最近、工業情報化部、科学技術部、財政部、中国民間航空局は共同で「一般航空機器の革新的応用実施計画(2024~2030年)」を発表した。 」と、低空域の経済的懸念に対する業界全体の懸念が再び引き起こされました。

低高度経済は本当に爆発寸前なのでしょうか?それは私たちの生活にどんな影響を与えるのでしょうか? 今日の記事では、Xiao Zaojun が、質疑応答形式を通じて、誰もが低地経済についての基本的な理解を確立できるよう支援します。
█ 低レベル経済とは正確には何ですか?
低空経済の正式な定義は、主に民間の有人航空機と無人航空機に基づいた包括的なシステムを指し、有人、貨物、その他の運用などの複数のシナリオで低空飛行活動によって駆動され、運転に放射されます。関連分野の統合的発展、経済形態。 人間の言葉で説明すると、低空無人航空機や有人航空機をベースに、人の輸送、物資の輸送、特殊作業などを目的として、飛行、製造、保守(保証)、サービス関連の包括的な産業チェーンはすべて低高度経済として分類できます。 低空経済の経済規模は極めて巨大です。データによると、我が国の低地経済は2023年に5000億元を超え、2030年には2兆元に達すると予想されています。
█ 標高が低いですが、どのくらいの高さですか?
1000メートル。 正確には、直下の地上から垂直距離1,000メートル以内の空域は低空経済の範疇に属します。
█ 低空経済でよく言われるeVTOLとは何ですか?
eVTOL は VoLTE に少し似ていますが、まったく別のものです。 eVTOLは通常「エフトル」と読み、正式名称はelectric Vertical Take-off and Landingといい、電動垂直離着陸機のことです。 つまり、滑走路を必要とせず、垂直離着陸が可能な電動飛行機です。
これを「空飛ぶ車」と呼ぶ人もいますが、実際には「電動ヘリコプター」と呼ぶのが適切です。 eVTOL は将来の航空輸送業界の重要な分野であり、現在最も注目されている分野です。 従来のヘリコプタと比較して、有人 eVTOL は純粋な電気駆動、低騒音、高コストパフォーマンス、低コスト、容易なメンテナンス、より安全で環境に優しいという利点があり、低高度経済の中核とみなされています。
eVTOLの価格は従来のヘリコプタの1/5~1/10程度です。 中国におけるeVTOLの代表的な企業:EHang Intelligent、Shide Technology、Fengfei Aviation、Yufeng Future、Volant、Pantuo Aviation、Xpeng Huitianなど。 2024 年 2 月 27 日、世界初の eVTOL 海と都市を横断する航空路が初飛行を行いました。 Fengfei Aviation Technologyが開発したeVTOL「Shengshilong」は、クルーズの母港である深セン蛇口から珠海九州港ターミナルまでスムーズに飛行でき、片道の地上走行時間は20分に短縮される。 これは eVTOL にとってマイルストーンとなるイベントとみなされます。
█ eVTOL、飛行高度はどれくらいですか?
現在、120 メートル未満のドローンは民生用ドローンであり、100 ~ 300 メートルのスペースは産業用途のドローン用に確保されています。 現在、都市型ヘリコプターの多くは高度 300 メートル程度、大型ヘリコプターでも高度 450 メートル程度を飛行することが一般的です。 業界の推定によると、eVTOL はまもなく登場し、約 300 メートルの高さを占有することになります。既存のヘリコプターはほぼ高さ約600メートルまで上昇する。
█eVTOL を商業運用するには証明書が必要ですか? ### もちろん。
国内航空機が商用便に参入するには、中国民用航空局が発行した型式証明書 (TC) と標準耐空証明書 (AC) が必要です。 民間航空分野では、耐空証明書の発行について非常に厳しい要件が定められています。航空機はあらゆる側面 (安全性、性能、機能、使用法、信頼性) でテストされる必要があります。すべての条件が満たされるまで証明書は発行されません。全体のサイクルは数年間続きます。 現在、EHang社の無人有人航空機EH216-Sは、世界で初めて耐空証明を取得した「空のタクシー」です。計500項目以上の予備試験500回以上、調整飛行4万回以上、主要65品目450以上の正式適合確認試験を経てきた。 この航空機の最大飛行速度は時速 130 キロメートル、飛行時間は 25 分、設計航続距離は 30 キロメートルです。タオバオに出品されており、価格は239万元となっている。

█Xiao Zaojun、eVTOL に座る勇気はありますか?
実は、もう座ってしまいました。でも飛ばなかった(笑)。 過去数年間、EH216-S 航空機は世界 14 か国で 45,000 回以上の安全な飛行を完了しており、老犬のように安定しています。 航空用途としては十分な冗長設計となっております。複数のプロペラが停止してもスムーズに着陸できます。 あと、ちょっとしたトリビアを教えてください——300 meters is a very safe height. When flying at this altitude, even if the engine fails, the rotor will continue to rotate driven by the airflow. Through the autorotation of the rotor, a safe landing can be achieved. So, unless a rocket or missile hits you, you are very safe.

█ Can ordinary people afford eVTOL?
Can afford to sit. On TV, we often see rich people flying in helicopters, which is very cool.

