br />			$this->setVersion($aversion[1]);<br />			$this->setBrowser(self::BROWSER_PHOENIX);<br />			return true;<br />		}<br />		return false;<br />	}<br /><br />	/**<br />	 * Determine if the browser is Firebird or not (last updated 1.7)<br />	 * @return boolean True if the browser is Firebird otherwise false<br />	 */<br />	protected function checkBrowserFirebird() {<br />		if( stripos($this->_agent,'Firebird') !== false ) {<br />			$aversion = explode('/',stristr($this->_agent,'Firebird'));<br />			$this->setVersion($aversion[1]);<br />			$this->setBrowser(self::BROWSER_FIREBIRD);<br />				return true;<br />		}<br />		return false;<br />	}<br /><br />	/**<br />	 * Determine if the browser is Netscape Navigator 9+ or not (last updated 1.7)<br />		 * NOTE: ( - Official support ended on March 1st, 2008)<br />	 * @return boolean True if the browser is Netscape Navigator 9+ otherwise false<br />	 */<br />	protected function checkBrowserNetscapeNavigator9Plus() {<br />		if( stripos($this->_agent,'Firefox') !== false && preg_match('/Navigator\/([^ ]*)/i',$this->_agent,$matches) ) {<br />			$this->setVersion($matches[1]);<br />			$this->setBrowser(self::BROWSER_NETSCAPE_NAVIGATOR);<br />			return true;<br />		}<br />		else if( stripos($this->_agent,'Firefox') === false && preg_match('/Netscape6?\/([^ ]*)/i',$this->_agent,$matches) ) {<br />			$this->setVersion($matches[1]);<br />			$this->setBrowser(self::BROWSER_NETSCAPE_NAVIGATOR);<br />			return true;<br />		}<br />		return false;<br />	}<br /><br />	/**<br />	 * Determine if the browser is Shiretoko or not ( (last updated 1.7)<br />	 * @return boolean True if the browser is Shiretoko otherwise false<br />	 */<br />	protected function checkBrowserShiretoko() {<br />		if( stripos($this->_agent,'Mozilla') !== false && preg_match('/Shiretoko\/([^ ]*)/i',$this->_agent,$matches) ) {<br />			$this->setVersion($matches[1]);<br />			$this->setBrowser(self::BROWSER_SHIRETOKO);<br />			return true;<br />		}<br />		return false;<br />	}<br /><br />	/**<br />	 * Determine if the browser is Ice Cat or not ( (last updated 1.7)<br />	 * @return boolean True if the browser is Ice Cat otherwise false<br />	 */<br />	protected function checkBrowserIceCat() {<br />		if( stripos($this->_agent,'Mozilla') !== false && preg_match('/IceCat\/([^ ]*)/i',$this->_agent,$matches) ) {<br />			$this->setVersion($matches[1]);<br />			$this->setBrowser(self::BROWSER_ICECAT);<br />			return true;<br />		}<br />		return false;<br />	}<br /><br />	/**<br />	 * Determine if the browser is Nokia or not (last updated 1.7)<br />	 * @return boolean True if the browser is Nokia otherwise false<br />	 */<br />	protected function checkBrowserNokia() {<br />		if( preg_match("/Nokia([^\/]+)\/([^ SP]+)/i",$this->_agent,$matches) ) {<br />			$this->setVersion($matches[2]);<br />				if( stripos($this->_agent,'Series60') !== false || strpos($this->_agent,'S60') !== false ) {<br />					$this->setBrowser(self::BROWSER_NOKIA_S60);<br />				}<br />				else {<br />					$this->setBrowser( self::BROWSER_NOKIA );<br />				}<br />			$this->setMobile(true);<br />			return true;<br />		}<br />			return false;<br />	}<br /><br />	/**<br />	 * Determine if the browser is Firefox or not (last updated 1.7)<br />	 * @return boolean True if the browser is Firefox otherwise false<br />	 */<br />	protected function checkBrowserFirefox() {<br />		if( stripos($this->_agent,'safari') === false ) {<br />				if( preg_match("/Firefox[\/ \(]([^ ;\)]+)/i",$this->_agent,$matches) ) {<br />					$this->setVersion($matches[1]);<br />					$this->setBrowser(self::BROWSER_FIREFOX);<br />					return true;<br />				}<br />				else if( preg_match("/Firefox$/i",$this->_agent,$matches) ) {<br />					$this->setVersion("");<br />					$this->setBrowser(self::BROWSER_FIREFOX);<br />					return true;<br />				}<br />			}<br />		return false;<br />	}<br /><br />		/**<br />	 * Determine if the browser is Firefox or not (last updated 1.7)<br />	 * @return boolean True if the browser is Firefox otherwise false<br />	 */<br />	protected function checkBrowserIceweasel() {<br />			if( stripos($this->_agent,'Iceweasel') !