このドキュメントでは、 php中国語ネットマニュアル リリース
(PHP 4 >= 4.0.6, PHP 5, PHP 7)
is_callable — 检测参数是否为合法的可调用结构
[, bool $syntax_only
= false
[, string &$callable_name
]] )验证变量的内容能否作为函数调用。 这可以检查包含有效函数名的变量,或者一个数组,包含了正确编码的对象以及函数名。
如果设置为 TRUE
,这个函数仅仅验证 name
接受“可调用的名称”。下面的例子是“someClass::someMethod”。 注意,尽管 someClass::SomeMethod() 的含义是可调用的静态方法,但例子的情况并不是这样的。
如果 name
可调用则返回 TRUE
,否则返回 FALSE
Example #1 is_callable() 例子
// How to check a variable to see if it can be called
// as a function.
// Simple variable containing a function
function someFunction ()
$functionVariable = 'someFunction' ;
var_dump ( is_callable ( $functionVariable , false , $callable_name )); // bool(true)
echo $callable_name , "\n" ; // someFunction
// Array containing a method
class someClass {
function someMethod ()
$anObject = new someClass ();
$methodVariable = array( $anObject , 'someMethod' );
var_dump ( is_callable ( $methodVariable , true , $callable_name )); // bool(true)
echo $callable_name , "\n" ; // someClass::someMethod
[#1] ffalek at banfi dot pl [2015-03-13 17:42:00]
Example how is_callable works:
$counter = 0;
class TestClassOne {
function testMethod(){
global $counter;
return ++$counter;
static function testMethodStatic(){
global $counter;
return ++$counter;
class TestClassTwo {
function __invoke() {
global $counter;
return ++$counter;
function test_function() {
global $counter;
return ++$counter;
$p1 = 'test_function';
$p2 = new TestClassOne();
$p3 = ['TestClassOne', 'testMethodStatic'];
$p4 = [new TestClassOne(), 'testMethod'];
$p5 = new TestClassTwo();
$p6 = function() {
global $counter;
return ++$counter;
foreach ([$p1, $p2, $p3, $p4, $p5, $p6] as $p) {
echo 'is invokable: yes '.$p().PHP_EOL;
} else {
echo 'is invokable: no'.PHP_EOL;
And output is:
is invokable: yes 1
is invokable: no
is invokable: yes 2
is invokable: yes 3
is invokable: yes 4
is invokable: yes 5
[#2] wowkise at gmail dot com [2013-03-07 10:10:22]
beware calling is_callable on class that has the same method name will return false, i filed a bug report to be included in function description as example
class test {
function test() {
$class = new test();
var_dump(is_callable([$class, 'test']));
will return false
[#3] np dot liamg at gmail dot com [2012-12-08 13:52:47]
is_callable() will try __autoload(), if have one.
[#4] Athari [2012-05-13 03:58:06]
For closures, the function will return true and $callable_name will be set to "Closure::__invoke".
[#5] passivesmoking AT yahoo DOT com [2012-01-07 06:06:59]
is_callable doesn't seem able to resolve namespaces. If you're passing a string, then the string has to include the function's full namespace.
namespace foo\bar\baz;
function something ()
return (42);
var_dump (is_callable ('something')); // false
var_dump (is_callable ('foo\bar\baz\something')); // true
It's easy to forget, but if you just prepend __NAMESPACE__ to your function name strings you should be fine in most cases.
[#6] fgm at osinet dot fr [2011-06-27 05:03:41]
Note that, for the purpose of this function, an abstract method, although necessarily non-callable since it does not have a body, is still considered to be callable:
abstract class Foo {
abstract function bar();
echo is_callable(array('Foo', 'bar'));
// display: 1
[#7] Andy at txtNation dot com [2011-06-27 03:50:10]
Note that is_callable is aware of context, and you can ask it things like parent::__construct from within a child constructor
class TestClass extends TestClassParent {
public function __construct() {
# do initialisation
# ...
# if we have a parent
if(is_callable('parent::__construct')) {
# then bubble up
[#8] colin [2010-10-03 11:30:37]
I haven't seen anyone note this before, but is_callable will correctly determine the existence of methods made with __call. The method_exists function will not.
