この記事の内容は、webqq のリアルタイム チャットを模倣するための php と swoole と mysql です。必要な友達はそれを参照できます
js: jsファイル
swoole|----action.php 数据库操作类
|----config.php 数据库配置文件
|----websocket.php swoole创建websocket协议文件
index.php: チャットホームページlogin.html: ログインページ
3. データベース構造
<?php $database = array( 'host'=>'', 'user'=>'root', 'password'=>'4f54dd', 'port'=>3306, 'database'=>'webqq', 'charset'=>'utf8' );
<?php class Action { private $conn; public function __construct() { require_once (__DIR__.'/config.php'); $this->conn = mysqli_connect($database['host'],$database['user'],$database['password'],$database['database']) or die ('Connect mysql failed ~~'.mysqli_connect_error()); } //login public function login($nickname,$username,$password) { session_start(); $sql = " select `id` from `users` where `username` = '{$username}' "; if($query = $this->conn->query($sql)) { $row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($query); $now = date('Y-m-d H:i:s'); if($row['id']) { $sql = " update `users` set `nickname` = '{$nickname}' , `username` = '{$username}' ,`password` = md5('{$password}') , `login_time` = '{$now}' , `login_num` = (`login_num` + 1) where `id` = {$row['id']} "; } else { $sql = " insert into `users` (`nickname`,`username`,`password`,`login_time`,`login_num`) values ('{$nickname}' , '{$username}' , md5('{$password}') , '{$now}' ,'1')"; } $this->conn->query($sql); $user_id = $this->conn->insert_id; $_SESSION['uid'] = $row['id'] ? $row['id'] : $user_id; $_SESSION['nickname'] = $nickname; return 1; } else { return 0; } } //add friend public function addFriend($from_uid,$to_uid) { $sql = " select * from `friend` where `from_uid` = '{$from_uid}' and `to_uid` = '{$to_uid}' "; if($query = $this->conn->query($sql)) { $is_friend = mysqli_fetch_assoc($query); if(!$is_friend['to_uid']){ if($from_uid == $to_uid) { return 2; } else { $sql = " select `nickname` from `users` where `id` = '{$to_uid}' "; $query = $this->conn->query($sql); $ret = mysqli_fetch_assoc($query); $nickname = $ret['nickname']; if($nickname){ $sql = " insert into `friend` (`from_uid`,`to_uid`,`nickname`) values ('{$from_uid}','{$to_uid}','{$nickname}') "; $this->conn->query($sql); return array('to_uid'=>$to_uid,'nickname'=>$nickname); } else { return 3; } } } else { return 4; } } else { return 0; } } //friend lists public function friendLists($from_uid) { $sql = " select `id`,`nickname` from `users` where `id` != '{$from_uid}' "; if($query = $this->conn->query($sql)) { $lists = []; while ($row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($query)) { $sql_1 = " select `fd` from `fd_tmp` where `uid` = '{$row['id']}' "; $query_1 = $this->conn->query($sql_1); $ret = mysqli_fetch_assoc($query_1); $row['status'] = $ret['fd'] ? 'online' : 'offline' ; $lists[] = $row; } return $lists; } else { return 0; } } //load history message public function loadHistory($from_uid,$to_uid) { $sql = " select `from_uid`,`to_uid`,`message`,`send_time` from `chat` where ( (`from_uid` = '{$from_uid}' and `to_uid` = '{$to_uid}') or (`to_uid` = '{$from_uid}' and `from_uid` = '{$to_uid}') ) order by `send_time` desc"; if($query = $this->conn->query($sql)) { $message = []; while ($row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($query)) { $message[] = $row; } return $message; } else { return 0; } } //send message public function sendMessage($from_uid,$to_uid,$message) { $time = date('Y-m-d H:i:s'); $sql = " insert into `chat` (`from_uid`,`to_uid`,`message`,`send_time`) values ('{$from_uid}','{$to_uid}','{$message}','{$time}') "; if($query = $this->conn->query($sql)) { $last_id = $this->conn->insert_id; return $last_id; } else { return 0; } } //get fd public function getFd($uid) { $sql = " select `fd` from `fd_tmp` where `uid` = '{$uid}' "; if($query = $this->conn->query($sql)) { $row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($query); return $row['fd'] ? $row['fd'] : 0; } else { return 0; } } //bind fd public function bindFd($uid,$fd) { $sql = " insert into `fd_tmp` (`fd`,`uid`) values ('{$fd}','{$uid}') "; if($this->conn->query($sql)) { return $fd; } else { return 0; } } //unbind fd public function unbindFd($fd) { $sql = " delete from `fd_tmp` where `fd` = '{$fd}' "; if($this->conn->query($sql)) { return 1; } else { return 0; } } public function __destruct() { mysqli_close($this->conn); } } //process ajax request if($_POST && isset($_POST['typ'])) { $action = new Action(); switch ($_POST['typ']) { case 'login': $ret = $action->login($_POST['nickname'],$_POST['username'],$_POST['password']); break; case 'addFriend': $ret = $action->addFriend($_POST['from_uid'],$_POST['to_uid']); break; case 'friendLists': $ret = $action->friendLists($_POST['from_uid']); break; case 'loadHistory': $ret = $action->loadHistory($_POST['from_uid'],$_POST['to_uid']); break; case 'sendMessage': $ret = $action->sendMessage($_POST['from_uid'],$_POST['to_uid'],$_POST['message']); break; } echo json_encode(array('data'=>$ret)); }
