このドキュメントでは、 php中国語ネットマニュアル リリース
(PHP 4 >= 4.3.0, PHP 5)
str_word_count — 返回字符串中单词的使用情况
[, int $format
= 0
[, string $charlist
]] )
统计 string
中单词的数量。如果可选的参数 format
没有被指定,那么返回值是一个代表单词数量的整型数。如果指定了 format
参数,返回值将是一个数组,数组的内容则取决于 format
对于这个函数的目的来说,单词的定义是一个与区域设置相关的字符串。这个字符串可以包含字母字符,也可以包含 "'" 和 "-" 字符(但不能以这两个字符开始)。
返回一个数组或整型数,这取决于 format
版本 | 说明 |
5.1.0 |
新增 charlist 参数。
Example #1 str_word_count() 范例
$str = "Hello fri3nd, you're
looking good today!" ;
print_r ( str_word_count ( $str , 1 ));
print_r ( str_word_count ( $str , 2 ));
print_r ( str_word_count ( $str , 1 , 'àá??3' ));
echo str_word_count ( $str );
Array ( [0] => Hello [1] => fri [2] => nd [3] => you're [4] => looking [5] => good [6] => today )Array ( [0] => Hello [6] => fri [10] => nd [14] => you're [29] => looking [46] => good [51] => today )Array ( [0] => Hello [1] => fri3nd [2] => you're [3] => looking [4] => good [5] => today )7
[#1] broncha at rajesharma dot com [2015-06-19 07:01:41]
Turns out the charlist is set by default for the web. For example, the string
Copyright © ABC Ltd.
is 3 words in the cli and 4 words if executing in web context.
[#2] uri at speedy dot net [2012-08-15 07:08:18]
Here is a count words function which supports UTF-8 and Hebrew. I tried other functions but they don't work. Notice that in Hebrew, '"' and '\'' can be used in words, so they are not separators. This function is not perfect, I would prefer a function we are using in JavaScript which considers all characters except [a-zA-Z?-?0-9_\'\"] as separators, but I don't know how to do it in PHP.
I removed some of the separators which don't work well with Hebrew ("\x20", "\xA0", "\x0A", "\x0D", "\x09", "\x0B", "\x2E"). I also removed the underline.
This is a fix to my previous post on this page - I found out that my function returned an incorrect result for an empty string. I corrected it and I'm also attaching another function - my_strlen.
function count_words($string) {
// Return the number of words in a string.
$string= str_replace("'", "'", $string);
$t= array(' ', "\t", '=', '+', '-', '*', '/', '\\', ',', '.', ';', ':', '[', ']', '{', '}', '(', ')', '<', '>', '&', '%', '$', '@', '#', '^', '!', '?', '~'); // separators
$string= str_replace($t, " ", $string);
$string= trim(preg_replace("/\s+/", " ", $string));
$num= 0;
if (my_strlen($string)>0) {
$word_array= explode(" ", $string);
$num= count($word_array);
return $num;
function my_strlen($s) {
// Return mb_strlen with encoding UTF-8.
return mb_strlen($s, "UTF-8");
[#3] cito at wikatu dot com [2012-02-03 21:29:55]
// Jonny 5's simple word splitter
function str_word_count_utf8($str) {
return count(preg_split('~[^\p{L}\p{N}\']+~u',$str));
[#4] Samer Ata [2012-01-05 09:21:23]
This is my own version of to get SEO meta description from wordpress post content. it is also generic usage function to get the first n words from a string.
