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これら 2 つの div の間に分離がない理由を理解できる人はいますか? _html/css_WEB-ITnose

リリース: 2016-06-24 12:14:29
1560 人が閲覧しました

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<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN"   "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-strict.dtd"><html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" lang="en" xml:lang="en">  <head>    <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1" />    <title>Starbuzz Coffee</title>    <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="starbuzz.css" />  </head>   <body>  	<div id="allcontent">	    <div id="header">	      <img src="images/header.gif" alt="Starbuzz Coffee header image" />	    </div>	    <div id="main">	      <h1>QUALITY COFFEE, QUALITY CAFFEINE</h1>	      <p>	        At Starbuzz Coffee, we are dedicated to filling all your  caffeine needs through our 	        quality coffees and teas. Sure, we want you to have a great cup of coffee and a great 	        coffee experience as well, but we're the only company that actively monitors and 	        optimizes caffeine levels. So stop by and fill your cup, or order online with our new Bean 	        Machine online order form, and get that quality Starbuzz coffee that you know will meet 	        your caffeine standards.	      </p>	      <p>	        And, did we mention <em>caffeine</em>? We've just started funding the guys doing all 	        the wonderful research at the <a href="http://buzz.headfirstlabs.com"	        title="Read all about caffeine on the Buzz">Caffeine Buzz</a>.	        If you want the latest on coffee and other caffeine products, 	        stop by and pay them a visit.	      </p>	      <h1>OUR STORY</h1>	      <p>	        "A man, a plan, a coffee bean". Okay, that doesn't make a palindrome, but it resulted	        in a damn good cup of coffee.  Starbuzz's CEO is that man, and you already know his 	        plan: a Starbuzz on every corner.	      </p> 	      <p>In only a few years he's executed that plan and today 	        you can enjoy Starbuzz just about anywhere.  And, of course, the big news this year 	        is that Starbuzz teamed up with Head First readers to create Starbuzz's Web presence,  	        which is growing rapidly and helping to meet the caffeine needs of a whole new set of 	        customers.  	      </p>	      <h1>STARBUZZ COFFEE BEVERAGES</h1>	      <p>	        We've got a variety of caffeinated beverages to choose	        from at Starbuzz, including our 	        <a href="beverages.html#house" title="House Blend">House Blend</a>,	        <a href="beverages.html#mocha" title="Mocha Cafe Latte">Mocha Cafe Latte</a>, 	        <a href="beverages.html#cappuccino" title="Cappuccino">Cappuccino</a>,	        and a favorite of our customers, 	        <a href="beverages.html#chai" title="Chai Tea">Chai Tea</a>.	      </p>	      <p>	        We also offer a variety of coffee beans, whole or ground, for you to	        take home with you.  Order your coffee today using our online	        <a href="form.html" title="form.html">Bean Machine</a>, and take	        the Starbuzz Coffee experience home.	      </p>	    </div>	    	    <div id="sidebar">	      <p class="beanheading">	        <img src="images/bag.gif" alt="Bean Machine bag" />	        <br />	        ORDER ONLINE	        with the 	        <a href="form.html">BEAN MACHINE</a>	        <br />	        <span class="slogan">	            FAST <br />	            FRESH <br />	            TO YOUR DOOR <br />	        </span>	      </p>	      <p>	        Why wait?  You can order all our fine coffees right from the Internet with our new, 	        automated Bean Machine.  How does it work?  Just click on the Bean Machine link, 	        enter your order, and behind the scenes, your coffee is roasted, ground 	        (if you want), packaged, and shipped to your door.	      </p>	    </div>		    <div id="footer">	      &copy; 2005, Starbuzz Coffee	      <br />	      All trademarks and registered trademarks appearing on 	      this site are the property of their respective owners.	    </div>	  </div>  </body></html>

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