このドキュメントでは、 php中国語ネットマニュアル リリース
(PHP 4, PHP 5, PHP 7)
array_slice — 从数组中取出一段
, int $offset
[, int $length
[, bool $preserve_keys
= false
]] ) array_slice() 返回根据 offset
参数所指定的 array
如果 offset
非负,则序列将从 array
中的此偏移量开始。如果 offset
如果给出了 length
开始一直到 array
注意 array_slice() 默认会重新排序并重置数组的数字索引。你可以通过将
版本 | 说明 |
5.0.2 |
增加了可选参数 preserve_keys 。
Example #1 array_slice() 例子
$input = array( "a" , "b" , "c" , "d" , "e" );
$output = array_slice ( $input , 2 ); // returns "c", "d", and "e"
$output = array_slice ( $input , - 2 , 1 ); // returns "d"
$output = array_slice ( $input , 0 , 3 ); // returns "a", "b", and "c"
// note the differences in the array keys
print_r ( array_slice ( $input , 2 , - 1 ));
print_r ( array_slice ( $input , 2 , - 1 , true ));
Array ( [0] => c [1] => d ) Array ( [2] => c [3] => d )
[#1] kansey [2015-08-12 09:32:04]
To save the sort order of a numeric index in the array. Version php =>5.5.26
$arr = array( "1" =>2, "2" =>3 , "3" =>5 );
[#2] richardpq at gmail dot com [2015-08-01 21:24:32]
@robert_johnson is incorrect, is not that php 5.5 preserver the keys is that the documentation is very clear:
"...will reorder and reset the numeric array indices" so the key here is NUMERIC array indices, therefor:
$test = array(
1=>'hello 1',
2=>'hello 2',
3=>'hello 3',
4=>'hello 4',
5=>'hello 5',
6=>'hello 6',
7=>'hello 7',
8=>'hello 8'
print_r( array_slice($test,2,5) );
Will print:
[0] => hello 3
[1] => hello 4
[2] => hello 5
[3] => hello 6
[4] => hello 7
[#3] kezzyhko at gmail dot com [2015-07-27 06:49:17]
( If $offset is negative and abs($length)>count($length) ) or ( $offset>count($array) ) etc, array_slice returns empty array. For example:
$array = array(
print_r( array_slice($test, 2, -10) );
print_r( array_slice($test, 10, 1) );
print_r( array_slice($test, 10, 15) );
[#4] fraterjan at gmail dot com [2014-10-18 10:14:31]
To make sure numerical key values for associative arrays are not converted to integers set $preserve_keys = true.
$slice = array_slice($array, 0, 3, $preserve_keys = true);
[#5] robert dot johnson at icap dot com [2014-09-12 09:58:18]
array_slice() seems to work on associative arrays and preserves the keys. I just ran this test on PHP 5.5:
$test = array(
'a'=>'hello 1',
'r'=>'hello 2',
'h'=>'hello 3',
'w'=>'hello 4',
't'=>'hello 5',
'n'=>'hello 6',
'k'=>'hello 7',
'b'=>'hello 8');
print_r( array_slice($test,2,5) );
[h] => hello 3
[w] => hello 4
[t] => hello 5
[n] => hello 6
[k] => hello 7
[#6] info [at] saiptek.com [2014-03-12 13:04:54]
Here is analog to this function. Hope that it helps
function filter_array($input_array, $filter_from, $filter_to)
$output_array = array();
foreach ($input_array as $key => $value)
if($key>=$filter_from && $key<=$filter_to)
$output_array[] = $value;
elseif ($key>$filter_to)
//if the key is larger than what we want to filter
//it is useless to continue looping
//if the key is smaller than what we expect
return $output_array;
// you can add more security defenses for the variables - e.g. if it is string or something like that
[#7] Ray.Paseur often uses Gmail [2013-06-06 14:44:46]
function array_chop(&$arr, $num)
$ret = array_slice($arr, 0, $num);
$arr = array_slice($arr, $num);
return $ret;
[#8] gary at wits dot sg [2011-06-10 23:44:17]
I've found this useful.
