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Linux および MacOS 端末における大文字と小文字の区別の問題について簡単に説明します (コード付き)

リリース: 2021-08-31 10:50:08
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前回の記事「この記事では更新なしのajaxアップロードとダウンロードの実装について解説します(詳細なコード説明)」では、更新なしのajaxアップロードとダウンロードの実装について学びました。次の記事は、Linux および MacOS 端末における大文字と小文字の区別の問題を理解するのに役立ちます。

Linux および MacOS 端末における大文字と小文字の区別の問題について簡単に説明します (コード付き)

Linux および MacOS ターミナルで大文字と小文字が区別されないことを示すプロンプトが表示される

ターミナルを開き、cdユーザーに移動home ディレクトリに次のように入力します:

echo "set completion-ignore-case on" >> .inputrc


上記の問題をすぐに解決したい場合は、3 番目の部分だけを見てください。

inputrc ファイルの紹介

Bash およびその他のほとんどの shell は、入力関連ライブラリとして Readline ライブラリを使用します。 Readline ライブラリにはデフォルトのキーマップがいくつかありますが、inputrc ファイルを変更してキーマップをカスタマイズすることもできます。

inputrc ファイルは、Readline ライブラリの起動ファイルです。Readline を入力ライブラリとして使用するプログラムが起動すると、 inputrc設定ファイルを自動的に読み取り、カスタマイズされたキーボード マッピングを初期化します。

inputrcファイルの場所は、shell 環境変数 INPUTRC によって制御されます。この変数が設定されていない場合、デフォルトの inputrcファイルのパスは ~/.inputrc です。

ファイル ~/.inputrc が存在しない場合、システム レベル (すべてのユーザーに有効) inputrc ファイル /etc/inputrc#利用される。 ##。ユーザーがシステムのデフォルトの inputrc 構成を変更する必要がある場合は、~/.inputrc を変更できます。これにより、システムのデフォルト構成が上書きされます。

inputrc ファイルの編集方法については、info bash を実行し、bash## の info ページを参照してください。 # #Readline Init Fileこのセクションでは、info readline を実行して、readline 自身の info ページを参照します。 inputrc 設定


ファイルには 2 つの設定があります。1 つは

inputrc 変数、もう 1 つはキーボード マッピングです。このファイルを構成するときは、コメントを別の行に入力する必要があることに注意してください。そうしないと問題が発生する可能性があります。 inputrc 変数設定


set variable value




#Controls what happens when Readline wants to ring the terminal bell. If set to ‘none’, Readline never rings the bell. If set to ‘visible’, Readline uses a visible bell if one is available. If set to ‘audible’ (the default), Readline attempts to ring the terminal's bell.

#If set to ‘on’, Readline attempts to bind the control characters treated specially by the kernel's terminal driver to their Readline equivalents.

#The string to insert at the beginning of the line when the insert-comment command is executed. The default value is "#".

#When set to a value greater than zero, common prefixes longer than this value are replaced with an ellipsis when displaying possible completions.
#e.g. set completion-prefix-display-length 4

#The number of possible completions that determines when the user is asked whether the list of possibilities should be displayed. If the number of possible completions is greater than this value, Readline will ask the user whether or not he wishes to view them; otherwise, they are simply listed. This variable must be set to an integer value greater than or equal to 0. A negative value means Readline should never ask. The default limit is 100.

#If set to ‘on’, Readline will convert characters with the eighth bit set to an ascii key sequence by stripping the eighth bit and prefixing an <ESC> character, converting them to a meta-prefixed key sequence. The default value is ‘on’.

#If set to ‘On’, Readline will inhibit word completion. Completion characters will be inserted into the line as if they had been mapped to self-insert. The default is ‘off’.

#The editing-mode variable controls which default set of key bindings is used. By default, Readline starts up in Emacs editing mode, where the keystrokes are most similar to Emacs. This variable can be set to either ‘emacs’ or ‘vi’.

#When set to ‘on’, on operating systems that indicate they support it, readline echoes a character corresponding to a signal generated from the keyboard. The default is ‘on’.

#When set to ‘on’, Readline will try to enable the application keypad when it is called. Some systems need this to enable the arrow keys. The default is ‘off’.

#When set to ‘on’, Readline will try to enable any meta modifier key the terminal claims to support when it is called. On many terminals, the meta key is used to send eight-bit characters. The default is ‘on’.

#If set to ‘on’, tilde expansion is performed when Readline attempts word completion. The default is ‘off’.

#If set to ‘on’, the history code attempts to place the point (the current cursor position) at the same location on each history line retrieved with previous-history or next-history. The default is ‘off’.

#Set the maximum number of history entries saved in the history list. If set to zero, the number of entries in the history list is not limited.

#This variable can be set to either ‘on’ or ‘off’. Setting it to ‘on’ means that the text of the lines being edited will scroll horizontally on a single screen line when they are longer than the width of the screen, instead of wrapping onto a new screen line. By default, this variable is set to ‘off’.