function my_meta_description($text,$n=10)
$text=strip_tags($text); // not neccssary for none HTML
// $text=strip_shortcodes($text); // uncomment only inside wordpress system
$text = trim(preg_replace("/\s+/"," ",$text));
$word_array = explode(" ", $text);
if (count($word_array) <= $n)
return implode(" ",$word_array);
foreach ($word_array as $length=>$word)
$text.=$word ;
if($length==$n) break;
else $text.=" ";
return $text;
[#5] Stano110 at azet dot sk [2011-07-10 06:36:47]
This function count words, is quick and works well with utf-8: (this is corrected version from my previous post)
function count_words($string)
$string = htmlspecialchars_decode(strip_tags($string));
if (strlen($string)==0)
return 0;
$t = array(' '=>1, '_'=>1, "\x20"=>1, "\xA0"=>1, "\x0A"=>1, "\x0D"=>1, "\x09"=>1, "\x0B"=>1, "\x2E"=>1, "\t"=>1, '='=>1, '+'=>1, '-'=>1, '*'=>1, '/'=>1, '\\'=>1, ','=>1, '.'=>1, ';'=>1, ':'=>1, '"'=>1, '\''=>1, '['=>1, ']'=>1, '{'=>1, '}'=>1, '('=>1, ')'=>1, '<'=>1, '>'=>1, '&'=>1, '%'=>1, '$'=>1, '@'=>1, '#'=>1, '^'=>1, '!'=>1, '?'=>1); // separators
$count= isset($t[$string[0]])? 0:1;
if (strlen($string)==1)
return $count;
for ($i=1;$i<strlen($string);$i++)
if (isset($t[$string[$i-1]]) && !isset($t[$string[$i]])) // if new word starts
return $count;
[#6] matthewkastor at live dot com [2011-04-05 19:08:15]
This needs improvement, but works well as is.
function index_page($file) {
$index = array();
$find = array(
$replace = array(
' ',
' ',
' '
$work = file_get_contents($file);
$work = preg_replace('/[>][<]/', '> <', $work);
$work = strip_tags($work);
$work = strtolower($work);
$work = preg_replace($find, $replace, $work);
$work = trim($work);
$work = explode(' ', $work);
$i = 0;
foreach($work as $word) {
$word = trim($word);
$junk = preg_match('/[^a-zA-Z]/', $word);
if($junk == 1) {
$word = '';
if( (!empty($word)) && ($word != '') ) {
if(!isset($index[$i]['word'])) { // if not set this is a new index
$index[$i]['word'] = $word;
$index[$i]['count'] = 1;
} elseif( $index[$i]['word'] == $word ) { // count repeats
$index[$i]['count'] += 1;
} else { // else this is a different word, increment $i and create an entry
$index[$i]['word'] = $word;
$index[$i]['count'] = 1;
example usage:
$file = 'http://www.php.net/';
// or use a local file, see file_get_contents() for valid filenames and restrictions.
$index = index_page($file);
echo '<pre>'.print_r($index,true).'</pre>';
[#7] dmVuY2lAc3RyYWhvdG5pLmNvbQ== (base64) [2010-10-18 04:39:36]
to count words after converting a msword document to plain text with antiword, you can use this function:
function count_words($text) {
$text = str_replace(str_split('|'), '', $text); // remove these chars (you can specify more)
$text = trim(preg_replace('/\s+/', ' ', $text)); // remove extra spaces
$text = preg_replace('/-{2,}/', '', $text); // remove 2 or more dashes in a row
$len = strlen($text);
if (0 === $len) {
return 0;
$words = 1;
while ($len--) {
if (' ' === $text[$len]) {
return $words;
it strips the pipe "|" chars, which antiword uses to format tables in its plain text output, removes more than one dashes in a row (also used in tables), then counts the words.
counting words using explode() and then count() is not a good idea for huge texts, because it uses much memory to store the text once more as an array. this is why i'm using while() { .. } to walk the string
[#8] lballard dot cat at gmail dot com [2010-09-26 20:17:15]
word limiter:
$str = "my hella long string" ;
$length = 3;
$shortened =
implode(' ',array_slice(str_word_count($str,1),0,$length));
[#9] brettz9 - see yahoo [2010-02-12 23:33:00]
Words also cannot end in a hyphen unless allowed by the charlist...