The following is a function used to shuffle a very specific part of the array, by providing start and end index.
function array_shuffle_section(&$a, $s, $e) {
$head = array_slice($a, 0, $s);
$body = array_slice($a, $s, $e-$s+1);
$tail = array_slice($a, $e+1);
$a = array_merge($head,$body,$tail);
[#9] Nathan - thefiscster510 at gmail dot com [2011-03-29 10:38:15]
If you want to remove a specified entry from an array i made this mwethod...
$array = array("Entry1","entry2","entry3");
$int = 3; //Number of entries in the array
$int2 = 0; //Starter array spot... it will begine its search at 0.
$del_num = 1; //Represents the second entry in the array... which is the one we will happen to remove this time... i.e. 0 = first entry, 1 = second entry, 2 = third...........
$newarray = array(); //Empty array that will be the new array minus the specified entry...
print_r($array) . "<br>"; //print original array contents
print_r($newarray). "<br>"; //print the new empty array
$user = $array[$int2];
$key = array_search($user, $array);
if ($key == $del_num)
$newarray[] = $array[$int2];
$int2 = $int2 + 1;
} while ($int2 < $int);
print_r($newarray). "<br>"; //print the new array
[#10] delew [2011-02-11 01:17:51]
just a little tip.
to preserve keys without providing length: use NULL
array_slice($array, $my_offset, NULL, true);
[#11] xananax at yelostudio dot com [2011-02-02 19:23:05]
function array_reorder(array &$array,array $list,$keepRest=TRUE,$prepend=FALSE,$preserveKeys=TRUE){
$temp = array();
foreach($list as $i){
$tempValue = array_slice(
$temp[$i] = array_shift($tempValue);
$array = $keepRest ?
: $temp;
[#12] joel dot a dot villarreal at gmail dot com [2010-10-19 15:41:54]
An implementation of array_slice that do not resets the cursor.
function get_from_array($arr, $start, $length)
$sliced = array();
foreach ($arr as $k => $v)
if ($start <= $k && $k <= $start + $length - 1)
$sliced[] = $v;
if (count($sliced) == $length) break;
return $sliced;
Joel A. Villarreal Bertoldi
[#13] yuwas at ht dot cx [2010-04-04 06:54:47]
By combining this with str_split() and implode(),slices can also be excerpted from strings with the following simple function:
function str_slice($string,$offset,$length=999,$preserve_keys=False){
if( $length == 999 ){ $length = strlen($string)-$offset };
$slice_arr = array_slice(str_split($string),$offset,$length,$preserve_keys);
return implode($slice_arr);
Perhaps there's a better way to preset $length.
[#14] jamie at jamiechong dot ca [2009-10-18 16:04:33]
A flexible array_split function:
// split the given array into n number of pieces
function array_split($array, $pieces=2)
if ($pieces < 2)
return array($array);
$newCount = ceil(count($array)/$pieces);
$a = array_slice($array, 0, $newCount);
$b = array_split(array_slice($array, $newCount), $pieces-1);
return array_merge(array($a),$b);
// Examples:
$a = array(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10);
array_split($a, 2); // array(array(1,2,3,4,5), array(6,7,8,9,10))
array_split($a, 3); // array(array(1,2,3,4), array(5,6,7), array(8,9,10))
array_split($a, 4); // array(array(1,2,3), array(4,5,6), array(7,8), array(9,10))
[#15] jamon at clearsightdesign dot com [2009-04-10 17:46:34]
I was trying to find a good way to find the previous several and next several results from an array created in a MySQL query. I found that most MySQL solutions to this problem were complex. Here is a simple function that returns the previous and next rows from the array.
function array_surround($src_array, $field, $value, $before = 1, $after = 1) {
if(is_array($src_array)) {
// reset all the keys to 0 through whatever in case they aren't sequential
$new_array = array_values($src_array);
// now loop through and find the key in array that matches the criteria in $field and $value
foreach($new_array as $k => $s) {
if($s[$field] == $value) {
// Found the one we wanted
$ck = $k; // put the key in the $ck (current key)
if(isset($ck)) { // Found it!
