3月にRoborock社の自動清掃型掃除・モップ掛けロボット P10S Proをレビューした際、掃除とモップ掛けをワンステップで行えるデュアル「ロボットアーム」を備えたこのコスト効率の高い製品が、筆者に非常に深い印象を残し、また期待を抱かせた結局のところ、P10S シリーズはすでに非常に強力なので、そのフラッグシップである Stone G20S はさらに強力ではないでしょうか?
ついに、「道は石のよう」をテーマとした2024年のRoborock Technology Global Conferenceで、Roborock G20Sが正式にリリースされました。価格は水タンクバージョンが5,399元、スマート給排水セットが5,999元です。元。

レポートによると、Roborock G20S には、FlexiArm Design スマート ロボット アームと小さな丸いハンド ドラッグが装備されており、「コーナーの死角がゼロで、内側のコーナーを 100% カバーする」と言われています。また、「Roborock 史上最も強力な頭脳」も装備されています。——RR メイソン 11.0、RGB カメラ デュアルライン レーザー障害物検出は、最大 73 種類の物体を識別できます。

1. デザイン
Stone ファミリーのハイエンド主力製品として、Stone G20S はハイエンドのデザイン言語を採用しています。フラットスクリーンを多用した形状で、シンプルながらもデザイン性のあるライン、色合わせもより洗練されています。

Roborock G20S ベースステーション本体の左右は上下面がフラットになるよう設計されており、腰部のダストボックスと下部の掃除室には純無垢材を採用しています。黒、「コントラストカラー」デザインを形成します。

ステータス ライトは、ベース ステーション前面のロゴの下にあり、ダスト ボックスと機体の間の継ぎ目に隠れています。

Stone G20S のボディは、これまでの Stone 製品のデザイン言語を継承しており、丸いボディですが、ピュア ブラックのボディ、マットと光沢のあるスプライシングが使用されており、Stone ロゴはメタリック シルバーで塗装されています。 、全体的な形状はシンプルで高級感があります。

製品の前面には RGB カメラとデュアルライン レーザー障害物検出が搭載されており、最大 73 種類の物体を識別できます。 胴体の側面には、壁センサー、充電接点、赤外線補助ライト、リアクティブ AI 認識および障害物回避センサー、充電センサー、排気口、昇降振動モジュールなどがあります。


胴体の底部に来ると、Roborock G20S はデュアル ラバー ブラシ設計を継続します。ラバー ブラシ モジュール全体がリフティングもサポートします。純粋なドラッグ モードでは、メイン ブラシが積極的にリフトし、騒音を低減し、二次ブラシの汚染を防ぎます。

モップはストーンGシリーズが誇る「フラット」モップです。 従来の回転モップとは異なり、Roborock が独自に開発した 4 ゾーン デュアル振動モップは、最大 4,000 rpm に達する高周波振動設計を採用しており、フローティング モップ モジュールと高周波振動の完璧な組み合わせにより、しっかりとしたモップを確保します。床面では床の深い隙間に直接当たるので掃除効率が良く、モップの隙間抜けも解消されます。

より優れたウェルト清掃能力を満たすために、今回 Roborock G20S には柔らかいゴム製の「小さな丸いハンド」が追加されました。これは上の写真の左側にある小さなディスクモップです。 洗浄プロセス中、このモップは 1.68 mm の極端なエッジウェッティングを達成し、高速で回転してウェットモップを継続することができるため、エッジに沿った洗浄とカバー範囲が向上します。 At the same time, the side brush of Roborock G20S also adopts a robotic arm design. When it encounters a "triangular" area that is difficult to clean, it will "stretch" outward and recycle dust and garbage inward, making it possible to clean along the edges and inner corners. 100% coverage.

Back to the base station part. The Roborock G20S clean water tank is located on the top of the base station, including a 4L clean water tank and a 3.5L wastewater tank. If you choose the upper and lower water version, the height of the base station of Roborock G20S is only 300mm, which can better achieve hidden installation.

The dust collection area is cleverly designed at the waist of the base station. The dust bag type can be replaced by removing the cover. Dust bag capacity is 2.5L.

The bottom of the base station is the base area of the robot, which integrates functions such as drying, cleaning mops, up and down drainage, vacuuming, charging, etc. It is worth noting that in the left area of the site, an additional device specially used for "small round hands" cleaning has been added. At the same time, the chassis of Roborock G20S also supports disassembly.
2. Cleaning experience
I believe everyone is very concerned about the basic cleaning ability of Stone G20S. Let’s talk about a suction parameter first - 11000Pa. For comparison, the suction power of the previous generation product is 6000Pa, which is upgraded from 6000 to 11000Pa. What is the concept? The suction power is nearly doubled!