== false ) {<br />				$aresult = explode('/',stristr($this->_agent,'Iceweasel'));<br />				$aversion = explode(' ',$aresult[1]);<br />				$this->setVersion($aversion[0]);<br />				$this->setBrowser(self::BROWSER_ICEWEASEL);<br />				return true;<br />			}<br />			return false;<br />		}<br />	/**<br />	 * Determine if the browser is Mozilla or not (last updated 1.7)<br />	 * @return boolean True if the browser is Mozilla otherwise false<br />	 */<br />	protected function checkBrowserMozilla() {<br />		if( stripos($this->_agent,'mozilla') !== false  && preg_match('/rv:[0-9].[0-9][a-b]?/i',$this->_agent) && stripos($this->_agent,'netscape') === false) {<br />			$aversion = explode(' ',stristr($this->_agent,'rv:'));<br />			preg_match('/rv:[0-9].[0-9][a-b]?/i',$this->_agent,$aversion);<br />			$this->setVersion(str_replace('rv:','',$aversion[0]));<br />			$this->setBrowser(self::BROWSER_MOZILLA);<br />			return true;<br />		}<br />		else if( stripos($this->_agent,'mozilla') !== false && preg_match('/rv:[0-9]\.[0-9]/i',$this->_agent) && stripos($this->_agent,'netscape') === false ) {<br />			$aversion = explode('',stristr($this->_agent,'rv:'));<br />			$this->setVersion(str_replace('rv:','',$aversion[0]));<br />			$this->setBrowser(self::BROWSER_MOZILLA);<br />			return true;<br />		}<br />		else if( stripos($this->_agent,'mozilla') !== false  && preg_match('/mozilla\/([^ ]*)/i',$this->_agent,$matches) && stripos($this->_agent,'netscape') === false ) {<br />			$this->setVersion($matches[1]);<br />			$this->setBrowser(self::BROWSER_MOZILLA);<br />			return true;<br />		}<br />			return false;<br />	}<br /><br />	/**<br />	 * Determine if the browser is Lynx or not (last updated 1.7)<br />	 * @return boolean True if the browser is Lynx otherwise false<br />	 */<br />	protected function checkBrowserLynx() <br />	{<br />		if( stripos($this->_agent,'lynx') !== false ) {<br />			$aresult = explode('/',stristr($this->_agent,'Lynx'));<br />			$aversion = explode(' ',(isset($aresult[1])?$aresult[1]:""));<br />			$this->setVersion($aversion[0]);<br />			$this->setBrowser(self::BROWSER_LYNX);<br />			return true;<br />		}<br />		return false;<br />	}<br /><br />	/**<br />	 * Determine if the browser is Amaya or not (last updated 1.7)<br />	 * @return boolean True if the browser is Amaya otherwise false<br />	 */<br />	protected function checkBrowserAmaya() <br />	{<br />		if( stripos($this->_agent,'amaya') !== false ) {<br />			$aresult = explode('/',stristr($this->_agent,'Amaya'));<br />			$aversion = explode(' ',$aresult[1]);<br />			$this->setVersion($aversion[0]);<br />			$this->setBrowser(self::BROWSER_AMAYA);<br />			return true;<br />		}<br />		return false;<br />	}<br /><br />	/**<br />	 * Determine if the browser is Safari or not (last updated 1.7)<br />	 * @return boolean True if the browser is Safari otherwise false<br />	 */<br />	protected function checkBrowserSafari() <br />	{<br />		if( stripos($this->_agent,'Safari') !== false && stripos($this->_agent,'iPhone') === false && stripos($this->_agent,'iPod') === false ) {<br />			$aresult = explode('/',stristr($this->_agent,'Version'));<br />			if( isset($aresult[1]) ) {<br />				$aversion = explode(' ',$aresult[1]);<br />				$this->setVersion($aversion[0]);<br />			}<br />			else $this->setVersion(self::VERSION_UNKNOWN);<br />			$this->setBrowser(self::BROWSER_SAFARI);<br />			return true;<br />		}<br />		return false;<br />	}<br /><br />	/**<br />	 * Determine if the browser is iPhone or not (last updated 1.7)<br />	 * @return boolean True if the browser is iPhone otherwise false<br />	 */<br />	protected function checkBrowseriPhone() <br />	{<br />		if( stripos($this->_agent,'iPhone') !