この記事では主に Struts1 チュートリアルの ActionMapping を紹介します。編集者はそれを参考として共有します。エディターに従って見てみましょう
まず、ブレークポイントは processpath メソッドの外にあります
今日は、ActionMapping を取得する方法を見ていきます。メソッド---プロセスマッピング。 その前に、ActionMapping について簡単に説明します。ソース コードから、最も重要な属性は、主に対応する Struts のパス、type、forwardMap に似ていることがわかります。 config 設定ファイル。これは、この設定ファイルの情報をメモリに保存します。
特定の mvc small インスタンスの ActionMapping コードは次のとおりです:
package com.cjq.servlet; import java.util.Map; public class ActionMapping { private String path; private Object type; private Map forwardMap; public String getPath() { return path; } public void setPath(String path) { this.path = path; } public Object getType() { return type; } public void setType(Object type) { this.type = type; } public Map getForwardMap() { return forwardMap; } public void setForwardMap(Map forwardMap) { this.forwardMap = forwardMap; } }
ActionMapping の内容についていくつか説明したので、ActionMapping についてはある程度理解できたと思います。それでは、システムはどのように ActionMapping を生成し、どのようにして ActionMapping を見つけるのでしょうか?これが今日話したいことのすべてです:
Web で
/** * <p>Select the mapping used to process theselection path for this request * If no mapping can be identified, createan error response and return * <code>null</code>.</p> * * @param request The servlet request weare processing * @param response The servlet response weare creating * @param path The portion of the requestURI for selecting a mapping * * @exception IOException if an input/outputerror occurs */ protectedActionMapping processMapping(HttpServletRequestrequest, HttpServletResponse response, String path) throws IOException { // Is there a mapping for this path? ActionMapping mapping = (ActionMapping) moduleConfig.findActionConfig(path); // If a mapping is found, put it in the request and return it if (mapping != null) { request.setAttribute(Globals.MAPPING_KEY, mapping); return (mapping); } // Locate the mapping for unknown paths (if any) ActionConfig configs[] = moduleConfig.findActionConfigs(); for (int i = 0; i < configs.length; i++) { if (configs[i].getUnknown()) { mapping = (ActionMapping)configs[i]; request.setAttribute(Globals.MAPPING_KEY, mapping); return (mapping); } } // No mapping can be found to process this request String msg = getInternal().getMessage("processInvalid"); log.error(msg + " " + path); response.sendError(HttpServletResponse.SC_NOT_FOUND, msg); return null; }
ActionMapping mapping =(ActionMapping) moduleConfig.findActionConfig(path);
if (mapping != null) { request.setAttribute(Globals.MAPPING_KEY, mapping); return (mapping); }
// Locate the mapping for unknownpaths (if any) ActionConfig configs[] = moduleConfigfindActionConfigs(); for (int i = 0; i < configslength; i++) { if (configs[i].getUnknown()) { mapping = (ActionMapping)configs[i]; request.setAttribute(Globals.MAPPING_KEY, mapping); return (mapping); } } // No mapping can be found to process this request String msg = getInternal().getMessage("processInvalid"); log.error(msg + " " + path); response.sendError(HttpServletResponse.SC_NOT_FOUND, msg); return null;
/** * <p>Retrieve and return the <code>ActionForm</code> associatedwith * this mapping, creating and retaining oneif necessary. If there is no * <code>ActionForm</code> associated with this mapping,return * <code>null</code>.</p> * * @param request The servlet request weare processing * @param response The servlet response weare creating * @param mapping The mapping we are using */ protectedActionForm processActionForm(HttpServletRequestrequest, HttpServletResponse response, ActionMapping mapping) { // Create (if necessary) a form bean to use ActionForm instance = RequestUtilscreateActionForm (request, mapping, moduleConfig, servlet); if (instance == null) { return (null); } // Store the new instance in the appropriate scope if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug(" Storing ActionForm bean instance in scope '" + mapping.getScope() + "' under attribute key '" + mapping.getAttribute() + "'"); } if ("request".equals(mapping.getScope())) { request.setAttribute(mapping.getAttribute(), instance); } else { HttpSession session =requestgetSession(); session.setAttribute(mapping.getAttribute(), instance); } return (instance); }
// Create (if necessary) a formbean to use ActionForm instance = RequestUtils.createActionForm (request, mapping, moduleConfig, servlet); if (instance == null) { return (null); }
publicstaticActionForm createActionForm( HttpServletRequest request, ActionMapping mapping, ModuleConfig moduleConfig, ActionServlet servlet) { // Is there a form bean associated with this mapping? String attribute = mappinggetAttribute(); if (attribute == null) { return (null); } // Look up the form bean configuration information to use String name = mapping.getName(); FormBeanConfig config =moduleConfigfindFormBeanConfig(name); if (config == null) { log.warn("No FormBeanConfig found under '"+ name + "'"); return (null); } ActionForm instance = lookupActionForm(request,attribute, mappinggetScope()); // Can we recycle the existing form bean instance (if there is one)? try { if (instance != null && canReuseActionForm(instance,config)) { return (instance); } } catch(ClassNotFoundException e) { log.error(servlet.getInternal().getMessage("formBean",config.getType()), e); return (null); } return createActionForm(config,servlet); }
<form-beans> <form-bean name="loginForm" type=".struts.LoginActionForm"/> </form-beans>
之后调用了ActionForm instance = lookupActionForm(request,attribute, mapping.getScope());这个方法,这个方法主要是查找scope属性中有没有存在ActionForm。具体实现:
if ("request".equals(scope)){ instance = (ActionForm)request.getAttribute(attribute); } else { session = request.getSession(); instance = (ActionForm)session.getAttribute(attribute); }
这里判断scope属性值是否为request,如果是则从request中读出ActionForm,如果不是则从session中读出。程序如果是第一次执行,那么ActionForm会是为空的。因为这里的ActionForm为空,所以就进入了if判断语句中,最后通过调用return createActionForm(config, servlet);创建ActionForm并且返回。
if ("request".equals(mapping.getScope())){ request.setAttribute(mapping.getAttribute(), instance); } else { HttpSession session =request.getSession(); session.setAttribute(mapping.getAttribute(), instance); }
以上がStruts1 ActionMappingの例の説明の詳細内容です。詳細については、PHP 中国語 Web サイトの他の関連記事を参照してください。