11000Pa is the suction ceiling of current sweeping robots. Of course, even if you don’t use such a large suction power in your daily life, this thing is equivalent to a strategic reserve, which will at least prevent your products from becoming obsolete in the next few years. Paired with the high suction power of 11000Pa, there is also the "double roller brush" of Roborock G20S. The double rubber brushes are rolled inwards, and with the super suction power, the suction and shoveling are performed at the same time, achieving the "double roll - fierce suction - double shovel" effect. The effect and cleaning ability are significantly improved.

In order to further avoid the problem of hair entanglement, two blades are hidden on both sides of the double-spiral rubber brush to achieve automatic hair cutting, achieve the effect of suction, curling and cutting, and hair treatment is also more leisurely. Let’s take a look at the floor cleaning effect. As shown below, sprinkle some granular snack residues on the ground and select the default suction power. You can see that even in the face of these larger food residues, Stone G20S can easily suck them up by going back and forth twice. .

Turn on the highest level of suction, and do it again with Stone G20S. The contrast effect in the picture below is very obvious.

High suction power is also "hard to come back once you use it" when it comes to carpet cleaning. You must know that the inside of carpet fibers is very easy to hide dirt and evil people and practices. With high suction power, you can remove all the garbage in these depths. Adsorb away. As shown in the picture below, Stone G20S is like a lawnmower during carpet cleaning. Where it passes, the arrangement direction of carpet fibers is clearly visible, confirming that the trajectory of Stone G20S just passed was originally scattered on the carpet. The particles of garbage have now been completely removed by it.

At work, Roborock G20S can identify the ground scene through the RGB camera. When the carpet area is identified, it will also actively raise the mop to avoid contact with the carpet as much as possible.

The mopping module of Stone G20S can be raised and lowered up to 20mm, and can be adapted to short-haired, long-haired and other types of blankets. At the same time, the Max mode is enabled, with a maximum suction power of 11000Pa, which can clean the carpet twice in a tic-tac-toe pattern. . After cleaning the carpet area, move on to other areas.

In terms of mopping, compared with the G20, the Roborock G20S's four-zone dual-vibration mopping has a vibration frequency upgraded to 4,000 times/minute. Secondly, the mop's vibration area is increased by 16.5%, with stronger stain disintegration performance and a larger area. big. As shown in the picture below, the large area of sauce stains can be completely removed by Stone G20S in just one sweep.

In daily cleaning work, there are always some places where there are blind spots, such as cleaning the corners of cabinets and skirting boards. The solution provided by Roborock G20S is the Flexi Arm smart robotic arm. Round hand drag. When Stone G20S recognizes the clean environment in the corners of walls and gaps at the bottom of furniture, the smart robotic arm will "stretch" outward, like a human being, "reaching out" to clean up after encountering a sanitary dead corner. At the same time, the additional soft rubber "small round hands" added to the side of the fuselage can be used to the extreme edge without stretching, ensuring clean coverage of the corners.

You can clearly see in the above picture that Xiao Yuan is dragging it in the "rotating" cleaning As shown in the picture below, the gap at the bottom of the kitchen utensils was the cleaning dead corner of previous sweeping robot products, and with "Small round hand", Roborock G20S can achieve extreme welting, completely solving the problem of difficult cleaning at the base of the wall.

Increased the difficulty of the test. Faced with large areas of dry and wet garbage such as sauce stains, coffee powder, and cereals, the Stone G20S in sweeping and mopping mode can easily handle it, and it can be said that it cleans wherever it goes. .

During the cleaning work, Stone G20S will also use the RGB camera on the front side of the fuselage to intelligently identify the degree of stains and match the best cleaning solution for different types. As shown in the picture below, when G20S recognizes a large area of liquid stains on the ground, it will intelligently mop again to ensure that every place is clean.

3. Intelligent experience
Roborock G20S is said to be equipped with "the most powerful brain in the history of Roborock" - RR mason 11.0, which supports intelligent identification of room types and floor materials, and proactive planning of cleaning sequences. , sweeping and mopping solutions, etc. For example, through the Stone App, you can quickly set different suction power, water volume, cleaning times, and path preferences for different areas through selection and division.

In addition, cleaning tasks can be temporarily added during the cleaning process of Roborock G20S. Of course, if you think this setting is too cumbersome, then Roborock G20S also provides a lazy option - AI worry-free mode. In this mode, Roborock G20S will intelligently generate cleaning parameters for different rooms based on AI-identified room types, floor materials, etc., proactively set the most suitable cleaning method, and intelligently plan the cleaning sequence, adjust suction, water volume, etc. when starting cleaning. Route preferences.

