对于Linux的Shell编程不熟,用PHP写了个可以在终端和运行的多进程并行框架。功能很简单,能基本满足Linux下同时批量处理一些耗时的工作(修正第一版上的一些错误,和作一些优化) 第一版的地址:http://www.oschina.net/code/snippet_779765_44045 无 #!/usr/
对于 Linux 的 Shell 编程不熟,用 PHP 写了个可以在终端和运行的多进程并行框架。功能很简单,能基本满足 Linux 下同时批量处理一些耗时的工作(修正第一版上的一些错误,和作一些优化)
#!/usr/bin/env php <?php /* * PHP CLI shell 多进程入口 * * 运行 ./bat.php [--help] 查看帮助 * 运行 ./bat.php bat-test.php 执行示例 * * 也可以建一个如下的可执行 bat.inc.php 脚本 * 运行 ./bat.inc.php 来直接执行: #!/usr/bin/env php <?php ob_start(); include 'bat.php'; include 'bat-test.php'; ?> * * bat-test.php 脚本内容如下: <?php #防误确认 if(!bat::confirm()){ bat::message("用户取消"); exit; } #全局变量 global $x; $x = 12345; #添加任务 bat::run('a'); bat::run('b', __LINE__); bat::run('c'); bat::run('b', __LINE__); bat::run('a'); #启动任务 bat::start(); #任务函数 function a(){ global $x; do{ bat::notify("我是通知主进程显示的提示文字,测试变量 \$x = " . $x++); usleep(500000); }while(mt_rand(100, 999) > 159); } function b($line){ do{ bat::notify("我是显示传递的参数 \$line = $line"); usleep(500000); }while(mt_rand(100, 999) > 359); } function c(){ global $x; bat::notify("多个任务之间的初始变量值不受影响, \$x = $x"); bat::notify("我是暂停 9 秒时间测试"); sleep(9); bat::notify("我是出错代码 5 测试"); exit(5); } ?> */ /** 确保这个脚本只能运行在 SHELL 中 */ if(substr(php_sapi_name(), 0, 3) !== 'cli'){ die("This Programe can only be run in CLI mode.\n"); } if(!is_callable('pcntl_fork') || !is_callable('msg_send')){ bat::message("本程序需要 pcntl, sysvmsg 扩展,但您的系统没有安装!", 2); exit(5); } class bat{ static private $max = 3, $total = 0, $running = 0, $failure = 0, $finished = 0, $daemon = false, $tasks = array(), $msg, $msgs = array(), $logfile = "/tmp/bat.php.log", $childs, $start, $split, $get, $parent, $wait; static function init(){ set_time_limit(0); error_reporting(8106 & E_ALL); ini_set('display_errors', 'Off'); set_error_handler(array(__CLASS__, 'error'), E_ALL); set_exception_handler(array(__CLASS__, 'exception')); register_shutdown_function(array(__CLASS__, 'shutdown')); self::$start = time(); self::$split = str_repeat('=', 512); self::$parent = msg_get_queue(getmypid()); } static function main($inc){ self::init(); ob_get_level() && ob_end_clean(); if($_SERVER["argc"] == 1){ if($inc) return true; self::usage(); } $i = 0; $daemon = false; $files = array(); while(++$i < $_SERVER["argc"]){ switch($_SERVER["argv"][$i]){ case "?": case "/?": case "-?": case "-h": case "--help": self::usage(); case "-f": case "--file": if(++$i < $_SERVER["argc"]){ $file = $_SERVER["argv"][$i]; if(is_readable($file)){ $files[] = $file; continue; } self::message("脚本 $file 不在在或不可访问", 2); self::end(4); } self::message("缺少脚本参数", 1); echo "\n请使用 $_ENV[_] --help 查看帮助!\n"; self::end(1); case "-m": case "--max": if(++$i < $_SERVER["argc"]){ self::$max = intval($_SERVER["argv"][$i]); if(self::$max >= 1) continue; self::message("进程数量应为正整数", 2); self::end(8); } self::message("未指定进程数量", 2); self::end(7); case "-l": case "--log": case "--logfile": if(++$i < $_SERVER["argc"]){ if(is_dir(self::$logfile = $_SERVER["argv"][$i])){ self::$logfile .