class Test {
public function testing($not = false) {
$not = $not ? 'true' : 'false';
echo "testing - not: $not<br/>";
public function __call($name, $args) {
if(preg_match('/^not([A-Z]\w+)$/', $name, $matches)) {
$fn_name = strtolower($matches[1]);
if(method_exists($this, $fn_name)) {
$args[] = true; // add NOT boolean to args
return call_user_func_array(array($this, $matches[1]), $args);
die("No method with name: $name<br/>");
$t = new Test();
echo "exists: ".method_exists($t, 'notTesting').'<br/>';
echo "callable: ".is_callable(array($t, 'notTesting'));
testing - not: false
testing - not: true
callable: 1
[#9] Constantin Kpplinger [2010-06-10 12:16:28]
It seems the only issue left with is_callable() is the disable_functions ini-setting. Apart from that, is_callable() will reliably evaluate whether the passed function or method can be called from within the same context is_callable() was called from, taking visibility and inheritance into account. This includes functions, regular and static methods, magic functions and methods and implemented interfaces (which are regular methods within the implementing class anyway).
function regular_function() {}
abstract class ParentTest
public function public_parent_method() {}
protected function protected_parent_method() {}
public static function static_method() {}
protected static function protected_static_method() {}
class CallableTest extends ParentTest implements Countable
public function __invoke() { } // Introduced in 5.3, see http://php.net/manual/language.oop5.magic.php
protected function protected_method() { }
public function is_callable($args)
return is_callable($args);
// Countable
public function count()
return 1;
$o = new CallableTest();
// Regular function:
var_dump(is_callable('regular_function')); // true
// Magic __invoke method:
var_dump(is_callable($o)); // true if PHP >= 5.3, false otherwise
// Countable implementation (regular method really):
var_dump(is_callable(array($o, 'count'))); // true
// Protected method from outside the object's scope:
var_dump(is_callable(array($o, 'protected_method'))); // false
// Protected method from inside the object's scope via public proxy method:
var_dump($o->is_callable(array($o, 'protected_method'))); // true
// Parent's public method
var_dump(is_callable(array($o, 'public_parent_method'))); // true
// Parent's protected method
var_dump(is_callable(array($o, 'protected_parent_method'))); // false
// Parent's protected method via proxy
var_dump($o->is_callable(array($o, 'protected_parent_method'))); // true
// Parent's static public method
var_dump(is_callable('CallableTest::static_method')); // true
// Parent's static protected method
var_dump(is_callable('CallableTest::protected_static_method')); // false
// Parent's static protected method via proxy
var_dump($o->is_callable('CallableTest::protected_static_method')); // true
Tested PHP versions were 5.2.9 on openSUSE 10.3 (x64) and 5.3.1 on Windows Server 2003 (x86).
[#10] juand at softwarecubes dot com [2009-02-21 11:39:38]
Revised function with static support:
public static function isCallable( $class_name, $method_name, $static = false ){
if( !is_string( $class_name ) ){
$class_name = get_class( $class_name );
// Define Callable
if( $static ){
$callable = "{$class_name}::{$method_name}";
$callable = array( $class_name, $method_name );
// Check class itself
if( @is_callable( $callable ) === true ){
if( $method_name == 'setEmailAddressTypeHash' ) {
return true;
// Check all parents
while( $parent_class = get_parent_class( $class_name ) ){
if( @is_callable( $callable ) === true ){
return true;
$class_name = $parent_class;
return false;
[#11] Rafael M. Salvioni [2008-05-20 09:10:24]
The PHP's function is_callable not verify the visibility of the tested method.
The following function uses the Reflection classes of the PHP5 to check it.
function is_callback($var)
if (is_array($var) && count($var) == 2) {
$var = array_values($var);
if ((!is_string($var[0]) && !is_object($var[0])) || (is_string($var[0]) && !class_exists($var[0]))) {
return false;
$isObj = is_object($var[0]);
$class = new ReflectionClass($isObj ? get_class($var[0]) : $var[0]);
if ($class->isAbstract()) {
return false;
try {
$method = $class->getMethod($var[1]);
if (!$method->isPublic() || $method->isAbstract()) {
return false;
if (!$isObj && !$method->isStatic()) {
return false;
} catch (ReflectionException $e) {
return false;
return true;
} elseif (is_string($var) && function_exists($var)) {
return true;
return false;
[#12] rahadotaboulfethatgmail.com [2008-03-01 16:44:02]
is_callable generates an [E_STRICT] error if the tested method cannot be called staticly. (and returns the good value)
I used @is_called
i'm using php 5.2.1
[#13] Quis strrev TA omicidio strrev TOD com [2007-11-13 15:50:57]
is_callable() does _not_ check wheter this function is disabled by php.ini's disable_functions
function is_disabled($function) {
return in_array($function, $disabled_functions);
I`m running PHP 5.2.4
[#14] mw at NO-SPAM hire mason wolf dot com [2007-10-19 07:35:49]
As empyone noted, early versions of php 5 incorrectly returned true if is_callable checked on a protected or private method. Later versions of php 5 will now only return true if the method is public and can be called externally. I do not know precisely when this behavior was changed, so you may have to test on your own. But sometime between 5.0.4, which empyone said he was using, and 5.2.4 where I tested it myself, the behavior was modified.