== false ) {<br />			$aresult = explode('/',stristr($this->_agent,'Version'));<br />			if( isset($aresult[1]) ) {<br />				$aversion = explode(' ',$aresult[1]);<br />				$this->setVersion($aversion[0]);<br />			}<br />			else $this->setVersion(self::VERSION_UNKNOWN);<br />			$this->setMobile(true);<br />			$this->setBrowser(self::BROWSER_IPHONE);<br />			return true;<br />		}<br />		return false;<br />	}<br /><br />	/**<br />	 * Determine if the browser is iPod or not (last updated 1.7)<br />	 * @return boolean True if the browser is iPod otherwise false<br />	 */<br />	protected function checkBrowseriPad() <br />	{<br />		if( stripos($this->_agent,'iPad') !== false ) {<br />			$aresult = explode('/',stristr($this->_agent,'Version'));<br />			if( isset($aresult[1]) ) {<br />				$aversion = explode(' ',$aresult[1]);<br />				$this->setVersion($aversion[0]);<br />			}<br />			else $this->setVersion(self::VERSION_UNKNOWN);<br />			$this->setMobile(true);<br />			$this->setBrowser(self::BROWSER_IPAD);<br />			return true;<br />		}<br />		return false;<br />	}<br /><br />	/**<br />	 * Determine if the browser is iPod or not (last updated 1.7)<br />	 * @return boolean True if the browser is iPod otherwise false<br />	 */<br />	protected function checkBrowseriPod() <br />	{<br />		if( stripos($this->_agent,'iPod') !== false ) {<br />			$aresult = explode('/',stristr($this->_agent,'Version'));<br />			if( isset($aresult[1]) ) {<br />				$aversion = explode(' ',$aresult[1]);<br />				$this->setVersion($aversion[0]);<br />			}<br />			else $this->setVersion(self::VERSION_UNKNOWN);<br />			$this->setMobile(true);<br />			$this->setBrowser(self::BROWSER_IPOD);<br />			return true;<br />		}<br />		return false;<br />	}<br /><br />	/**<br />	 * Determine if the browser is Android or not (last updated 1.7)<br />	 * @return boolean True if the browser is Android otherwise false<br />	 */<br />	protected function checkBrowserAndroid() <br />	{<br />		if( stripos($this->_agent,'Android') !== false ) {<br />			$aresult = explode(' ',stristr($this->_agent,'Android'));<br />			if( isset($aresult[1]) ) {<br />				$aversion = explode(' ',$aresult[1]);<br />				$this->setVersion($aversion[0]);<br />			}<br />			else $this->setVersion(self::VERSION_UNKNOWN);<br />			$this->setMobile(true);<br />			$this->setBrowser(self::BROWSER_ANDROID);<br />			return true;<br />		}<br />		return false;<br />	}<br /><br />	/**<br />	 * Determine the user's platform (last updated 1.7)<br />	 */<br />	protected function checkPlatform() <br />	{<br />		if( stripos($this->_agent, 'windows') !== false ) $this->_platform = self::PLATFORM_WINDOWS;<br />		else if( stripos($this->_agent, 'iPad') !== false ) $this->_platform = self::PLATFORM_IPAD;<br />		else if( stripos($this->_agent, 'iPod') !== false ) $this->_platform = self::PLATFORM_IPOD;<br />		else if( stripos($this->_agent, 'iPhone') !== false ) $this->_platform = self::PLATFORM_IPHONE;<br />		elseif( stripos($this->_agent, 'mac') !== false ) $this->_platform = self::PLATFORM_APPLE;<br />		elseif( stripos($this->_agent, 'android') !== false ) $this->_platform = self::PLATFORM_ANDROID;<br />		elseif( stripos($this->_agent, 'linux') !== false ) $this->_platform = self::PLATFORM_LINUX;<br />		else if( stripos($this->_agent, 'Nokia') !== false ) $this->_platform = self::PLATFORM_NOKIA;<br />		else if( stripos($this->_agent, 'BlackBerry') !== false ) $this->_platform = self::PLATFORM_BLACKBERRY;<br />		elseif( stripos($this->_agent,'FreeBSD') !== false ) $this->_platform = self::PLATFORM_FREEBSD;<br />		elseif( stripos($this->_agent,'OpenBSD') !== false ) $this->_platform = self::PLATFORM_OPENBSD;<br />		elseif( stripos($this->_agent,'NetBSD') !== false ) $this->_platform = self::PLATFORM_NETBSD;<br />		elseif( stripos($this->_agent, 'OpenSolaris') !== false ) $this->_platform = self::PLATFORM_OPENSOLARIS;<br />		elseif( stripos($this->_agent, 'SunOS') !== false ) $this->_platform = self::PLATFORM_SUNOS;<br />		elseif( stripos($this->_agent, 'OS\/2') !== false ) $this->_platform = self::PLATFORM_OS2;<br />		elseif( stripos($this->_agent, 'BeOS') !== false ) $this->_platform = self::PLATFORM_BEOS;<br />		elseif( stripos($this->_agent, 'win') !== false ) $this->_platform = self::PLATFORM_WINDOWS;<br />	}<br /><p>}

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