$result_start = $ck - $before; // Set the start key
$result_length = $before + 1 + $after; // Set the number of keys to return
if($result_start < 0) { // Oops, start key is before first result
$result_length = $result_length + $result_start; // Reduce the number of keys to return
$result_start = 0; // Set the start key to the first result
$result_temp = array_slice($new_array, $result_start, $result_length); // Slice out the results we want
// Now we have an array, but we want array[-$before] to array[$after] not 0 to whatever.
foreach($result_temp as $rk => $rt) { // set all the keys to -$before to +$after
$result[$result_start - $ck + $rk] = $rt;
return $result;
} else { // didn't find it!
return false;
} else { // They didn't send an array
return false;
I hope you find this useful! I welcome constructive criticism or comments or of course praise ;) -- just e-mail me.
- Jamon Holmgren
[#16] Mr. P [2008-11-14 02:11:37]
Note that offset is not the same thing as key. Offset always starts at 0, while keys might be any number.
So this:
<?php print_r(array_slice(array(0 => 0, 5 => 5, 13 => 13),1)); ?>
will result in this:
[0] => 5
[1] => 13
[#17] s0i0m at dreamevilconcepts dot com [2008-09-12 07:53:30]
Using the varname function referenced from the array_search page, submitted by dcez at land dot ru. I created a multi-dimensional array splice function. It's usage is like so:
$array['admin'] = array('blah1', 'blah2');
$array['voice'] = array('blah3', 'blah4');
array_cut('blah4', $array);
...Would strip blah4 from the array, no matter where the position of it was in the array ^^ Returning this...
Array ( [admin] => Array ( [0] => blah1 [1] => blah2 ) [voice] => Array ( [0] => blah3 ) )
Here is the code...
function varname ($var)
// varname function by dcez at land dot ru
return (isset($var)) ? array_search($var, $GLOBALS) : false;
function array_cut($needle, $haystack)
foreach ($haystack as $k => $v)
for ($i=0; $i<count($v); $i++)
if ($v[$i] === $needle)
return array_splice($GLOBALS[varname($haystack)][$k], $i, 1);
break; break;
Check out dreamevilconcept's forum for more innovative creations!
[#18] ted.devito at 9gmail9 dot 99com [2008-05-02 21:21:06]
based on worldclimb's arem(), here is a recursive array value removal tool that can work with multidimensional arrays.
function remove_from_array($array,$value){
$clear = true;
foreach($array as $k => $v){
if (is_array($v)) {
$holding [$k] = remove_from_array ($v, $value);
elseif ($value == $v) {
$clear = false;
elseif($value != $v){
$holding[$k]=$v; // removes an item by combing through the array in order and saving the good stuff
if ($clear) return $holding; // only pass back the holding array if we didn't find the value
[#19] worldclimb at 99gmail99 dot com [2008-03-21 12:51:06]
array_slice can be used to remove elements from an array but it's pretty simple to use a custom function.
One day array_remove() might become part of PHP and will likely be a reserved function name, hence the unobvious choice for this function's names.
function arem($array,$value){
foreach($array as $k => $v){
return $holding;
function akrem($array,$key){
foreach($array as $k => $v){
return $holding;
$lunch = array('sandwich' => 'cheese', 'cookie'=>'oatmeal','drink' => 'tea','fruit' => 'apple');
echo '<pre>';
echo '</pre>';
(remove 9's in email)
[#20] aexchecker at yahoo dot com [2007-10-04 08:39:47]
function array_insert($source, $destination, $offset = NULL, $length = NULL) {
if (!is_array($source) || empty($source)) {
if (is_array($destination) && !empty($destination)) {
return $destination;
return array();
if (is_null($offset)) {
return array_merge($destination, $source);
$offset = var2int($offset);
if (is_null($length)) {
if ($offset === 0) {
return array_merge($source, array_slice($destination, 1));
if ($offset === -1) {
return array_merge(array_slice($destination, 0, -1), $source);
return array_merge(
array_slice($destination, 0, $offset),
array_slice($destination, ++$offset)
if ($offset === 0) {
return array_merge($source, array_slice($destination, $length));
$destination_count = count($destination);
$length = var2int($length);
if ($offset > 0) {
if ($destination_count - $offset < 1) {
return array_merge($destination, $source);
} else{
if (($t = $destination_count + $offset) < 1) {
return array_merge($source, $destination);
$offset = $t;
if ($length > 0) {
$length+= $offset;
} elseif ($length < 0 && !($length * -1 < $destination_count)) {
return $source;
} else {
$length = $offset;
return array_merge(
array_slice($destination, 0, $offset),
array_slice($destination, $length)
[#21] phpnotasp at gmail dot com [2007-07-16 14:42:14]
It should be noted that this function does NOT modify the original array. So if you need to array_pop() or array_shift() without modifying the original array, you can use array_slice().
