このドキュメントでは、 php中国語ネットマニュアル リリース
(PHP 5)
ReflectionClass::getProperties — 获取一组属性
] )获取反射过的属性。
可选的过滤器,过滤为所需类型的属性。它使用 ReflectionProperty 常量 来配置,默认获取所有类型的属性。
ReflectionProperty 对象的数组。
Example #1 ReflectionClass::getProperties() 过滤例子
这个例子延时了可选 filter
class Foo {
public $foo = 1 ;
protected $bar = 2 ;
private $baz = 3 ;
$foo = new Foo ();
$reflect = new ReflectionClass ( $foo );
$props = $reflect -> getProperties ( ReflectionProperty :: IS_PUBLIC | ReflectionProperty :: IS_PROTECTED );
foreach ( $props as $prop ) {
print $prop -> getName () . "\n" ;
var_dump ( $props );
foo bar array(2) { [0]=> object(ReflectionProperty)#3 (2) { ["name"]=> string(3) "foo" ["class"]=> string(3) "Foo" } [1]=> object(ReflectionProperty)#4 (2) { ["name"]=> string(3) "bar" ["class"]=> string(3) "Foo" } }
[#1] postmaster at greg0ire dot fr [2014-07-08 09:23:05]
The code in the first example actually does get inherited properties with at least php 5.5.9 . I don't know if / when this behavior changed.
Here is the output:
array(2) {
[0] =>
class ReflectionProperty#2 (2) {
public $name =>
string(2) "a2"
public $class =>
string(2) "AA"
[1] =>
class ReflectionProperty#3 (2) {
public $name =>
string(2) "a1"
public $class =>
string(1) "A"
[#2] Yzmir Ramirez [2010-10-16 08:53:31]
Looks like you can access public, protected, private variables by casting the object to an array (useful for Unit Testing). However casting to an array still won't allow you access to protected and private static variables.
In PHP 5.3.0+ use ReflectionProperty::setAccessable(true);
echo "PHP Version: ".phpversion()."\n";
class Foo {
public $foo = 'public';
protected $bar = 'protected';
private $baz = 'private';
public static $sfoo = 'public static';
protected static $sbar = 'protected static';
private static $sbaz = 'private static';
const COO = 'const';
$obj = new Foo;
$arr = (array)$obj;
echo "Accessing Public Static: ".Foo::$sfoo."\n";
// echo Foo::$sbar."\n"; // Fatal error: Cannot access protected property Foo::$sbar
// echo Foo::$sbaz."\n"; // Fatal error: Cannot access private property Foo::$sbaz
echo "Accessing Constant: ".Foo::COO."\n";
PHP Version: 5.2.12
[foo] => public
[*bar] => protected
[Foobaz] => private
Accessing Public Static: public static
Accessing Constant: const
PHP Version: 5.1.6
[foo] => public
[*bar] => protected
[Foobaz] => private
Accessing Public Static: public static
Accessing Constant: const
[#3] Jeff Hunter [2009-10-09 17:30:44]
It appears the filter parameter accepts a long value that is one of ReflectionProperty::IS_STATIC, ReflectionProperty::IS_PUBLIC, ReflectionProperty::IS_PROTECTED, or ReflectionProperty::IS_PRIVATE as a way to limit the returned properties. Flags may be combined by adding them together.
class Foo {
public $alpha = 1;
protected $beta = 2;
private $gamma = 3;
public function listProperties() {
$reflect = new ReflectionObject($this);
foreach ($reflect->getProperties(ReflectionProperty::IS_PUBLIC + ReflectionProperty::IS_PROTECTED) as $prop) {
print $prop->getName() . "\n";
$foo = new Foo();
will output:
[#4] mcurtis [2009-01-28 14:41:23]
It should be noted that the 'filter' parameter in the getProperties(filter) method is expected to be of type long. Not sure why, but it doesn't function as a way of passing in a string to fetch a subset of properties by string match.
[#5] muratyaman at gmail dot com [2009-01-22 07:47:08]
Some may find this useful.
function getClassProperties($className, $types='public'){
$ref = new ReflectionClass($className);
$props = $ref->getProperties();
$props_arr = array();
foreach($props as $prop){
$f = $prop->getName();
if($prop->isPublic() and (stripos($types, 'public') === FALSE)) continue;
if($prop->isPrivate() and (stripos($types, 'private') === FALSE)) continue;
if($prop->isProtected() and (stripos($types, 'protected') === FALSE)) continue;
if($prop->isStatic() and (stripos($types, 'static') === FALSE)) continue;
$props_arr[$f] = $prop;
if($parentClass = $ref->getParentClass()){
$parent_props_arr = getClassProperties($parentClass->getName());//RECURSION
if(count($parent_props_arr) > 0)
$props_arr = array_merge($parent_props_arr, $props_arr);
return $props_arr;
class A{
public $a1;
function abc(){
//do something
class AA extends A{
public $a2;
function edf(){
//do something
class AAA extends AA{
//may not have extra properties, but may have extra methods
function ghi(){
//$ref = new ReflectionClass('AAA'); $props = $ref->getProperties();//This will get no properties!
$props_arr = getClassProperties('AAA', 'public');//Use this
[#6] david dot thalmann at gmail dot com [2009-01-05 20:19:42]
With PHP 5.3 protected or private properties are easy to access with setAccessible(). However, it's sometimes needed (e.g. Unit Tests) and here is a workaround for getValue():
$class = new ReflectionClass('SomeClass');
$props = $class->getProperties();
// $propsStatic = $class->getStaticProperties();
$myPrivatePropertyValue = $props['aPrivateProperty'];
Note that it wont work if you access the property directly with getProperty().