160 million each, one? This kind of helicopter is also available in our city, and there are some tourist experience projects, which cost about 1,000-2,000 yuan. If it is a good plane, it will cost about 10,000 yuan to fly longer and enjoy the city view. The flight price of eVTOL is much lower than that of traditional helicopters. According to predictions by industry insiders, the flight from Shenzhen to Guangzhou costs about 200-300 yuan, which is slightly more expensive than taking a taxi, but the time can be saved several times (2.5 hours by taxi, 25 minutes by eVTOL), making it more cost-effective.
█ Will eVTOL replace civil aviation aircraft?
Won't. eVTOL has its own niche. Its flight distance is limited and it is not suitable for long-distance flights. It is mainly aimed at short-distance travel. It needs to be mentioned here that eVTOL has high requirements for the energy density of power batteries. The energy density of mass-produced electric vehicle power batteries currently on the market ranges from about 140Wh/kg to 200Wh/kg, which is far from meeting the requirements of eVTOL. Currently, 400Wh/kg aviation lithium battery products are mainly in mass production and meet airworthiness requirements. In the future, if we can break through key technologies such as high energy density lithium batteries, high specific power hydrogen fuel cells, high efficiency electric propulsion systems, high thrust-to-weight ratio ducted fans, advanced aerodynamic layout ducted fans, and solar drones, eVTOL will become stronger.
█ eVTOL, when can we get on it?
According to the plan, it is expected that in 2025-2026, a large number of domestic eVTOL companies will be able to obtain airworthiness certificates and be equipped with corresponding operating standards. This also means that at that time, eVTOL gradually began to be put into market operation. Everyone was gradually able to sit down. The method of use is also very simple. Through the mobile app, you can "call the phone with one click".
█ In the low-altitude economy, besides fighting "flying", what else can we do?
There are so many functions. When transporting people, it can generally be used for sightseeing, business flights, and medical emergencies. For transporting goods, logistics transportation and express delivery.
Logistics UAV There are even more special operations, such as agriculture, forestry and plant protection, high-rise fire extinguishing, geographical surveying and mapping, security patrols, environmental monitoring, power inspections, etc.
Firefighting Drone█ Is there any low-altitude economy abroad?
It is also available abroad, but the name is different. It is called UAM (Urban Air Mobility) in Europe, and it is called AAM (Advanced Air Mobility) by NASA (Aeronautics and Space Administration) in the United States. In addition, there are IAM (Regional Air Mobility), RAM (Rural Air Mobility), SAM (Suburban Air Mobility).
█ What are the advantages of China’s low-altitude economy? What are the differences?
Let’s talk about the gap first. In traditional aircraft manufacturing, we are inferior to others. Obviously, we started late and others started early. In the entire aircraft industry chain, we are far behind others. Engine, as everyone knows, our aviation engine is not good enough and we have been chasing it. In addition to engines, we are temporarily inferior to our opponents in many aspects such as motors and body materials.
Propeller Foreign production of traditional aircraft is many times that of ours. The amount of helicopters used by others is many times that of ours (in the New York area alone, there are more than 3,000 helicopters). It is a fact that their aviation industry foundation is stronger than ours. In addition to hardware, they also have more pilots than us. After the end of World War II, 600,000 pilots in the United States changed careers, and basically all entered the field of general aviation, which greatly stimulated the development of the American aviation industry and formed a unique civil aviation flying culture. Domestic transportation in the United States is closely built around highways and aviation. As for China, we will gradually adopt high-speed rail and expressway routes this century. Let’s talk about the advantages. Development started late. One advantage is that it can use more advanced technology. Everyone has seen that many of our drones are multi-rotors. The eVTOL I just mentioned is basically a multi-rotor. Foreign engine technology is good and the single rotor power is high. In the early days, they felt that multi-rotor wastes energy and has low energy efficiency. If it is an electric multi-rotor, it is a waste of electricity. But it turns out that in current working scenarios of drones and eVTOLs, the load capacity is relatively small and the weight is relatively light. This little thing is actually more practical.

Our country is developing rapidly in terms of multi-rotors, such as DJI and the EHang I just mentioned. In addition to multi-rotor, our electric vehicles are developing faster. As a result, we have developed technical advantages in the three-electricity (battery, electronic control, and electronic regulation) systems. Our flight control technology has advanced rapidly, and aircraft manufacturing is also working hard. Therefore, we have slowly begun to reverse our previous disadvantages. Our electricity prices are cheap, which is also conducive to the development of the industry. Our commercial operations are also very fast. In Shenzhen, companies such as Eastern General Aviation have initially established a relatively large operating platform that can provide low-altitude aircraft-related services to various users. It not only radiates to the Greater Bay Area, but also extends to the Yangtze River Delta.

In the next few years, with the rapid development of the low-altitude economy, relevant low-altitude flight operation companies will appear in more and more provinces, driving the overall development of the industrial chain.
█ What does low-altitude economy have to do with 5G?
Low-altitude economy and 5G are closely related. First of all, safety is extremely important when aircraft are flying in urban areas with high population density. Aircraft need to maintain communication with the ground, aircraft flight status needs to be tracked and fed back, and aircraft routes need to be scheduled, all of which rely on communication technology. 5G is a very suitable communication technology. It has large bandwidth, low delay and high reliability, and can provide communication guarantee for low-altitude flights. Some special-operation aircraft, such as emergency rescue helicopters, require networks such as 5G to transmit the vital sign data of the injured back to the hospital in real time for prompt treatment.

There are also drones for forest fire prevention and environmental monitoring, which require 5G for real-time ultra-high-definition image transmission. Now entering the 5G-A era, Xiao Zaojun also introduced before that 5G-A has synaesthesia integration. Synesthesia integration is equivalent to adding a radar function to the base station, which can greatly improve the tracking and management capabilities of low-altitude aircraft, and monitor the position, speed and trajectory of low-altitude aircraft in real time. Okay, the above is some basic knowledge about low-altitude economy and eVTOL. Once you master these, you can have fun blowing water with others! I am very optimistic about the low-level economy. What do you think? This article comes from the WeChat public account: Xian Zao Classroom (ID: xzclasscom), author: Xiao Zaojun
以上が低高度経済と eVTOL について 1 つの記事で学ぶの詳細内容です。詳細については、PHP 中国語 Web サイトの他の関連記事を参照してください。