= "/bat.php.log"; } if(is_file(self::$logfile)){ if(is_writable(self::$logfile)){ continue; } }else{ if(is_writable(dirname(self::$logfile))){ continue; } } self::message("日志目录不可写", 2); self::end(9); } self::message("缺少日志文件/目录", 2); self::end(6); case "-d": case "--daemon": $daemon = true; continue; case "-v": case "--version": self::$daemon = true; exit(self::version()); default : $file = $_SERVER["argv"][$i]; if(is_readable($file)){ $files[] = $file; continue; }elseif($file[0] == '-'){ self::message("未识别的选项 $file", 1); }else{ self::message("脚本 $file 不在在或不可访问", 2); } self::end(4); } } $daemon && self::daemon(); foreach($files as $file){ self::inc($file); } } static function run($fun, $arg = null){ if(is_callable($fun)){ self::$tasks[] = array($fun, $arg); }else{ throw new Exception("不是函数或不可调用", 9); } } static function start(){ self::$total += count(self::$tasks); foreach(self::$tasks as $fun_arg){ if(self::$max < ++self::$running){ self::run_wait($cid); }elseif(self::$running == 1){ if(!self::$daemon){ # 清屏并设置光标到第一行 $x = intval(`tput lines`); echo str_repeat("\n", $x -1); self::flush('程序开始执行...', 1); } self::$wait = 0; } if($cid = pcntl_fork()){ if($cid < 0){ throw new Exception("创建进程失败", 3); } self::$childs[$cid] = msg_get_queue($cid); }else{ ob_start(); self::$tasks = array(); self::$get = msg_get_queue(getmypid()); self::$msg = sprintf("%-6d", getmypid()); msg_receive(self::$get, 0, $typ, 128, $msg); msg_send(self::$parent, 1, getmypid(), false); call_user_func($fun_arg[0], $fun_arg[1]); exit; } } while(self::$running) self::run_wait($cid); self::$tasks = array(); } static function daemon(){ if($cid = pcntl_fork()){ if($cid < 0){ throw new Exception("创建进程失败", 3); } self::$daemon = true; exit("PID:$cid\n"); } self::$daemon = true; } static function is_da(){ return self::$daemon; } static function set_max($max){ $max = intval($max); if($max > 0)self::$max = $max; } static function set_logfile($log){ if(is_dir($log)){ $log .= "/bat.php.log"; } if(is_file($log)){ if(is_writable($log)){ self::$logfile = $log; } }else{ if(is_writable(dirname($log))){ self::$logfile = $log; } } } static private function run_exit($cid, $status){ if(!pcntl_wifexited($status) || pcntl_wexitstatus($status)){ $msg = sprintf("%-6d%s %s", $cid, date("H:i:s"), '进程异常退出'); if(pcntl_wifexited($status)){ $msg .= ',错误代码:' . pcntl_wexitstatus($status); } self::$failure++; }else{ $msg = sprintf("%-6d%s %s", $cid, date("H:i:s"), '进程执行完毕'); self::$finished++; } unset(self::$childs[$cid]); self::$daemon || self::flush($msg, 4); self::$running--; } static private function run_wait($cid){ static $childs = array(); if(self::$wait){ if(self::$wait != $cid){ # $childs[$cid] = time(); msg_send(self::$childs[$cid], 1, 'start'); } }else{ foreach(self::$childs as $cid => $t){ msg_send($t, 1, 'start'); # $childs[$cid] = time(); } } self::$wait = $cid; label_time: $nomsg_interval = time() + 6; label_wait: $time = time(); if(msg_receive(self::$parent, 0, $typ, 8192, $msg, false, MSG_NOERROR | MSG_IPC_NOWAIT)){ if($typ == 3){ self::$daemon || self::flush($msg, $time); }else{ if($typ == 1){ $msg = sprintf("%-6d%s %s", $msg, date("H:i:s"), '进程启动'); self::$daemon || self::flush($msg, 3); }elseif($typ == 4){ if($cid = pcntl_waitpid($msg, $status, WNOHANG) and $cid > 0){ self::run_exit($cid, $status); return; } }elseif($typ == 5 && is_callable("bat_diy_notify")){ bat_diy_notify($msg); } } }else{ if(self::$daemon){ if($cid = pcntl_wait($status, WNOHANG) and $cid > 0){ self::run_exit($cid, $status); return; }else{ sleep(6); goto label_time; } }elseif(self::flush(null, 