$input = array('a', 'b', 'c');
$output = array_slice($input, 1);
[#22] cpa at NOSPAM dot conceptivator dot com [2007-06-07 05:15:31]
'gportlock at gembiz dot co dot uk' has an error in his limitText function. It simply takes a text string, then cuts off the first X words and returns the rest of the string. I believe the intended use is to return only the first X words and cut off the rest.
The correct version should be (notice the inserted 0 offset):
function limitText( $text, $wordCount )
$wordArray = explode(" ", $text);
array_splice($wordArray, 0, $wordCount);
return implode( " ", $wordArray );
[#23] gportlock at gembiz dot co dot uk [2007-05-24 07:29:11]
This function returns a text string that is limited by the word count. This funtion is particularly useful for paid advertising where you pay by the word.
function limitText( $text, $wordCount ){
$wordArray = explode(" ", $text);
array_splice($wordArray, $wordCount);
return implode( " ", $wordArray );
[#24] [2007-03-14 08:09:30]
I noticed that some other people made supportive functions for maintaining numeric keys for PHP versions less than 5.0.2. So here is my version of it.
//Slice an array but keep numeric keys
function narray_slice($array, $offset, $length) {
//Check if this version already supports it
if (str_replace('.', '', PHP_VERSION) >= 502)
return array_slice($array, $offset, $length, true);
foreach ($array as $key => $value) {
if ($a >= $offset && $a - $offset <= $length)
$output_array[$key] = $value;
return $output_array;
[#25] aflavio at gmail dot com [2007-03-01 13:43:29]
function array_remval($val, &$arr)
$array_remval = $arr;
if (is_numeric($i)) {
$array_temp = array_slice($array_remval, 0, $i );
$array_temp2 = array_slice($array_remval, $i+1, count($array_remval)-1 );
$array_remval = array_merge($array_temp, $array_temp2);
return $array_remval;
$stack=Array('apple','banana','pear','apple', 'cherry', 'apple');
array_remval("apple", $stack);
//output: Array('banana','pear', 'cherry')
[#26] [2006-12-19 09:10:10]
The version check on "ps at b1g dot de" function fails on my copy of PHP. My Version of PHP is "4.3.10-18", and it ends up checking 4310 <=> 502.
Since we are looking for a version over 4.1.0, we cas use version_compare.
// PHP >= 5.0.2 is able to do this itself
if(function_exists('version_compare') and version_compare(PHP_VERSION, '5.0.2') >= 0) {
return array_slice($array, $offset, $length, true);
[#27] ps at b1g dot de [2006-11-03 14:44:44]
The following function is the same as array_slice with preserve_keys=true, but it works with PHP versions < 5.0.2.
When PHP >= 5.0.2 is available, the function uses the faster PHP-own array_slice-function with preserve_keys=true, otherwise it uses its own implementation.
function array_slice_preserve_keys($array, $offset, $length = null)
// PHP >= 5.0.2 is able to do this itself
if((int)str_replace('.', '', phpversion()) >= 502)
return(array_slice($array, $offset, $length, true));
// prepare input variables
$result = array();
$i = 0;
if($offset < 0)
$offset = count($array) + $offset;
if($length > 0)
$endOffset = $offset + $length;
else if($length < 0)
$endOffset = count($array) + $length;
$endOffset = count($array);
// collect elements
foreach($array as $key=>$value)
if($i >= $offset && $i < $endOffset)
$result[$key] = $value;
// return
Good for backwards compatibility I hope somebody might find this useful.
