Python ビデオ チュートリアル コラムでは、クロスドメインの問題を解決するための Python Flask を紹介します。
グローバル ルーティングを構成するには
1. ライブラリをインポートします
pip install flask-cors复制代码
グローバル ルーティングを構成する
from flask import Flask, requestfrom flask_cors import CORS app = Flask(__name__) CORS(app, supports_credentials=True)复制代码
は、操作のカスタマイズに役立ついくつかのパラメーターを提供します。 一般的に使用される origins
を設定できます。 #すべての設定項目は次のとおりです:
:param resources: The series of regular expression and (optionally) associated CORS options to be applied to the given resource path. If the argument is a dictionary, it's keys must be regular expressions, and the values must be a dictionary of kwargs, identical to the kwargs of this function. If the argument is a list, it is expected to be a list of regular expressions, for which the app-wide configured options are applied. If the argument is a string, it is expected to be a regular expression for which the app-wide configured options are applied. Default : Match all and apply app-level configuration :type resources: dict, iterable or string :param origins: The origin, or list of origins to allow requests from. The origin(s) may be regular expressions, case-sensitive strings, or else an asterisk Default : '*' :type origins: list, string or regex :param methods: The method or list of methods which the allowed origins are allowed to access for non-simple requests. Default : [GET, HEAD, POST, OPTIONS, PUT, PATCH, DELETE] :type methods: list or string :param expose_headers: The header or list which are safe to expose to the API of a CORS API specification. Default : None :type expose_headers: list or string :param allow_headers: The header or list of header field names which can be used when this resource is accessed by allowed origins. The header(s) may be regular expressions, case-sensitive strings, or else an asterisk. Default : '*', allow all headers :type allow_headers: list, string or regex :param supports_credentials: Allows users to make authenticated requests. If true, injects the `Access-Control-Allow-Credentials` header in responses. This allows cookies and credentials to be submitted across domains. :note: This option cannot be used in conjuction with a '*' origin Default : False :type supports_credentials: bool :param max_age: The maximum time for which this CORS request maybe cached. This value is set as the `Access-Control-Max-Age` header. Default : None :type max_age: timedelta, integer, string or None :param send_wildcard: If True, and the origins parameter is `*`, a wildcard `Access-Control-Allow-Origin` header is sent, rather than the request's `Origin` header. Default : False :type send_wildcard: bool :param vary_header: If True, the header Vary: Origin will be returned as per the W3 implementation guidelines. Setting this header when the `Access-Control-Allow-Origin` is dynamically generated (e.g. when there is more than one allowed origin, and an Origin than '*' is returned) informs CDNs and other caches that the CORS headers are dynamic, and cannot be cached. If False, the Vary header will never be injected or altered. Default : True :type vary_header: bool复制代码
2. @cross_origin を使用して単一行ルーティングを設定します
from flask import Flask, requestfrom flask_cors import cross_origin app = Flask(__name__)@app.route('/')@cross_origin(supports_credentials=True)def hello(): name = request.args.get("name", "World") return f'Hello, {name}!'复制代码
は、本質的に同じパラメータをいくつか提供します。 一般的に使用される
を設定できます。 #すべての設定項目は次のとおりです:
:param origins: The origin, or list of origins to allow requests from. The origin(s) may be regular expressions, case-sensitive strings, or else an asterisk Default : '*' :type origins: list, string or regex :param methods: The method or list of methods which the allowed origins are allowed to access for non-simple requests. Default : [GET, HEAD, POST, OPTIONS, PUT, PATCH, DELETE] :type methods: list or string :param expose_headers: The header or list which are safe to expose to the API of a CORS API specification. Default : None :type expose_headers: list or string :param allow_headers: The header or list of header field names which can be used when this resource is accessed by allowed origins. The header(s) may be regular expressions, case-sensitive strings, or else an asterisk. Default : '*', allow all headers :type allow_headers: list, string or regex :param supports_credentials: Allows users to make authenticated requests. If true, injects the `Access-Control-Allow-Credentials` header in responses. This allows cookies and credentials to be submitted across domains. :note: This option cannot be used in conjuction with a '*' origin Default : False :type supports_credentials: bool :param max_age: The maximum time for which this CORS request maybe cached. This value is set as the `Access-Control-Max-Age` header. Default : None :type max_age: timedelta, integer, string or None :param send_wildcard: If True, and the origins parameter is `*`, a wildcard `Access-Control-Allow-Origin` header is sent, rather than the request's `Origin` header. Default : False :type send_wildcard: bool :param vary_header: If True, the header Vary: Origin will be returned as per the W3 implementation guidelines. Setting this header when the `Access-Control-Allow-Origin` is dynamically generated (e.g. when there is more than one allowed origin, and an Origin than '*' is returned) informs CDNs and other caches that the CORS headers are dynamic, and cannot be cached. If False, the Vary header will never be injected or altered. Default : True :type vary_header: bool :param automatic_options: Only applies to the `cross_origin` decorator. If True, Flask-CORS will override Flask's default OPTIONS handling to return CORS headers for OPTIONS requests. Default : True :type automatic_options: bool复制代码
#デフォルト | 説明 | リソース | ||
クロスドメイン ルーティングを許可するルーティング インターフェイスの構成 | origins | リスト、文字列、または正規表現 | Access-Control-Allow-Origin | |
クロスドメイン アクセスを許可するオリジンを構成する | メソッド | List, string | Access-Control-Allow-Methods | |
クロスドメイン サポート リクエストの構成メソッド | expose_headers | リスト、文字列 | Access-Control-Expose-Headers | |
カスタマイズリクエスト レスポンス ヘッド情報 | allow_headers | リスト、文字列、または正規表現 | Access-Control-Request-Headers | |
クロスドメイン要求ヘッダーの構成 | ##supports_credentials | ブール値 | Access-Control-Allow-Credentials | |
#リクエストに Cookie の送信を許可するかどうか | ##max_age | timedelta、整数、文字列 | Access-Control-Max-Age | なし |
##概要 | フラスコのクロスドメイン構成では、次のことができます。設定には | flask-cors | を使用します。CORS 関数 | はグローバル設定に使用され、
その他の関連する無料学習の推奨事項: Python ビデオ チュートリアル
以上がPython Flask はクロスドメインの問題を解決しますの詳細内容です。詳細については、PHP 中国語 Web サイトの他の関連記事を参照してください。