私は以前、オンライン ブログ投稿: http://www.php.cn/
で json-lib フレームワークを紹介しました。また、オンライン ブログ投稿: http://www.php.cn/
で Jackson フレームワークを紹介しました。すべて完了する Java オブジェクトの XML への変換はまだ完了していません。
XStream は JSON と XML もサポートしており、JSON または XML を完全に変換できます。オンライン ブログ投稿:
そして、Java オブジェクトから XML への変換を完了するための Castor を紹介します。オンライン ブログ: http://www.php.cn/
Jaxb2 は XML の変換を完了しますが、オンライン ブログ: http://www.php.cn/
Jibx は Java オブジェクトの変換を担当しません。構成 XML のみが必要です。また、対応する jar ファイルと xsd ファイルを生成する必要があります。 Jibx が Java を XML に変換する方法を見てみましょう。
1. 準備
1. リソースを準備します
a) 公式の例: http://www.php.cn/
b) Jar ダウンロード: http://www.php.cn/
c) 依存する jar パッケージは次のとおりです:
2. プログラム準備コード
package com.hoo.test;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.StringReader;
import java.io.StringWriter;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import org.jibx.runtime.BindingDirectory;
import org.jibx.runtime.IBindingFactory;
import org.jibx.runtime.IMarshallingContext;
import org.jibx.runtime.IUnmarshallingContext;
import org.jibx.runtime.JiBXException;
import org.junit.After;
import org.junit.Before;
import org.junit.Test;
import com.hoo.entity.Account;
import com.hoo.entity.AccountArray;
import com.hoo.entity.Birthday;
import com.hoo.entity.ListBean;
import com.hoo.entity.MapBean;
* function: Jibx转换Java到XML
* @author hoojo
* @createDate 2011-4-25 下午06:47:33
* @file JibxTest.java
* @package com.hoo.test
* @project WebHttpUtils
* @blog http://www.php.cn/
* @email hoojo_@126.com
* @version 1.0
public class JibxTest {
private IBindingFactory factory = null;
private StringWriter writer = null;
private StringReader reader = null;
private Account bean = null;
public void init() {
bean = new Account();
Birthday day = new Birthday();
二、 转换Java到XML、转换XML到Java
1、 转换JavaEntity对象
a) 首先看看Account、Birthday的代码
package com.hoo.entity; public class Account { private int id; private String name; private String email; private String address; private Birthday birthday; //getter、setter @Override public String toString() { return this.id + "#" + this.name + "#" + this.email + "#" + this.address + "#" + this.birthday; } }
package com.hoo.entity; public class Birthday { private String birthday; public Birthday(String birthday) { super(); this.birthday = birthday; } //getter、setter public Birthday() {} @Override public String toString() { return this.birthday; } }
b) 程序代码
public void bean2XML() {
try {
writer = new StringWriter();
// marshal 编组
IMarshallingContext mctx = factory.createMarshallingContext();
mctx.marshalDocument(bean, "UTF-8", null, writer);
reader = new StringReader(writer.toString());
//unmarshal 解组
IUnmarshallingContext uctx = factory.createUnmarshallingContext();
Account acc = (Account) uctx.unmarshalDocument(reader, null);
} catch (Exception e) {
c) 首先,要写bind.xml和schema。不过还好,官方有提高工具类可以用。
首先用dos进入当前工程目录,然后执行命令:E:/Study/WebHttpUtils>java -cp bin;lib/jibx-tools.jar;lib/log4j-1.2.16.jar org.jibx.binding.generator.BindGen -b bind.xml com.hoo.entity.Account
上面的java 是运行某个程序 –cp是依赖的classpath路径的jar、zip等文件,-b 是输出文件名称,是BindGen类的参数。这样会在当前工程目录中生成bind.xml和entity.xsd文件。先看看这2个文件
?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
binding value-style="attribute">
mapping class="com.hoo.entity.Account" name="account">
value name="id" field="id"/>
value style="element" name="name" field="name" usage="optional"/>
value style="element" name="email" field="email" usage="optional"/>
value style="element" name="address" field="address" usage="optional"/>
structure field="birthday" usage="optional" name="birthday">
value style="element" name="birthday" field="birthday" usage="optional"/>