5)){ echo "\33[0;0H"; $lines = intval(`tput lines`); echo "\33[K运行时长:", self::run_time(), ' ', date("Y-m-d H:i:s", self::$start), ' - ', date("Y-m-d H:i:s"), "\33[$lines;0H"; } usleep(200000); } if($nomsg_interval < $time){ foreach(self::$childs as $msg => $t){ if($cid = pcntl_waitpid($msg, $status, WNOHANG) and $cid > 0){ self::run_exit($cid, $status); } } if(self::$max > self::$running) return; goto label_time; } goto label_wait; } static function notify($msg, $diy = false){ if($diy){ if(self::$get){ msg_send(self::$parent, 5, $msg, false); }else{ bat_diy_notify((string)$msg); } }else{ if(self::$daemon){ # msg_send(self::$parent, 5, self::$msg, false); }else{ msg_send(self::$parent, 3, self::$msg . date("H:i:s ") . $msg, false); } } } static function message($msg, $code = 0){ if(self::$daemon){ return true; } switch($code){ case 0: echo "\33[37m提示:\33[0m", $msg, "\n"; break; case 1: echo "\33[33m警告:\33[0m", $msg, "\n"; break; case 2: echo "\33[31m错误:\33[0m", $msg, "\n"; break; } } static function confirm($msg = "确定要继续执行"){ if(self::$daemon)return true;# 后台默认 echo $msg, "(yes/no)?: "; # 暂这样 return "yes\n" == fgets(STDIN); } static function usage(){ $bat = __CLASS__; echo "" , "Usage:\n" , " $_ENV[_] [options] [-f | --file] <file>\n" , "Options:\n" , " -h | --help 显示本帮助信息\n" , " -v | --version 查看程序版本信息\n" , "\n" , " -m | --max <num> 同时执行进程数量,默认 ", self::$max, " 个\n" , " -l | --log <file> 错误记录日志文件,默认 ", self::$logfile, "\n" , " -d | --daemon 启动后台进程执行,不会占用终端和输出内容\n" , "Information:\n" , " 脚本中调用 $bat::run(fun[, arg]) 来添加任务\n" , " fun 为要执行的函数名;arg 为传递给这个函数的参数,可省\n" , "\n" , " 脚本中调用 $bat::start() 来启动子进程执行上面添加的任务\n" , " 在子进程中,通过调用 $bat::notify(msg) 发送要显示的信息给父进程\n" , " 在子进程中,程序执行发生错误,要让主进程统计为失败需用 exit(num) 非零返回\n" , "\n" , " 可以在主进程中提供一个 bat_diy_notify(msg) 函数来记录子进程传回的数据\n" , " 子进程调用 $bat::notify(msg, true) 传递数据给父进程,区别是多了 true 参数\n" , " 注:msg 只能为字符串,且长度不要太长,以免多余的部分被系统丢弃\n" ; self::$daemon = true; exit(); } static function version(){ return "Version: 0.3 by huye\n"; } static private function inc($file){ include $file; } static private function end($code = 0){ if($code || self::$daemon){ # echo self::$total, " 任务完成\n"; self::$daemon = true; exit($code); } $cols = intval(`tput cols`); $lines = intval(`tput lines`); if(self::$total){ self::flush("执行完毕.", 2); echo "\33[$lines;{$cols}H\33[1C\n\n"; } if(is_file(self::$logfile) && filemtime(self::$logfile) >= self::$start){ echo "\33[K发生错误:", self::$logfile, "\n"; } echo "\33[K运行时长:", self::run_time(), ' ', date("Y-m-d H:i:s", self::$start), ' - ', date("Y-m-d H:i:s"), "\n"; echo "\33[K执行完毕:已完成任务 ", self::$finished, " 个", self::$failure ? ",失败 " . self::$failure . " 个" : "", self::$total ? "(共 " . self::$total . " 个)" : "", "。\n"; } static private function flush($msg, $time){ $cols = intval(`tput cols`); $lines = intval(`tput lines`); if($msg){ $_max = $cols; foreach(explode("\n", $msg) as $msg){ if($cols < strlen($msg)){# ascii utf8 ascii utf8 ascii ... $tmp = preg_split("#((?:[\xe0-\xef][\x80-\xbf]{2})+)#", $msg, 0, PREG_SPLIT_DELIM_CAPTURE); for($i = 0, $l = count($tmp); $i < $l;){ $x = strlen($z = $tmp[$i]); if($_max > $x){ $_max -= $x; if(++$i >= $l)break; $x = strlen($z = $tmp[$i]) / 3 * 2; if($_max > $x){ $_max -= $x; $i++; continue; }elseif($_max < $x){ $_max = floor($_max / 2) * 3; $msg = array_slice($tmp, $i -1); $msg[0] = ''; $msg[1] = substr($z, $_max); $tmp[$i] = substr($z, 0, $_max); }else{ $msg = array_slice($tmp, $i + 1); } }elseif($_max < $x){ $msg = array_slice($tmp, $i); $msg[0] = substr($z, $_max); $tmp[$i] = substr($z, 0, $_max); }else{ $msg = array_slice($tmp, $i); $msg[0] = ''; } if(++$i < $l){ array_splice($tmp, $i); } if(isset($msg[1])){ self::$msgs[] = implode("", $tmp); $msg[0] = " " . $msg[0]; $i = 0; $l = count($msg); $tmp = $msg; $_max = $cols; }elseif(isset($msg[0]) && strlen($msg[0])){ self::$msgs[] = implode("", $tmp); if($cols - 15 < strlen($msg[0])){ foreach(str_split($msg[0], $cols - 15) as $tmp){ $tmp = " " . $tmp; if($cols == strlen($tmp)){ self::$msgs[] = $tmp; }else{ $tmp = array($tmp); break; } } }else{ $tmp = array(" " . $msg[0]); } break; }else{ break; } } self::$msgs[] = implode("", $tmp); }else{ self::$msgs[] = $msg; } } }elseif($msg != null){ self::$msgs[] = $msg; } static $last_time = 0; if($last_time == $time)return true; $last_time = $time; # 防止在远程 ssh 的时候刷屏死掉 echo "\33[0;0H"; # echo "\33[K程序信息:", self::version(); echo "\33[K运行时长:", self::run_time(), ' ', date("Y-m-d H:i:s", self::$start), ' - ', date("Y-m-d H:i:s"), "\n"; if($lines < 5){ if($lines < 3) return; }else{ echo $split = substr(self::$split, 0, $cols), "\n"; if(($_max = count(self::$msgs) + 4) > $lines){ array_splice(self::$msgs, 0, $_max - $lines); }elseif($lines > $_max){ $split = str_repeat("\n\33[K", $lines - $_max) . $split; } echo "\33[K", implode("\n\33[K", self::$msgs), "\n", $split, "\n"; } $msg = "已完成任务 " . self::$finished . " 个"; if(self::$failure) $msg .= ",失败 " . self::$failure . " 个"; if(self::$total) $msg .= "(共 " . self::$total . " 个)"; echo str_repeat(' ', $cols - strlen(preg_replace("#[\xe0-\xef][\x80-\xbf]{2}#", "**", $msg))), $msg, "\33[$lines;0H"; } static function run_time(){ $consume = time() - self::$start; $str = ""; if($consume >= 86400){ $str = floor($consume / 86400) . "天"; $consume = $consume % 86400; $zero = true; } if($consume >= 3600){ $str .= floor($consume / 3600) . "时"; $consume = $consume % 3600; $zero = true; }elseif($consume > 0 && isset($zero)){ unset($zero); $str .= "零"; } if($consume >= 60){ $str .= floor($consume / 60) . "分"; $consume = $consume % 60; $zero = true; }elseif($consume > 0 && isset($zero)){ unset($zero); $str .= "零"; } if($consume > 0){ $str .= $consume . "秒"; }elseif($str == ""){ $str = "0秒"; } return $str; } static function error($no, $err, $file, $line){ if(error_reporting()){ $log = $no & 1032 ? 'M' : ($no & 514 ? 'W' : ($no & 2048 ? 'M' : 'E')); $log = "[" . date("m-d H:i:s") . "] $log $line $file $err\n"; file_put_contents(self::$logfile, $log, FILE_APPEND); } } static function shutdown(){ if($last = error_get_last() and 85 & $last['type']){ self::error($last['type'], $last['message'], $last['file'], $last['line']); self::$get || self::end(); self::$daemon = true; } if(self::$get){ msg_send(self::$parent, 4, getmypid(), false); # 通知父进程结束 self::$parent = self::$get; # 同时也防止上一行通知失败 ob_end_clean(); }else{ self::end(); } msg_remove_queue(self::$parent); } static function exception($e){ self::error($e->getCode(), $e->getMessage(), $e->getFile(), $e->getLine()); exit($e->getCode()); } } bat::main(debug_backtrace());