#If set to ‘on’, Readline will enable eight-bit input (it will not clear the eighth bit in the characters it reads), regardless of what the terminal claims it can support. The default value is ‘off’. The name meta-flag is a synonym for this variable.

#The string of characters that should terminate an incremental search without subsequently executing the character as a command. If this variable has not been given a value, the characters <ESC> and C-J will terminate an incremental search.

#Sets Readline&#39;s idea of the current keymap for key binding commands. Acceptable keymap names are emacs, emacs-standard, emacs-meta, emacs-ctlx, vi, vi-move, vi-command, and vi-insert. vi is equivalent to vi-command; emacs is equivalent to emacs-standard. The default value is emacs. The value of the editing-mode variable also affects the default keymap.

#If set to ‘on’, completed directory names have a slash appended. The default is ‘on’.

#This variable, when set to ‘on’, causes Readline to display an asterisk (*) at the start of history lines which have been modified. This variable is ‘off’ by default.

#If set to ‘on’, completed names which are symbolic links to directories have a slash appended (subject to the value of mark-directories). The default is ‘off’.

#This variable, when set to ‘on’, causes Readline to match files whose names begin with a ‘.’ (hidden files) when performing filename completion, unless the leading ‘.’ is supplied by the user in the filename to be completed. This variable is ‘on’ by default.

#If set to ‘on’, Readline will display characters with the eighth bit set directly rather than as a meta-prefixed escape sequence. The default is ‘off’.

#If set to ‘on’, Readline uses an internal more-like pager to display a screenful of possible completions at a time. This variable is ‘on’ by default.

#If set to ‘on’, Readline will display completions with matches sorted horizontally in alphabetical order, rather than down the screen. The default is ‘off’.

If set to ‘on’, Readline will undo all changes to history lines before returning when accept-line is executed. By default, history lines can be modified and retain individual undo lists across calls to readline. The default is ‘off’.

#This alters the default behavior of the completion functions in a fashion similar to show-all-if-ambiguous. If set to ‘on’, words which have more than one possible completion without any possible partial completion (the possible completions don&#39;t share a common prefix) cause the matches to be listed immediately instead of ringing the bell. The default value is ‘off’.

#If set to ‘on’, this alters the default completion behavior when inserting a single match into the line. It&#39;s only active when performing completion in the middle of a word. If enabled, readline does not insert characters from the completion that match characters after point in the word being completed, so portions of the word following the cursor are not duplicated. For instance, if this is enabled, attempting completion when the cursor is after the ‘e’ in ‘Makefile’ will result in ‘Makefile’ rather than ‘Makefilefile’, assuming there is a single possible completion. The default value is ‘off’.

#If set to ‘on’, a character denoting a file&#39;s type is appended to the filename when listing possible completions. The default is ‘off’.




keyname: function-name or macro


Control-u: universal-argument C-u is bound to the function universal-argument

Meta-Rubout: backward-kill-word M-DEL is bound to the function backward-kill-word

Control-o: "> output" C-o is bound to run the macro expressed on the right hand side (that is, to insert the text ‘> output’ into the line)

Control-j: menu-complete C-j is bound to cycle through the available tab completions.

Control-k: menu-complete-backward C-k is bound to cycle backwards through the available tab completions.

"\t": menu-complete Use tab to cycle through all the possible completions.

"\C-p": history-search-backward Map control-p to allow search for completions to the current line from your history. e.g. type “git” and then hit control-p to cycle through all the recent git commands.

"\ep": history-search-backward Map escape-p to allow search for completions to the current line from your history. e.g. type “git” and then hit escape-p to cycle through all the recent git commands.

"\e[A": history-search-backward Map Up arrow to allow search for completions to the current line from your history. e.g. type “git” and then hit UP to cycle through all the recent git commands.

"\e[B": history-search-forward Map Down arrow to allow search for completions to the current line from your history. e.g. type “git” and then hit DOWN to cycle back through all the recent git commands.

"\C-d": kill-whole-line Map control-d to kill the whole line.
MacOS での自動補完を次のように設定します。大文字と小文字を区別しない

上記の導入により、この問題は十分に解決できるはずです。ユーザーのホーム ディレクトリにあるファイル ~/.inputrc を開き (


# 设置自动补全不区分大小写
set completion-ignore-case on
# 当有一个以上自动补全结果时,直接列出,不用beep提示
set show-all-if-ambiguous on
ファイルを保存します。コマンド ラインを再起動すると、オートコンプリートが大文字と小文字を区別せずに有効になっていることがわかります。インターネット上の多くの結果の中から、次の構成を追加する必要があります:
TAB: menu-complete


キーをもう一度押すことです。常にオートコンプリート リストを表示するのではなく、オートコンプリート リストから。

推奨学習: Mac OS 入門チュートリアル

Linux ビデオ チュートリアル

以上がLinux および MacOS 端末における大文字と小文字の区別の問題について簡単に説明します (コード付き)の詳細内容です。詳細については、PHP 中国語 Web サイトの他の関連記事を参照してください。

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