ホームページ バックエンド開発 PHPチュートリアル PHP で電子メールを送信するメソッドは、単純な電子メール送信クラスに基づいています。

PHP で電子メールを送信するメソッドは、単純な電子メール送信クラスに基づいています。

Jul 29, 2016 am 09:10 AM
body gt return smtp this



class smtp { 
 /* <strong>全局变量</strong> */ 
 var $smtp_port; 
 var $time_out; 
 var $host_name; 
 var $log_file; 
 var $relay_host; 
 var $debug; 
 var $auth; 
 var $user; 
 var $pass; 
 var $sock; 
 /* 构造函数 */ 
 function smtp($relay_host = "", $smtp_port = 25, $auth = false, $log_file="", $user="", $pass="") { 
  $this-&gt;debug = FALSE; 
  $this-&gt;smtp_port = $smtp_port; 
  $this-&gt;relay_host = $relay_host; 
  $this-&gt;time_out = 30; //is used in fsockopen() 
  $this-&gt;auth = $auth; //auth 
  $this-&gt;user = $user; 
  $this-&gt;pass = $pass; 
  $this-&gt;host_name = "localhost"; //is used in HELO command 
  $this-&gt;log_file = $log_file; //邮件发送成功失败的日志记录文件  
  $this-&gt;sock = FALSE; 
 function mail_encode($str) 
  //return '=?utf-8?B?'.base64_encode(mb_convert_encoding($str, "GBK", "UTF-8")).'?='; 
  return "=?UTF-8?B?".base64_encode($str)."?=";
 /* 主函数,<strong>发送邮件</strong> */ 
 function sendmail($flag, $boundary, $to, $from, $subject = "", $body = "", $mailtype, $cc = "", $bcc = "", $additional_headers = "") { 
  $mail_from = $this-&gt;get_address ( $this-&gt;strip_comment ( $from ) ); 
  $body = ereg_replace ( '(^|(\r\n))(\.)', "\1.\3", $body ); 
  $header = "MIME-Version:1.0\r\n"; 
  if ($mailtype == "HTML") { 
   if ($flag == 2) { 
    $header .= "Content-Type:multipart/mixed; boundary= $boundary\r\n"; 
   } else { 
    $header .= "Content-Type:text/html; charset=\"UTF-8\" \r\n"; 
  $header .= "To: " . $to . "\r\n";   
  if ($cc != "") { 
   $header .= "Cc: " . $cc . "\r\n"; 
  $header .= "From: $from&lt;" . $from . "&gt;\r\n"; 
  $subject = self::mail_encode($subject); 
  $header .= "Subject: " . $subject . "\r\n"; 
  $header .= $additional_headers; 
  $header .= "Date: " . date ( "r" ) . "\r\n"; 
  $header .= "X-Mailer:By redhat (PHP/" . phpversion () . ")\r\n"; 
  list ( $msec, $sec ) = explode ( " ", microtime () );  
  $header .= "Message-ID: &lt;" . date ( "YmdHis", $sec ) . "." . ($msec * 1000000) . "." . $mail_from . "&gt;\r\n";  
  $TO = explode ( ",", $this-&gt;strip_comment ( $to ) );  
  if ($cc != "") { 
   $TO = array_merge ( $TO, explode ( ",", $this-&gt;strip_comment ( $cc ) ) ); 
  if ($bcc != "") { 
   $TO = array_merge ( $TO, explode ( ",", $this-&gt;strip_comment ( $bcc ) ) ); 
  $sent = TRUE;   
  foreach ( $TO as $rcpt_to ) { 
   $rcpt_to = $this-&gt;get_address ( $rcpt_to );   
   if (! $this-&gt;smtp_sockopen ( $rcpt_to )) { 
    $this-&gt;log_write ( "Error: Cannot send email to " . $rcpt_to . "\n" ); 
    $sent = FALSE; 
   if ($this-&gt;smtp_send ( $this-&gt;host_name, $mail_from, $rcpt_to, $header, $body )) { 
    $this-&gt;log_write ( "E-mail has been sent to &lt;" . $rcpt_to . "&gt;\n" ); 
   } else { 
    $this-&gt;log_write ( "Error: Cannot send email to &lt;" . $rcpt_to . "&gt;\n" ); 
    $sent = FALSE; 
   fclose ( $this-&gt;sock ); 
   $this-&gt;log_write ( "Disconnected from remote host\n" ); 
  return $sent; 
 /* 私有函数 */ 
 function smtp_send($helo, $from, $to, $header, $body = "") { 
  if (! $this-&gt;smtp_putcmd ( "HELO", $helo )) { 
   return $this-&gt;smtp_error ( "sending HELO command" ); 
  if ($this-&gt;auth) { 
   if (! $this-&gt;smtp_putcmd ( "AUTH LOGIN", base64_encode ( $this-&gt;user ) )) { 
    return $this-&gt;smtp_error ( "sending HELO command" ); 
   if (! $this-&gt;smtp_putcmd ( "", base64_encode ( $this-&gt;pass ) )) { 
    return $this-&gt;smtp_error ( "sending HELO command" ); 
  if (! $this-&gt;smtp_putcmd ( "MAIL", "FROM:&lt;" . $from . "&gt;" )) { 
   return $this-&gt;smtp_error ( "sending MAIL FROM command" ); 
  if (! $this-&gt;smtp_putcmd ( "RCPT", "TO:&lt;" . $to . "&gt;" )) { 
   return $this-&gt;smtp_error ( "sending RCPT TO command" ); 
  if (! $this-&gt;smtp_putcmd ( "DATA" )) { 
   return $this-&gt;smtp_error ( "sending DATA command" ); 
  if (! $this-&gt;smtp_message ( $header, $body )) { 
   return $this-&gt;smtp_error ( "sending message" ); 