[#10] charliefrancis at gmail dot com [2009-07-29 04:56:01]
Hi this is the first time I have posted on the php manual, I hope some of you will like this little function I wrote.
It returns a string with a certain character limit, but still retaining whole words.
It breaks out of the foreach loop once it has found a string short enough to display, and the character list can be edited.
function word_limiter( $text, $limit = 30, $chars = '0123456789' ) {
if( strlen( $text ) > $limit ) {
$words = str_word_count( $text, 2, $chars );
$words = array_reverse( $words, TRUE );
foreach( $words as $length => $word ) {
if( $length + strlen( $word ) >= $limit ) {
array_shift( $words );
} else {
$words = array_reverse( $words );
$text = implode( " ", $words ) . '…';
return $text;
$str = "Hello this is a list of words that is too long";
echo '1: ' . word_limiter( $str );
$str = "Hello this is a list of words";
echo '2: ' . word_limiter( $str );
1: Hello this is a list of words…
2: Hello this is a list of words
[#11] jazz090 [2009-04-13 10:39:05]
Personally, I dont like using this function becuase the characters it omits are sometime nessesery for instance MS Word counts ">" or "<" alone as single word where this function doesnt. I like using this however, it counts EVERYTHING:
function num_words($string){
preg_match_all("/\S+/", $string, $matches);
return count($matches[0]);
[#12] splogamurugan at gmail dot com [2009-02-05 02:32:57]
We can also specify a range of values for charlist.
$str = "Hello fri3nd, you're
looking good today!
print_r(str_word_count($str, 1, '0..3'));
will give the result as
Array ( [0] => Hello [1] => fri3nd [2] => you're [3] => looking [4] => good [5] => today [6] => look123 [7] => ing )
[#13] eanimator at yahoo dot com [2009-01-11 00:37:32]
My quick and rough wordLimiter function.
function WordLimiter($text,$limit=20){
$explode = explode(' ',$text);
$string = '';
$dots = '...';
if(count($explode) <= $limit){
$dots = '';
$string .= $explode[$i]." ";
return $string.$dots;
[#14] manrash at gmail dot com [2008-12-22 03:06:26]
For spanish speakers a valid character map may be:
$characterMap = '?????????????';
$count = str_word_count($text, 0, $characterMap);
[#15] om+www dot php dot net at miakinen dot net [2008-09-06 14:29:19]
Here is a code for a function str_word_count() compatible with UTF-8. I'm sorry that the comments are in French because I am not very good in English: anyway, these comments only try to explain things that are in PCRE or Unicode documentations.
define("WORD_COUNT_MASK", "/\\p{L}[\\p{L}\\p{Mn}\\p{Pd}'\\x{2019}]*/u");
function str_word_count_utf8($str)
return preg_match_all(WORD_COUNT_MASK, $str, $matches);
[#16] aspu.ru [2008-06-17 04:21:31]
str_word_count: mixed (string string, [int format], [string charlist])
It can help you to solve problem with digest and some locales. Best regards.