xs:schema xmlns:xs="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns:tns="http://hoo.com/entity" elementFormDefault="qualified" targetNamespace="http://hoo.com/entity"> xs:element type="tns:account" name="account"/> xs:complexType name="account"> xs:sequence> xs:element type="xs:string" name="name" minOccurs="0"/> xs:element type="xs:string" name="email" minOccurs="0"/> xs:element type="xs:string" name="address" minOccurs="0"/> xs:element name="birthday" minOccurs="0"> xs:complexType> xs:sequence> xs:element type="xs:string" name="birthday" minOccurs="0"/> /xs:sequence> /xs:complexType> /xs:element> /xs:sequence> xs:attribute type="xs:int" use="required" name="id"/> /xs:complexType> /xs:schema>
E:/Study/WebHttpUtils>java -cp bin;lib/jibx-bind.jar org.jibx.binding.Compile -v bind.xml
d) 然后你就可以运行上面的Java的Junit测试程序了,运行后结果如下:
?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> account xmlns="http://hoo.com/entity" id="1"> name>jack/name> email>email/email> address>北京/address> birthday> birthday>2010-11-22/birthday> /birthday> /account> 1#jack#email#北京#2010-11-22
java -cp bin;lib/jibx-run.jar org.jibx.runtime.PrintInfo -c com.hoo.entity.Account
e) 注意,有时候会出现异常信息,如:java.lang.NoSuchFieldException: JiBX_bindingXXXX就要重复下面的命令就可以了。
java -cp bin;lib/jibx-bind.jar org.jibx.binding.Compile -v bind.xml
2、 转换带List集合属性的JavaBean
a) 程序代码
public void listBean2XML() {
try {
ListBean listBean = new ListBean();
Listlist = new ArrayList();
bean = new Account();
Birthday day = new Birthday("2010-11-22");
writer = new StringWriter();
factory = BindingDirectory.getFactory(ListBean.class);
// marshal 编组
IMarshallingContext mctx = factory.createMarshallingContext();
mctx.marshalDocument(listBean, "UTF-8", null, writer);
reader = new StringReader(writer.toString());
//unmarshal 解组
IUnmarshallingContext uctx = factory.createUnmarshallingContext();
listBean = (ListBean) uctx.unmarshalDocument(reader, null);
} catch (Exception e) {
b) ListBean代码
package com.hoo.entity;
import java.util.List;
public class ListBean {
private String name;
private List list;
c) 生成bind.xml
java -cp bin;lib/jibx-tools.jar;lib/log4j-1.2.16.jar org.jibx.binding.BindingGenerator -f bind.xml com.hoo.entity.ListBean
d) 执行完后会生产bind.xml
?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
binding value-style="attribute">
mapping class="com.hoo.entity.ListBean" name="list-bean">
value style="element" name="name" field="name" usage="optional"/>
collection field="list" usage="optional" factory="org.jibx.runtime.Utility.arrayListFactory"/>
e) 运行Compile工具类
java -cp bin;lib/jibx-bind.jar org.jibx.binding.Compile -v bind.xml
f) 运行Test程序,结果如下:
?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> list-bean> account id="1"> name>jack/name> email>email/email> address>北京/address> birthday> birthday>2010-11-22/birthday> /birthday> /account> account id="2"> name>tom/name> email>tom@125.com/email> address>china/address> birthday> birthday>2010-11-22/birthday> /birthday> /account> /list-bean> 1#jack#email#北京#2010-11-22 2#tom#tom@125.com#china#2010-11-22
3、 转换Java对象数组
a) Test程序
/** * function:转换对象数组 * @author hoojo * @createDate 2011-4-26 下午05:32:03 */ @Test public void arrayBean2XML() { try { Account[] acc = new Account[2]; acc[0] = bean; bean = new Account(); bean.setName("tom"); bean.setId(223); acc[1] = bean; AccountArray array = new AccountArray(); array.setAccounts(acc); writer = new StringWriter(); factory = BindingDirectory.getFactory(AccountArray.class); // marshal 编组 IMarshallingContext mctx = factory.createMarshallingContext(); mctx.setIndent(2); mctx.marshalDocument(array, "UTF-8", null, writer); fail(writer); reader = new StringReader(writer.toString()); //unmarshal 解组 IUnmarshallingContext uctx = factory.createUnmarshallingContext(); array = (AccountArray) uctx.unmarshalDocument(reader, null); fail(array.getAccounts()[0]); fail(array.getAccounts()[1]); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } }
b) AccountArray代码
package com.hoo.entity;
public class AccountArray {
private Account[] accounts;
private int size;
public int getSize() {
size = accounts.length;
return size;
public void setSize(int size) {
this.size = size;
public Account[] getAccounts() {
return accounts;
public void setAccounts(Account[] accounts) {
this.accounts = accounts;
c) 运行命令生成bind.xml文件
java -cp bin;lib/jibx-tools.jar;lib/log4j-1.2.16.jar org.jibx.binding.BindingGenerator -f bind.xml com.hoo.entity.Account com.hoo.entity.AccountArray
d) 运行Compile命令
java -cp bin;lib/jibx-bind.jar org.jibx.binding.Compile -v bind.xml
e) 执行完后,就可以运行Test程序了,结果如下
?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
account-array size="0">
account id="1">
account id="223">
4、 转换带Map结合的JavaEntity对象
a) Test代码
/** * function:转换Map集合 * @author hoojo * @createDate 2011-4-26 下午05:40:34 */ @Test public void mapBean2XML() { try { MapBean mapBean = new MapBean(); HashMapmap = new HashMap(); map.put("No1", bean); bean = new Account(); bean.setAddress("china"); bean.setEmail("tom@125.com"); bean.setId(2); bean.setName("tom"); Birthday day = new Birthday("2010-11-22"); bean.setBirthday(day); map.put("No2", bean); mapBean.setMap(map); factory = BindingDirectory.getFactory(MapBean.class); writer = new StringWriter(); // marshal 编组 IMarshallingContext mctx = factory.createMarshallingContext(); mctx.setIndent(2); mctx.marshalDocument(mapBean, "UTF-8", null, writer); fail(writer); reader = new StringReader(writer.toString()); //unmarshal 解组 IUnmarshallingContext uctx = factory.createUnmarshallingContext(); mapBean = (MapBean) uctx.unmarshalDocument(reader, null); fail(mapBean.getMap()); fail(mapBean.getMap().get("No1")); fail(mapBean.getMap().get("No2")); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } }
b) MapBean代码
package com.hoo.entity;
import java.util.HashMap;
public class MapBean {
private HashMapmap;
public HashMapgetMap() {
return map;
public void setMap(HashMapmap) {
this.map = map;
c) 生成bind.xml,命令如下
E:/Study/WebHttpUtils>java -cp bin;lib/jibx-tools.jar;lib/log4j-1.2.16.jar org.jibx.binding.BindingGenerator -f bind.xml com.hoo.entity.Account com.hoo.entity.MapBean
?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
binding value-style="attribute">
mapping class="com.hoo.entity.Account" name="account">
value name="id" field="id" />
value style="element" name="name" field="name" usage="optional" />
value style="element" name="email" field="email" usage="optional" />
value style="element" name="address" field="address" usage="optional" />
structure field="birthday" usage="optional" name="birthday">
value style="element" name="birthday" field="birthday" usage="optional" />
mapping class="com.hoo.entity.MapBean" name="map-bean">
structure field="map" usage="optional" name="map"
marshaller="com.hoo.util.HashMapper" unmarshaller="com.hoo.util.HashMapper">
d) HashMapper代码
package com.hoo.util; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.Map; import org.jibx.runtime.IAliasable; import org.jibx.runtime.IMarshallable; import org.jibx.runtime.IMarshaller; import org.jibx.runtime.IMarshallingContext; import org.jibx.runtime.IUnmarshaller; import org.jibx.runtime.IUnmarshallingContext; import org.jibx.runtime.JiBXException; import org.jibx.runtime.impl.MarshallingContext; import org.jibx.runtime.impl.UnmarshallingContext; /** * function:http://www.php.cn/ * @file HashMapper.java * @package com.hoo.util * @project WebHttpUtils * @blog http://www.php.cn/ * @email hoojo_@126.com * @version 1.0 */ public class