<?php require_once(__DIR__.'/action.php'); new Websocket(); class Websocket { private $serv; private $action; public function __construct() { $this->action = new action(); $this->serv = new swoole_websocket_server('',9502); $this->serv->on('open',array($this,'onOpen')); $this->serv->on('message',array($this,'onMessage')); $this->serv->on('close',array($this,'onClose')); $this->serv->start(); } public function onOpen($server,$request) { echo "Welcome {$request->fd} \n"; } public function onMessage($server,$request) { $data = json_decode($request->data); $from_uid = $data->from_uid; $to_uid = $data->to_uid; $message = $data->message; $this->action->unbindFd($from_uid); $from_fd = $this->action->bindFd($from_uid,$request->fd); if($from_fd) { $to_fd = $this->action->getFd($to_uid); if($to_fd) { $server->push($to_fd,$message); } } else { $server->push($request->fd,'bind from_fd failed ~~'); } } public function onClose($server,$fd) { $this->action->unbindFd($fd); echo "Goodbye {$fd} \n"; } }
<?php session_start(); if(!$_SESSION['nickname'] && !$_SESSION['uid']){ echo '<script>window.location.href="login.html";</script>'; } ?> <!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge" /> <meta name="apple-mobile-web-app-capable" content="yes" /> <meta name="apple-touch-fullscreen" content="yes" /> <meta name="format-detection" content="telephone=no"/> <meta name="apple-mobile-web-app-status-bar-style" content="black" /> <META HTTP-EQUIV="pragma" CONTENT="no-cache"> <META HTTP-EQUIV="Cache-Control" CONTENT="no-cache, must-revalidate"> <META HTTP-EQUIV="expires" CONTENT="0"> <meta name="format-detection" content="telephone=no" /> <meta name="msapplication-tap-highlight" content="no" /> <meta name="viewport" content="initial-scale=1,maximum-scale=1,minimum-scale=1" /> <title>webqq----swoole</title> <script type="text/javascript" src="js/jquery.js"></script> <style type="text/css"> html,body{margin:0;padding: 0;background-color: #eee;background-image: url("./images/1.jpg") } .userlists{width:280px;height: 620px;border:1px #222 solid;box-shadow:3px 3px 10px #222;border-radius:5px;margin:100px 0px 0px 100px;background-color: #fff} .userlists-title{background-color: #222;color:#fff;height: 50px;padding-top:10px;text-align: center;border-radius: 5px 5px 0px 0px;position: relative;} .lists_left{height: 500px;overflow-y:scroll;} .lists_left::-webkit-scrollbar {display:none} .lists_left ul,li{margin:0px;padding:0px;list-style: none} .lists_left li{border-bottom: 1px #666 solid;height: 35px;line-height: 35px;} .lists_left li a{text-decoration: none;color:#000;height: 100%;display: block;padding-left: 10px} .tools{border-radius: 0px 0px 5px 5px;} .h10{height: 10px;} .h30{height: 500px} .circular{height: 30px;width: 30px;border-radius: 30px;background-color: #fff;margin:0 auto;} .find{height: 40px;line-height:40px;text-align:center;background-color: #ccc} .find input{outline: none} .dialogue{width: 600px;height: 600px;background-color: #fff;position: absolute;top:100px;left: 450px;border-radius: 5px;border:1px #222 solid;box-shadow:3px 5px 5px #222;border-radius:5px;display: none;} .close{border:1px #fff solid;border-radius:5px;display: inline-block;width: 50px;height: 25px;line-height: 25px;position: absolute;right: 15px;top:12px;} .send{height: 50px;line-height: 50px;background-color: #222;border-radius: 0px 0px 5px 5px;text-align: center; } .send input[name='content']{height: 30px;width:480px;padding:0px 5px;outline: none} .send input[name='sendBtn']{height: 34px;width:80px;display: inline-block;} .chat-line{width:360px;border-radius: 10px;margin:10px;padding: 10px;word-wrap:break-word} .from{border:1px red solid;float: right;} .to{border:1px green solid;float: left;} .all{position: absolute;top:0;right: 100px} .scroll_box{position: relative;overflow-y:scroll;height: 500px}; .scroll_box::-webkit-scrollbar {display:none} .lists {position: absolute;left: 0;top: 0;} </style> </head> <body> <p class="userlists"> <p class="userlists-title"><?php echo $_SESSION['nickname'];?