[#17] Adeel Khan [2007-12-08 20:01:08]
function word_count($html) {
# strip all html tags
$wc = strip_tags($html);
# remove 'words' that don't consist of alphanumerical characters or punctuation
$pattern = "#[^(\w|\d|\'|\"|\.|\!|\?|;|,|\\|\/|\-|:|\&|@)]+#";
$wc = trim(preg_replace($pattern, " ", $wc));
# remove one-letter 'words' that consist only of punctuation
$wc = trim(preg_replace("#\s*[(\'|\"|\.|\!|\?|;|,|\\|\/|\-|:|\&|@)]\s*#", " ", $wc));
# remove superfluous whitespace
$wc = preg_replace("/\s\s+/", " ", $wc);
# split string into an array of words
$wc = explode(" ", $wc);
# remove empty elements
$wc = array_filter($wc);
# return the number of words
return count($wc);
[#18] joshua dot blake at gmail dot com [2007-03-02 17:02:19]
I needed a function which would extract the first hundred words out of a given input while retaining all markup such as line breaks, double spaces and the like. Most of the regexp based functions posted above were accurate in that they counted out a hundred words, but recombined the paragraph by imploding an array down to a string. This did away with any such hopes of line breaks, and thus I devised a crude but very accurate function which does all that I ask it to:
function Truncate($input, $numWords)
$WordKey = str_word_count($input,1);
$PosKey = str_word_count($input,2);
foreach($WordKey as $key => &$value)
return substr($input,0,$WordKey[$numWords]);
else {return $input;}
The idea behind it? Go through the keys of the arrays returned by str_word_count and associate the number of each word with its character position in the phrase. Then use substr to return everything up until the nth character. I have tested this function on rather large entries and it seems to be efficient enough that it does not bog down at all.
[#19] josh at joshblake.net [2007-03-01 15:57:25]
I was interested in a function which returned the first few words out of a larger string.
In reality, I wanted a preview of the first hundred words of a blog entry which was well over that.
I found all of the other functions which explode and implode strings to arrays lost key markups such as line breaks etc.
So, this is what I came up with:
function WordTruncate($input, $numWords) {
$WordKey = str_word_count($input,1);
$WordIndex = array_flip(str_word_count($input,2));
return substr($input,0,$WordIndex[$WordKey[$numWords]]);
else {return $input;}
While I haven't counted per se, it's accurate enough for my needs. It will also return the entire string if it's less than the specified number of words.
The idea behind it? Use str_word_count to identify the nth word, then use str_word_count to identify the position of that word within the string, then use substr to extract up to that position.
[#20] [2007-01-30 08:15:01]
Here is a php work counting function together with a javascript version which will print the same result.
//Php word counting function
function word_count($theString)
$char_count = strlen($theString);
$fullStr = $theString." ";
$initial_whitespace_rExp = "^[[:alnum:]]$";
$left_trimmedStr = ereg_replace($initial_whitespace_rExp,"",$fullStr);
$non_alphanumerics_rExp = "^[[:alnum:]]$";
$cleanedStr = ereg_replace($non_alphanumerics_rExp," ",$left_trimmedStr);
$splitString = explode(" ",$cleanedStr);
$word_count = count($splitString)-1;
return $word_count;
//Function to count words in a phrase
function wordCount(theString)
var char_count = theString.length;
var fullStr = theString + " ";
var initial_whitespace_rExp = /^[^A-Za-z0-9]+/gi;
var left_trimmedStr = fullStr.replace(initial_whitespace_rExp, "");
var non_alphanumerics_rExp = rExp = /[^A-Za-z0-9]+/gi;
var cleanedStr = left_trimmedStr.replace(non_alphanumerics_rExp, " ");
var splitString = cleanedStr.split(" ");
var word_count = splitString.length -1;
if (fullStr.length <2)
word_count = 0;
return word_count;
[#21] Aurelien Marchand [2006-10-06 09:06:01]
I found a more reliable way to print, say the first 100 words and then print elipses. My code goes this way;
$threshold_length = 80; // 80 words max
$phrase = "...."; // populate this with the text you want to display
$abody = str_word_count($phrase,2);
if(count($abody) >= $threshold_length){ // gotta cut
$tbody = array_keys($abody);
echo "<p>" . substr($phrase,0,$tbody[$threshold_length]) . "... <span class=\\"more\\"><a href=\\"?\\">read more</a></span> </p>\\n";
} else { // put the whole thing
echo "<p>" . $phrase . "</p>\\n";
For any questions, com.iname@artaxerxes2
[#22] lwright at psu dot edu [2006-08-17 11:51:25]
If you are looking to count the frequency of words, try:
$wordfrequency = array_count_values( str_word_count( $string, 1) );
[#23] MadCoder [2005-08-15 21:12:56]
Here's a function that will trim a $string down to a certian number of words, and add a... on the end of it.