[#28] david at bagnara dot org [2006-10-18 20:42:27]
I was trying to pass an argument list through the constructors. I tried various things such as func_get_args(). My conclusion is to pass the args to the constructor as an array. Each constructor can remove the fields it wants and pass the array on.
Using the following prototype, each child class can have any number of parameters added to the beginning of the class constructor and the rest passed onto the parent.
If the default value is desired for an argument, just pass NULL.
This could possibly be better done with array_shift or the like.
class aChild extends aParent
// TODO customise this list for this class
$a, $b, $c;
function __construct( $args = array() )
//set up default values for this class
// TODO customise this list for this class
$default = array( "a-def", "b-def", "c-def" ) ;
// now overwrite the default with non NULL args
foreach( $args as $key=>$val )
// more args than needed?
if( !isset( $default[$key] ) )
// this arg not null
if( isset( $val ) )
$default[$key] = $val ;
// set this to the new values
// TODO customise this list for this class
list( $this->a, $this->b, $this->c ) = $default ;
// take off the ones we used
$args = array_slice( $args, count( $default ) ) ;
parent::__construct( $args ) ;
$x = new aChild( array( "aChild a", NULL, "aChild c", NULL, "aParent second", "aParent third" ) ) ;
[#29] [2006-05-06 00:21:04]
If you specify the fourth argument (to not reassign the keys), then there appears to be no way to get the function to return all values to the end of the array. Assigning -0 or NULL or just putting two commas in a row won't return any results.
[#30] taylorbarstow at the google mail service [2006-04-07 14:01:24]
Array slice function that works with associative arrays (keys):
function array_slice_assoc($array,$keys) {
return array_intersect_key($array,array_flip($keys));
[#31] andreasblixt (at) msn (dot) com [2005-09-06 09:53:48]
// Combines two arrays by inserting one into the other at a given position then returns the result
function array_insert($src, $dest, $pos) {
if (!is_array($src) || !is_array($dest) || $pos <= 0) return FALSE;
return array_merge(array_slice($dest, 0, $pos), $src, array_slice($dest, $pos));
[#32] ssb45 at cornell dot edu [2005-07-28 07:20:46]
In reply to jenny at jennys dot info:
Here is a much easier way to find the $offset of a $key in an $array:
$offset = array_search($key, array_keys($array));
[#33] fanfatal at fanfatal dot pl [2005-07-08 15:09:10]
Hmm ... i wrote an usefull function whitch is such like strpos but it works on arrays ;]
function array_pos($haystack, $needle) {
$size = count($needle);
$sizeh = count($haystack);
if($size > $sizeh) return false;
$scale = $sizeh - $size + 1;
for($i = 0; $i < $scale; $i++)
if($needle === array_slice($haystack, $i, $size))
return $i;
return false;
// Sample:
$a = array('aa','bb','cc','dd','ee');
$b = array('cc','dd');
$pos = array_pos($a, $b);
Greatings ;-)
[#34] liz at matrixmailing dot com [2005-06-06 14:16:45]
For those with PHP < 5.0.2, and have a number as your array key, to avoid having the key reset with array_slice, add a blank character to the beginning or end of the key.