><br>好友列表</p> <p class="lists_left"> <ul id="friend_lists"> </ul> </p> <p class="userlists-title tools"><p class="h10"></p><p class="circular"></p></p> </p> <p class="dialogue"> <p class="userlists-title">正在与 <t id="uname">.....</t> 聊天 <span class="close">关闭</span></p> <p class="scroll_box"> <p class="lists " id="chat-box"> </p> </p> <p class="send"> <input type="hidden" name="to_uid" > <input type="text" name="content" placeholder="发送内容"> <input type="button" name="sendBtn" id="sendMessage" value="发送"> </p> </p> <script type="text/javascript"> $(function(){ $.post("./swoole/action.php",{from_uid:<?php echo $_SESSION['uid'];?>,typ:'friendLists'},function(res){ var r = eval("(" + res + ")"); if(r.data) { var h = ""; for(var i = 0; i< r.data.length; i++) { var status = r.data[i].status =="offline" ? "离线" : "在线" ; h += '<li><a data-id="' + r.data[i].id + '" data-nickname="' + r.data[i].nickname + '" class="friend" href="javascript:;">' + r.data[i].nickname + " ( " + status +' ) </a></li>'; } $("#friend_lists").html(h); } }); $("#friend_lists").on("click",".friend",function(){ var to_uid = $(this).attr("data-id"); var nickname = $(this).attr("data-nickname"); $("#uname").html(nickname); $("input[name='to_uid']").val(to_uid); $.post("./swoole/action.php",{from_uid:<?php echo $_SESSION['uid'];?>,to_uid:to_uid,typ:"loadHistory"},function(res){ var r = eval("(" + res + ")"); if(r.data) { var h = ""; for (var i = r.data.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { if(r.data[i].from_uid == <?php echo $_SESSION['uid'];?>) { h += '<p class="chat-line from">' + r.data[i].message + '</p>'; } else { h += '<p class="chat-line to">' + r.data[i].message + '</p>'; } } $("#chat-box").html(h); srcollBox() } }); $(".dialogue").show(); }); $("#sendMessage").on("click",function(){ if($("input[name='content']").val()) { srcollBox() sendMessage(); } else { alert("please input your message~"); } }); $(document).keyup(function(evt){ if(evt.keyCode == 13) { if($("input[name='content']").val()) { srcollBox() sendMessage(); } else { alert("please input your message~"); } } }); $(".close").on("click",function(){ $(".dialogue").hide(); }); function srcollBox(){ var h = $(".lists").height(); $(".scroll_box").scrollTop(h,4000) } srcollBox(); if(window.WebSocket){ var ws = new WebSocket("ws://"); ws.onopen = function(evt){ console.log("Connect WebSocket succuess ~~ \n"); } ws.onmessage = function(evt){ $("#chat-box").append('<p class="chat-line to">' + evt.data + '</p>'); srcollBox(); console.log("message on server : " + evt.data + "\n"); } ws.onclose = function(evt){ console.log("WebSocket closed ~~\n"); } ws.onerror = function(evt){ console.log("Connect WebSocket failed ~~\n"); } function sendMessage(){ var params = { from_uid : <?php echo $_SESSION['uid'];?>, to_uid : $("input[name='to_uid']").val(), message : $("input[name='content']").val(), typ : "sendMessage" }; var msg = JSON.stringify(params); $("#chat-box").append('<p class="chat-line from">' + $("input[name='content']").val() + '</p>'); srcollBox(); $.post("./swoole/action.php",params,function(res){ var r = eval("(" + res + ")"); if(r.data) { ws.send(msg); } else { alert("send message failed , insert mysql failed~~\n"); } }); } } else { alert("Your browser does not support WebSocket !"); } }); </script> </body> </html>
<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge" /> <meta name="apple-mobile-web-app-capable" content="yes" /> <meta name="apple-touch-fullscreen" content="yes" /> <meta name="format-detection" content="telephone=no"/> <meta name="apple-mobile-web-app-status-bar-style" content="black" /> <meta name="format-detection" content="telephone=no" /> <meta name="msapplication-tap-highlight" content="no" /> <meta name="viewport" content="initial-scale=1,maximum-scale=1,minimum-scale=1" /> <title>webqq----swoole</title> <script type="text/javascript" src="./js/jquery.js"></script> <style type="text/css"> html,body{margin:0;padding: 0;background-color: #eee} .login-form{background-color: #fff;width: 500px;height: 500px;margin:100px auto;border:1px #ccc solid;border-radius: 5px;box-shadow: 3px 3px 3px #666} h3{text-align: center;margin-top: 100px} .container{text-align: center;margin-top: 30px;} .container label{display: inline-block;width: 50px;} .container input{display: inline-block;height: 25px;line-height: 25px;padding: 0px 5px;width: 