(explansion of muz1's 1st 100 words code)
function trim_text($text, $count){
$text = str_replace(" ", " ", $text);
$string = explode(" ", $text);
for ( $wordCounter = 0; $wordCounter <= $count;wordCounter++ ){
$trimed .= $string[$wordCounter];
if ( $wordCounter < $count ){ $trimed .= " "; }
else { $trimed .= "..."; }
$trimed = trim($trimed);
return $trimed;
$string = "one two three four";
echo trim_text($string, 3);
one two three...
[#24] [2005-01-16 06:38:59]
This function seems to view numbers as whitespace. I.e. a word consisting of numbers only won't be counted.
[#25] aix at lux dot ee [2004-11-14 02:53:37]
One function.
if (!function_exists('word_count')) {
function word_count($str,$n = "0"){
while ($a<$m) {
$str=str_replace(" "," ",$str);
$b = explode(" ", $str);
$i = 0;
foreach ($b as $v) {
if ($n==1) return $b;
else return $i;
$str="Tere Tartu linn";
$c = word_count($str,1); // it return an array
$d = word_count($str); // it return int - how many words was in text
echo $d;
[#26] aidan at php dot net [2004-06-26 03:02:18]
This functionality is now implemented in the PEAR package PHP_Compat.
More information about using this function without upgrading your version of PHP can be found on the below link:
[#27] Kirils Solovjovs [2004-02-22 09:06:07]
Nothing of this worked for me. I think countwords() is very encoding dependent. This is the code for win1257. For other layots you just need to redefine the ranges of letters...
function countwords($text){
$ls=0;//was it a whitespace?
$spstat=false; //is it a number or a letter?
if( (($ot>=48) && ($ot<=57)) || (($ot>=97) && ($ot<=122)) || (($ot>=65) && ($ot<=90)) || ($ot==170) ||
(($ot>=192) && ($ot<=214)) || (($ot>=216) && ($ot<=246)) || (($ot>=248) && ($ot<=254)) )$spstat=true;
return $cc33;
[#28] Artimis [2003-10-15 02:32:06]
Never use this function to count/separate alphanumeric words, it will just split them up words to words, numbers to numbers. You could refer to another function "preg_split" when splitting alphanumeric words. It works with Chinese characters as well.
[#29] andrea at 3site dot it [2003-05-19 04:55:44]
if string doesn't contain the space " ", the explode method doesn't do anything, so i've wrote this and it seems works better ... i don't know about time and resource
function str_incounter($match,$string) {
$count_match = 0;
for($i=0;$i<strlen($string);$i++) {
if(strtolower(substr($string,$i,strlen($match)))==strtolower($match)) {
return $count_match;
$string = "something:something!!something";
$count_some = str_incounter("something",$string);
// will return 3
[#30] philip at cornado dot com [2003-04-06 19:30:38]
Some ask not just split on ' ', well, it's because simply exploding on a ' ' isn't fully accurate. Words can be separated by tabs, newlines, double spaces, etc. This is why people tend to seperate on all whitespace with regular expressions.
[#31] rcATinterfacesDOTfr [2003-01-16 07:58:14]
Here is another way to count words :
$word_count = count(preg_split('/\W+/', $text, -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY));
[#32] brettNOSPAM at olwm dot NO_SPAM dot com [2002-11-09 12:06:14]
This example may not be pretty, but It proves accurate:
//count words
$words_to_count = strip_tags($body);
$pattern = "/[^(\w|\d|\'|\"|\.|\!|\?|;|,|\\|\/|\-\-|:|\&|@)]+/";
$words_to_count = preg_replace ($pattern, " ", $words_to_count);
$words_to_count = trim($words_to_count);
$total_words = count(explode(" ",$words_to_count));
Hope I didn't miss any punctuation. ;-)