After turning it on, you don’t have to worry about large or small amounts of water, cleaning first and then mopping, suction power, route preference... In short, you don’t have to worry about these. How to sweep and mop is all left to AI. to solve. As for obstacle avoidance, this has always been Roborock’s strength. You don’t have to worry about it on the G20S flagship. For example, in the partial cleaning below, the G20S avoids obstacles throughout the entire process, and then tentatively circles around the table legs. Turn in one circle and use the Flexi Arm's flexible robotic arm to drag it in a small circle for localized and refined cleaning.

Even in a dim/night environment, there is no need to worry. After turning on infrared, G20S will actively light up the "headlights" to illuminate the road ahead.

The RGB camera of Roborock G20S has dual-line laser obstacle detection and can identify up to 73 types of objects.

The upgraded pet mode 3.0 can intelligently identify pets, pet daddies, pet food bowls, pet nests, pet cages, cat climbing frames and other items, and achieve obstacle avoidance and depth of the pet environment. clean.

After turning on remote video, it also supports interesting gameplay such as one-click pet hunting and pet capture.
One-click search for petsThe voice assistant has been newly upgraded with multiple rounds of dialogue, and has been updated with Cantonese and Sichuan-Chongqing dialect recognition. It even supports summoning to clean the dirt around you, clean the local environment in the living room, adjust the suction, check the weather, etc. Even when offline, the robot can be controlled by voice, which is a proper smart speaker standard.

4. Base Station Experience
Self-cleaning is a very critical part of the experience of sweeping and mopping robots. After all, only when the mop is clean can the ground be clean. To this end, Roborock G20S supports active hot water washing of the mop, which can clean the mop with 60°C high-temperature hot water, with a sterilization rate of up to 99.99%. Through the thermal sensing thermometer, you can see the temperature inside the Stone G20S when cleaning the mop. The area closest to the mop has turned dark yellow, which means that it is being cleaned with hot water at this time.

At the same time, Roborock G20S supports self-cleaning of the base station. The self-cleaning module has dual scrapers underneath, which can automatically scrape off sewage dirt, and supports hot air drying and cleaning tanks. As can be seen from the comparison chart, the comparison before and after cleaning with the mop is still very obvious.
Before cleaning, after cleaningIn terms of details, Roborock G20S base station supports automatic dust collection, and the antibacterial dust bag can meet the needs of efficient dust collection for 60 days; it supports automatic addition of cleaning fluid, and automatic On and off the water. If you choose the automatic water supply and drainage version, you don't even need to add water or pour water. All you have to do is to manually change the "dust bag" every few dozen days.

At the same time, in terms of accessories, Stone G20S also provides an additional antibacterial dust bag and a bottle of antibacterial cleaning fluid. The Roborock G20S base station also has quite a wealth of setting functions, such as cloth washing mode, dust collection frequency, etc. For example, drying provides three gears of 2, 3, and 4 hours.

The thermal imager also recorded the temperature near the base station during drying, which was all around 30°C, ensuring safety to a certain extent.

This time the experience of Roborock G20 has been greatly improved. For the purpose of floor cleaning, the hardware specifications of Roborock G20S have almost reached the ceiling level of the industry: Flexi Arm Robotic arm, small round hand mop, active hot water washing mop, four-zone dual-vibration floor mopping, 11000Pa amazing suction power... From small corner dust to large solidified stains, carpet cleaning, Roborock G20S can easily handle it.

In addition to meeting users' floor cleaning needs, Roborock G20S's all-in-one base station and a series of humanized smart interactions also elevate the Roborock G20S experience to a new dimension: AI worry-free mode, active hot water mop cleaning, and remote video Calls, pet captures, voice commands, and voice recognition. Such a product deserves the title of flagship. So, if you have sufficient budget and need a product that can be completed in one step, has cleaning power that will not be eliminated in a few years, and meets all-round experience such as ease of use and intelligence, Roborock G20S is the most suitable product for you. elected. For friends who don’t have enough budget, the Roborock P10S series is also a very cost-effective choice. It has the same 11000Pa high suction power as the flagship model, RR mason 11.0, hot water washable mop, video calling and so on. In short, when choosing self-cleaning sweeping and mopping robot products, Roborock Technology is already an unavoidable choice for you.
以上がRoborock 自動清掃掃除およびモップロボット G20S 体験: 4 ゾーンデュアル振動モップ + メカニカルアーム + 小さな丸いハンド、清掃力はフラッグシップに値しますの詳細内容です。詳細については、PHP 中国語 Web サイトの他の関連記事を参照してください。