  if (! $this-&gt;smtp_eom ()) { 
   return $this-&gt;smtp_error ( "sending &lt;CR&gt;&lt;LF&gt;.&lt;CR&gt;&lt;LF&gt; [EOM]" ); 
  if (! $this-&gt;smtp_putcmd ( "QUIT" )) { 
   return $this-&gt;smtp_error ( "sending QUIT command" ); 
  return TRUE; 
 function smtp_sockopen($address) { 
  if ($this-&gt;relay_host == "") { 
   return $this-&gt;smtp_sockopen_mx ( $address ); 
  } else { 
   return $this-&gt;smtp_sockopen_relay (); 
 function smtp_sockopen_relay() { 
  $this-&gt;log_write ( "Trying to " . $this-&gt;relay_host . ":" . $this-&gt;smtp_port . "\n" ); 
  $this-&gt;sock = @fsockopen ( $this-&gt;relay_host, $this-&gt;smtp_port, $errno, $errstr, $this-&gt;time_out ); 
  if (! ($this-&gt;sock &amp;&amp; $this-&gt;smtp_ok ())) { 
   $this-&gt;log_write ( "Error: Cannot connenct to relay host " . $this-&gt;relay_host . "\n" ); 
   $this-&gt;log_write ( "Error: " . $errstr . " (" . $errno . ")\n" ); 
   return FALSE; 
  $this-&gt;log_write ( "Connected to relay host " . $this-&gt;relay_host . "\n" ); 
  return TRUE; 
 function smtp_sockopen_mx($address) { 
  $domain = ereg_replace ( "^.+@([^@]+){1}quot;, "\1", $address ); 
  if (! @getmxrr ( $domain, $MXHOSTS )) { 
   $this-&gt;log_write ( "Error: Cannot resolve MX \"" . $domain . "\"\n" ); 
   return FALSE; 
  foreach ( $MXHOSTS as $host ) { 
   $this-&gt;log_write ( "Trying to " . $host . ":" . $this-&gt;smtp_port . "\n" ); 
   $this-&gt;sock = @fsockopen ( $host, $this-&gt;smtp_port, $errno, $errstr, $this-&gt;time_out ); 
   if (! ($this-&gt;sock &amp;&amp; $this-&gt;smtp_ok ())) { 
    $this-&gt;log_write ( "Warning: Cannot connect to mx host " . $host . "\n" ); 
    $this-&gt;log_write ( "Error: " . $errstr . " (" . $errno . ")\n" ); 
   $this-&gt;log_write ( "Connected to mx host " . $host . "\n" ); 
   return TRUE; 
  $this-&gt;log_write ( "Error: Cannot connect to any mx hosts (" . implode ( ", ", $MXHOSTS ) . ")\n" ); 
  return FALSE; 
 function smtp_message($header, $body) { 
  fputs ( $this-&gt;sock, $header . "\r\n" . $body ); 
  $this-&gt;smtp_debug ( "&gt; " . str_replace ( "\r\n", "\n" . "&gt; ", $header . "\n&gt; " . $body . "\n&gt; " ) ); 
  return TRUE; 
 function smtp_eom() { 
  fputs ( $this-&gt;sock, "\r\n.\r\n" ); 
  $this-&gt;smtp_debug ( ". [EOM]\n" ); 
  return $this-&gt;smtp_ok (); 
 function smtp_ok() { 
  $response = str_replace ( "\r\n", "", fgets ( $this-&gt;sock, 512 ) ); 
  $this-&gt;smtp_debug ( $response . "\n" ); 
  if (! ereg ( "^[23]", $response )) { 
   fputs ( $this-&gt;sock, "QUIT\r\n" ); 
   fgets ( $this-&gt;sock, 512 ); 
   $this-&gt;log_write ( "Error: Remote host returned \"" . $response . "\"\n" ); 
   return FALSE; 
  return TRUE; 
 function smtp_putcmd($cmd, $arg = "") { 
  if ($arg != "") { 
   if ($cmd == "") 
    $cmd = $arg; 
    $cmd = $cmd . " " . $arg; 
  fputs ( $this-&gt;sock, $cmd . "\r\n" ); 
  $this-&gt;smtp_debug ( "&gt; " . $cmd . "\n" ); 
  return $this-&gt;smtp_ok (); 
 function smtp_error($string) { 
  $this-&gt;log_write ( "Error: Error occurred while " . $string . ".\n" ); 
  return FALSE; 
 function log_write($message) { 
  $this-&gt;smtp_debug ( $message ); 
  if ($this-&gt;log_file == "") { 
   return TRUE; 
  $message = date ( "M d H:i:s " ) . get_current_user () . "[" . getmypid () . "]: " . $message; 
  if (! @file_exists ( $this-&gt;log_file ) || ! ($fp = @fopen ( $this-&gt;log_file, "a" ))) { 
   $this-&gt;smtp_debug ( "Warning: Cannot open log file \"" . $this-&gt;log_file . "\"\n" ); 
   return FALSE;
  flock ( $fp, LOCK_EX );
  fputs ( $fp, $message );
  fclose ( $fp );
  return TRUE;
 function strip_comment($address) {
  $comment = '[()]∗';
  while ( ereg ( $comment, $address ) ) {
   $address = ereg_replace ( $comment, "", $address );
  return $address;
 function get_address($address) {
  $address = ereg_replace ( "([ \t\r\n])+", "", $address );
  $address = ereg_replace ( "^.*&lt;(.+)&gt;.*{1}quot;, "\1", $address );
  return $address;
 function smtp_debug($message) {
  if ($this-&gt;debug) {
   echo $message;