$array[" ".$key] = $value;
[#35] bishop [2004-12-08 13:58:18]
Sometimes you need to pick certain non-integer and/or non-sequential keys out of an array. Consider using the array_pick() implementation below to pull specific keys, in a specific order, out of a source array:
$a = array ('a' => 1, 'b' => 2, 'c' => 3, 'd' => 4);
$b = array_pick($a, array ('d', 'b'));
// now:
// $a = array ('a' => 1, 'c' => '3');
// $b = array ('d' => 4, 'b' => '2');
function &array_pick(&$array, $keys)
if (! is_array($array)) {
trigger_error('First parameter must be an array', E_USER_ERROR);
return false;
if (! (is_array($keys) || is_scalar($keys))) {
trigger_error('Second parameter must be an array of keys or a scalar key', E_USER_ERROR);
return false;
if (is_array($keys)) {
// nothing to do
} else if (is_scalar($keys)) {
$keys = array ($keys);
$resultArray = array ();
foreach ($keys as $key) {
if (is_scalar($key)) {
if (array_key_exists($key, $array)) {
$resultArray[$key] = $array[$key];
} else {
trigger_error('Supplied key is not scalar', E_USER_ERROR);
return false;
return $resultArray;
[#36] pies at sputnik dot pl [2004-09-17 21:29:47]
My shot at Dams's array_slice_key() implementation:
function array_slice_key($array, $offset, $len=-1){
if (!is_array($array))
return FALSE;
$length = $len >= 0? $len: count($array);
$keys = array_slice(array_keys($array), $offset, $length);
foreach($keys as $key) {
$return[$key] = $array[$key];
return $return;
[#37] Samuele at norsam dot org [2004-04-05 09:44:26]
Note that if $offset+$length>count($array) then resulting array will NOT be filled with empty elements at his end, so it is not sure that it will have exactly $length elements. Example:
$a=Array(7,32,11,24,65); // count($a) is 5
$b=array_slice($a,2,4); // 2+4=6, and 6>count($a)
will return a 3-elements array:
[0] => 11
[1] => 24
[2] => 65
[#38] [2004-02-23 14:47:45]
Use unset() to delete a associative array.
$item['chaise'] = array ('qty' => 1,
'desc' => 'Chaise bercante 10"',
'avail' => 10);
$item['divan'] = array ('qty' => 1,
'desc' => 'Divan brun laitte"',
'avail' => 10);
if (isset($item['chaise'])) {
foreach ($item as $s) {
echo "<br />Commande " . $s['qty'] . " " . $s['desc'];
[#39] jenny at jennys dot info [2004-02-21 22:12:32]
Here's a function which returns the array offset based on the array key. This is useful if you'd like to use array_slice to get all keys/values after key "foo".
function array_offset($array, $offset_key) {
$offset = 0;
foreach($array as $key=>$val) {
if($key == $offset_key)
return $offset;
return -1;
$array = array('foo'=>'foo', 'bar'=>'bar', 'bash'=>'bash', 'quux'=>'quux');
// Prints the following:
// Array
// (
// [foo] => foo
// [bar] => bar
// [bash] => bash
// [quux] => quux
// )
$offset = array_offset($array,'bar');
// $offset now contains '1'
$new = array_slice($array,$offset+1);
// Prints the following:
// Array
// (
// [bash] => bash
// [quux] => quux
// )
[#40] webmaster_nospam at wavesport dot com [2002-11-12 16:48:02]
This function may surprise you if you use arbitrary numeric values for keys, i.e.
//create an array
$ar = array('a'=>'apple', 'b'=>'banana', '42'=>'pear', 'd'=>'orange');
// print_r describes the array as:
// Array
// (
// [a] => apple
// [b] => banana
// [42] => pear
// [d] => orange
// )
//use array_slice() to extract the first three elements
$new_ar = array_slice($ar, 0, 3);
// print_r describes the new array as:
// Array
// (
// [a] => apple
// [b] => banana
// [0] => pear
// )
The value 'pear' has had its key reassigned from '42' to '0'.
When $ar is initially created the string '42' is automatically type-converted by array() into an integer. array_slice() and array_splice() reassociate string keys from the passed array to their values in the returned array but numeric keys are reindexed starting with 0.
[#41] t dot oddy at ic dot ac dot uk [2002-04-25 06:47:55]
[Editor's Note:
It is easier to do the same thing using array_values()
array_slice() can be used to "re-index" an array to start from key 0. For example, unpack creates an array with keys starting from 1;
array(2) {
give you
array(2) {
[#42] developer at i-space dot org [2002-02-03 08:22:23]
remember that array_slice returns an array with the current element. you must use array_slice($array, $index+1) if you want to get the next elements.
[#43] richardgere at jippii dot fi [2002-01-27 09:14:26]
The same thing, written by a maladroit :)
function array_slice2( $array, $offset, $length = 0 )
if( $offset < 0 )
$offset = sizeof( $array ) + $offset;
$length = ( !$length ? sizeof( $array ) : ( $length < 0 ? sizeof( $array ) - $length : $length + $offset ) );
for( $i = $offset; $i < $length; $i++ )
$tmp[] = $array[$i];
return $tmp;