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Laravel 5.0 – Event Annotations

リリース: 2016-06-06 20:13:37
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原文 ? http://mattstauffer.co/blog/laravel-5.0-event-annotations Posted on October 10, 2014 | By Matt Stauffer (This is part of a series of posts on New Features in Laravel 5.0. Check back soon for more.) Laravel 5.0 Form Requests Laravel

Posted on October 10, 2014 | By Matt Stauffer

(This is part of a series of posts on New Features in Laravel 5.0. Check back soon for more.)

  1. Laravel 5.0 – Form Requests
  2. Laravel 5.0 – ValidatesWhenResolved
  3. Laravel 5.0 – Directory structure and namespace
  4. Laravel 5.0 – Route Caching
  5. Laravel 5.0 – Cloud File Drivers
  6. Laravel 5.0 – Method Injection
  7. Laravel 5.0 – Route Annotations
  8. Laravel 5.0 – Event Annotations
  9. Laravel 5.0 – Middleware (and how it’s replacing Filters) (coming soon)

In 5.0, Laravel is moving more and more of the top-level, bootstrapped, procedural bindings and definitions into a more Object-Oriented, separation-of-concerns-minded structure. Filters are now objects, controllers are now namespaced, the PSR-4-loaded application logic is now separate from the framework configuration, and more.

We saw in thelast postthat annotations are one of the ways Laravel 5.0 is making this change. Where routes used to be bound one after another in routes.php, they now can be bound with annotations on the controller class and method definitions.

Setting the stage#

Another part of Laravel that has traditionally been bound with a list of calls one after another is event listeners, and this is the next target of the annotation syntax.

Consider the following code:

Event::listen('user.signup', function($user)
    $intercom = App::make('intercom');

Somewhere in your code—in a service provider, maybe, or maybe just in a global file somewhere—you’ve bound a listener (the closure above) to the “user.signup” event.

Of course, you’re probably noticing that all that closure does is call a single method—so we could refactor it to this:

Event::listen('user.signup', 'Intercom@addUser');

Introducing Event Annotations#

Now, let’s drop the need for the binding entirely, and replace it with an annotation.

<?php namespace App;
class Intercom
   * @Hears("user.signup")
  public function addUser(User $user)
    return $this->api_wrapper->sendSomeAddThing(

As you can see, the @Hears annotation can take a string event name, but it can also take an array of event names (in annotations, arrays are surrounded by {} instead of []). Now, run artisan event:scan and you’ll get a file namedstorage/framework/events.scanned.php , with the following contents:

<?php $events->listen(array (
  0 => 'user.signup',
), 'App\Intercom@addUser');

Instantly bound.


There are positives and negatives to working with your event system this way.

The primary negative I see is that you could look at this annotation as being framework-specific; if that’s the case, you’re now placing framework-specific code directly into your domain. If you imagine this Intercom class being something you’re passing around between several sites, its binding may be specific to this site–in which case you’d be better off using the classic style of binding. However, that’s not always the case.

Note that this negative is different from the same situation in Route Annotations, which are only being applied to Controllers–which are not domain objects.

The positives I can see at first glance are that first, you’re defining the method’s act of listening on the method itself, rather than elsewhere; and second, that you’re defining the listener in a way that it can be programmatically accessed (meaning you could, at any point, replace artisan event:scan with a program of your own devising that outputs something other than a Laravel events.scanned file). There are likely smarter folks than me that’ll weigh in on this.

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