function send_smtp_mail($file, $fileName) { 
 <strong>require</strong> ("smtp_mail.php"); 
 date_default_timezone_set ( 'Asia/Shanghai' ); 
 $subject = date ( "Y-m-d" ) . "邮件标题"; //邮件标题 
 $content = "邮件内容!"; //邮件内容 
 //$file = "/a/b/c.txt"; //附件 
 //$fileName = "email_log.log"; //附件名称 
 $smtpserver = "服务器ip"; //SMTP服务器 
 $smtpserverport = 25; //SMTP服务器端口 
 $bcc = ""; //副收件人 
 //$smtpuser = ""; //SMTP服务器的用户帐号 
 //$smtppass = ""; //SMTP服务器的用户密码 
 $smtpmailfrom = "aaa@bbb.com"; //SMTP服务器的用户邮箱,邮件发送者 
 $smtpemailto = "邮箱1,邮箱2,邮箱3"; //邮件接受者 
 $cc = ""; //抄送 
 $mailsubject = $subject; //邮件主题 
 $mailtype = "HTML"; //邮件格式(HTML/TXT),TXT为文本邮件 
 $additional_headers = ""; 
 $smtplogfile = ""; //<strong>发送邮件</strong>的日志文件,如果没有就不记录 
 // 定义分界线 
 $boundary = uniqid ( "" ); 
 $headers = "Content-type: multipart/mixed; boundary= $boundary\r\n"; 
 $mimeType = "application/unknown"; 
 // 打开文件 
 $fp = fopen ( $file, "r" ); 
 // 把整个文件读入一个变量 
 $read = fread ( $fp, filesize ( $file ) ); 
 $read = base64_encode ( $read ); 
 $read = chunk_split ( $read ); 
 fclose ( $fp ); //关闭文件 
 /* 邮件发送代码 */ 
 $flag = 1; //判断使用什么样的文件头1或2 
 if ($fileName == "") { 
  $body = $content; 
 } else { 
  $flag = 2; 
  if ($mailtype == "HTML") { 
   $body = "--$boundary\r\n"; //此必须\r\n 
   $body .= "Content-Type:text/html\r\n\r\n"; //此必须\r\n\r\n 
   $body .= "$content\r\n"; 
   $body .= "--$boundary\r\n"; 
   $body .= "Content-type: $mimeType; name=$fileName\r\n"; 
   $body .= "Content-disposition: attachment; filename=$fileName\r\n"; 
   $body .= "Content-Transfer-Encoding: BASE64\r\n\r\n"; 
   $body .= "$read\r\n\r\n"; 
   $body .= "--$boundary--\r\n"; 
  } else { 
   $body = "--$boundary\r\n"; 
   $body .= "Content-type: Content-type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1\r\n\r\n"; 
   $body .= "Content-transfer-encoding: 8bit\r\n\r\n"; 
   $body .= "$content\r\n\r\n"; 
   $body .= "--$boundary\r\n"; 
   $body .= "Content-type: $mimeType; name=$fileName\r\n\r\n"; 
   $body .= "Content-disposition: attachment; filename=$fileName\r\n\r\n"; 
   $body .= "Content-transfer-encoding: base64\r\n\r\n"; 
   $body .= "$read\r\n\r\n"; 
   $body .= "--$boundary--\r\n"; 
 $mailbody = $body; //邮件内容 
 $smtp = new smtp ( $smtpserver, $smtpserverport, false, $smtplogfile ); 
 //$smtp-&gt;debug = TRUE;//是否显示发送的调试信息 
 if ($smtp-&gt;sendmail ( $flag, $boundary, $smtpemailto, $smtpmailfrom, $mailsubject, $mailbody, $mailtype, $cc, $bcc, $additional_headers )) { 
  echo ("发送成功"); 
 } else { 
  echo ("发送失败"); 




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