[root@localhost vhost]# /application/nginx/sbin/nginx -t
nginx: the configuration file /application/nginx-1.10.1/conf/nginx.conf syntax is ok
nginx: configuration file /application/nginx-1.10.1/conf/nginx.conf test is successful
[root@localhost vhost]# /application/nginx/sbin/nginx -s reload
[root@localhost vhost]# cd /web/www/
[root@localhost www]# ll
total 12
-rw-r--r--. 1 root root 20 sep 26 07:00 index.html
-rw-r--r--. 1 root root 5798 sep 19 06:46 mysql.jpg
[root@localhost www]# rz
rz waiting to receive.
starting zmodem transfer. press ctrl+c to cancel.
transferring 1.js...
100% 42 kb 42 kb/s 00:00:01 0 errors
?[root@localhost www]# ll
total 56
-rw-r--r--. 1 root root 43978 sep 27 05:06 1.js
-rw-r--r--. 1 root root 20 sep 26 07:00 index.html
-rw-r--r--. 1 root root 5798 sep 19 06:46 mysql.jpg
客户端访问 http:
[root@localhost www]# curl -i http:
http/1.1 200 ok
server: nginx/1.10.1
: tue, 27 sep 2016 04:44:08 gmt
content-type: application/javascript
content-length: 43978
last-modified: tue, 27 sep 2016 02:06:23 gmt
connection: keep-alive
expires: thu, 27 oct 2016 04:44:08 gmt
cache-control: max-age=2592000
accept-ranges: bytes