HashMapper implements IMarshaller, IUnmarshaller, IAliasable { private static final String SIZE_ATTRIBUTE_NAME = "size"; private static final String ENTRY_ELEMENT_NAME = "entry"; private static final String KEY_ATTRIBUTE_NAME = "key"; private static final int DEFAULT_SIZE = 10; private String m_uri; private int m_index; private String m_name; public HashMapper() { m_uri = null; m_index = 0; m_name = "hashmap"; } public HashMapper(String uri, int index, String name) { m_uri = uri; m_index = index; m_name = name; } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see org.jibx.runtime.IMarshaller#isExtension(int) */ public boolean isExtension(int index) { return false; } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see org.jibx.runtime.IMarshaller#marshal(java.lang.Object, * org.jibx.runtime.IMarshallingContext) */ public void marshal(Object obj, IMarshallingContext ictx) throws JiBXException { // make sure the parameters are as expected if (!(obj instanceof HashMap)) { throw new JiBXException("Invalid object type for marshaller"); } else if (!(ictx instanceof MarshallingContext)) { throw new JiBXException("Invalid object type for marshaller"); } else { // start by generating start tag for container MarshallingContext ctx = (MarshallingContext)ictx; HashMap map = (HashMap)obj; ctx.startTagAttributes(m_index, m_name). attribute(m_index, SIZE_ATTRIBUTE_NAME, map.size()). closeStartContent(); // loop through all entries in hashmap Iterator iter = map.entrySet().iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { Map.Entry entry = (Map.Entry)iter.next(); ctx.startTagAttributes(m_index, ENTRY_ELEMENT_NAME); if (entry.getKey() != null) { ctx.attribute(m_index, KEY_ATTRIBUTE_NAME, entry.getKey().toString()); } ctx.closeStartContent(); if (entry.getValue() instanceof IMarshallable) { ((IMarshallable)entry.getValue()).marshal(ctx); ctx.endTag(m_index, ENTRY_ELEMENT_NAME); } else { throw new JiBXException("Mapped value is not marshallable"); } } // finish with end tag for container element ctx.endTag(m_index, m_name); } } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see org.jibx.runtime.IUnmarshaller#isPresent(org.jibx.runtime.IUnmarshallingContext) */ public boolean isPresent(IUnmarshallingContext ctx) throws JiBXException { return ctx.isAt(m_uri, m_name); } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see org.jibx.runtime.IUnmarshaller#unmarshal(java.lang.Object, * org.jibx.runtime.IUnmarshallingContext) */ public Object unmarshal(Object obj, IUnmarshallingContext ictx) throws JiBXException { // make sure we're at the appropriate start tag UnmarshallingContext ctx = (UnmarshallingContext)ictx; if (!ctx.isAt(m_uri, m_name)) { ctx.throwStartTagNameError(m_uri, m_name); } // create new hashmap if needed int size = ctx.attributeInt(m_uri, SIZE_ATTRIBUTE_NAME, DEFAULT_SIZE); HashMap map = (HashMap)obj; if (map == null) { map = new HashMap(size); } // process all entries present in document ctx.parsePastStartTag(m_uri, m_name); while (ctx.isAt(m_uri, ENTRY_ELEMENT_NAME)) { Object key = ctx.attributeText(m_uri, KEY_ATTRIBUTE_NAME, null); ctx.parsePastStartTag(m_uri, ENTRY_ELEMENT_NAME); Object value = ctx.unmarshalElement(); map.put(key, value); ctx.parsePastEndTag(m_uri, ENTRY_ELEMENT_NAME); } ctx.parsePastEndTag(m_uri, m_name); return map; } public boolean isExtension(String arg0) { return false; } }
e) 然后运行Compile命令
E:/Study/WebHttpUtils>java -cp bin;lib/jibx-bind.jar org.jibx.binding.Compile -v bind.xml
f) 结果如下
{No2=2#tom#tom@125.com#china#2010-11-22, No1=1#jack#email#北京#2010-11-22} 1#jack#email#北京#2010-11-22 2#tom#tom@125.com#china#2010-11-22 顶
以上就是Jibx 处理XML的内容,更多相关内容请关注PHP中文网(www.php.cn)!