300px;outline: none} input[name='login']{background-color: #5aba1f;color:#fff;border:none;width: 150px;height: 30px;line-height: 30px;border-radius: 5px;margin-top: 30px;cursor: pointer;} .warning{border:2px #f00 solid;} </style> </head> <body> <form method="post" action="" class="login-form"> <h3>WebQQ</h3> <p class="container"><label>昵称:</label><input type="text" name="nickname" placeholder="昵称" ></p> <p class="container"><label>帐号:</label><input type="text" name="username" placeholder="用户"></p> <p class="container"><label>密码:</label><input type="password" name="password" placeholder="密码"></p> <p class="container"><input type="button" name="login" value="登录"></p> </form> <script type="text/javascript"> $(function(){ $("input[name='login']").click(function(){ var nickname = $("input[name='nickname']").val(); var username = $("input[name='username']").val(); var password = $("input[name='password']").val(); if(nickname == ""){ alert("请设置昵称"); $("input[name='nickname']").focus(); $("input[name='nickname']").addClass("warning"); $("input[name='username']").removeClass("warning"); $("input[name='password']").removeClass("warning"); } else if(username == "") { alert("请输入帐号"); $("input[name='username']").focus(); $("input[name='nickname']").removeClass("warning"); $("input[name='username']").addClass("warning"); $("input[name='password']").removeClass("warning"); } else if(password == "") { alert("请输入密码"); $("input[name='password']").focus(); $("input[name='nickname']").removeClass("warning"); $("input[name='username']").removeClass("warning"); $("input[name='password']").addClass("warning"); } else { $("input[name='nickname']").removeClass("warning"); $("input[name='username']").removeClass("warning"); $("input[name='password']").removeClass("warning"); $.post("./swoole/action.php",{nickname:nickname,username:username,password:password,typ:'login'},function(res){ var r = eval("(" + res + ")"); if(r.data == "1"){ window.location.href="index.php"; } else { alert("failed~~"); } }); } }); }); </script> </body> </html>
-- Adminer 4.1.0 MySQL dump SET NAMES utf8; SET time_zone = '+00:00'; SET foreign_key_checks = 0; SET sql_mode = 'NO_AUTO_VALUE_ON_ZERO'; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `chat`; CREATE TABLE `chat` ( `id` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT COMMENT 'ID', `from_uid` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL, `to_uid` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL, `message` varchar(255) COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci NOT NULL, `send_time` timestamp NOT NULL DEFAULT '0000-00-00 00:00:00' ON UPDATE CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, PRIMARY KEY (`id`) ) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 COLLATE=utf8_unicode_ci; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `fd_tmp`; CREATE TABLE `fd_tmp` ( `fd` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL, `uid` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL ) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 COLLATE=utf8_unicode_ci COMMENT='FD值与用户ID绑定'; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `friend`; CREATE TABLE `friend` ( `from_uid` int(10) unsigned DEFAULT NULL, `to_uid` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL, `nickname` varchar(45) COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci NOT NULL ) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 COLLATE=utf8_unicode_ci COMMENT='好友列表'; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `users`; CREATE TABLE `users` ( `id` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT COMMENT 'ID', `nickname` varchar(45) COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci NOT NULL COMMENT '昵称', `username` varchar(45) COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci NOT NULL COMMENT '登陆名称', `password` char(32) COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci NOT NULL COMMENT '登陆密码', `login_time` datetime NOT NULL COMMENT '最后登陆时间', `login_num` int(10) unsigned DEFAULT '0' COMMENT '登陆次数', PRIMARY KEY (`id`) ) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 COLLATE=utf8_unicode_ci COMMENT='用户列表'; -- 2018-03-27 10:05:35
注: swoole拡張子、Linuxサーバー、PHP7+バージョン以降
をインストールする必要があります。プロジェクトのルート ディレクトリでは、php websocket.php を使用してファイルを実行します。 ソース コードのダウンロード アドレス:https://pan.baidu.com/s/1sWY-...
以上がPHP プラス swoole プラス mysql 模倣 webqq リアルタイム チャットの詳細内容です。詳細については、PHP 中国語 Web サイトの他の関連記事を参照してください。