[#15] hcblue [2006-08-24 13:51:32]
True that method_exists() is faster than is_callable(). However, is_callable() will be able to correctly recognize method calls handled by __call() in PHP 5, while method_exists() will not.
[#16] jphp at dsf dot org dot uk [2006-02-12 03:38:31]
bob at theshirdshift:
"function_exists" doesn't do this, no, but "method_exists" works fine, and is still faster than is_callable:
function doTimes($start, $end)
$start_time = explode (" ", $start);
$start_time = $start_time[1] + $start_time[0];
$end_time = explode (" ", $end);
$end_time = $end_time[1] + $end_time[0];
$time = $end_time - $start_time;
return $time;
class test
function test()
return true;
$test = new test;
$callableIsTrue = false;
$startIsCallable = microtime();
for($i = 0; $i < 10000; $i++)
if(is_callable(array('test', 'test'))) { $callableIsTrue = true; }
$endIsCallable = microtime();
$existsIsTrue = false;
$startExists = microtime();
for($i = 0; $i < 10000; $i++)
if(method_exists('test', 'test')) { $existsIsTrue = true; }
$endExists = microtime();
$timeIsCallable = doTimes($startIsCallable, $endIsCallable);
$timeExists = doTimes($startExists, $endExists);
echo "<b>is_callable = ".($callableIsTrue ? "TRUE" : "FALSE")."</b>, \n";
echo "<b>method_exists = ".($existsIsTrue ? "TRUE" : "FALSE")."</b><br>\n";
echo "<br>Did 10000 is_callables in ".$timeIsCallable." seconds";
echo "<br>Did 10000 method_exists in ".$timeExists." seconds";
is_callable = TRUE, method_exists = TRUE
Did 10000 is_callables in 0.410346984863 seconds
Did 10000 method_exists in 0.175447940826 seconds
[#17] yetanotheruser at hotmail etc [2005-12-15 06:47:10]
I have come across a strange oddity in versions around the 4.3.11 mark - I may have missunderstood the purpose of this function but hope this'll be helpful for some.
The point the code below is supposed to illustrate is that in some cases with
<?php $myFunc = Array( $myObj, 'myMethod' ); ?>
<?php is_callable( $myFunc, true, $callMe ); ?>
will return true, and give you $callMe set to myObj::myMethod but calling
<?php $callMe(); ?>
doesn't work... however calling
<?php $myFunc[0]->$myFunc[1](); ?>
seems to work fine..
... the reason all the code is down there is I think this oddity is due to how/the order in which I've instantiated my classes or something...
anyhow... HTH someone! :-)
Code follows:
FILE 1 :
$foo = new myClass();
print $foo->getMySource();
class myClass{
var $flibble = 'wibble';
function myClass(
// Initialise loads of stuff.. including..
$this->tools = new myTools();
function getMySource(){
// This just returns the source.. ok, like some HTML to go into an email for example.
// Some arguments;
$args = $this->flibble;
// Call our Tool that returns the source..
$source = $this->tools->returnSource( Array ( $this, 'someHTML' ), $args );
// and return it..
return ( $source );
function someHTML($args){
// Leave PHP
Here is some HTML.. that we want to build outside a PHP block,
possibly just cos it's tidier in <B>your favourite text editor</B>..
.. or you want this function to be elsewhere.. for your designers
to play with etc.. ... incidentally I'd like to say "
" etc.
// .. and we're back.
class myTools(){
function returnSource($func, $args){
if ( is_callable ( $func, true, $callMe ){
// Start a buffer
// Calling the function like this DOESN'T seem to work:
// ~~~~~~~~
// "Command not found : myClass::someHTML"
// $callMe($args);
// ~~~~~~~~
// But - what I've discovered is that this behaves fine..
if ( is_array($func) ){
} else {
// Then we just carry on with our code..
$rtn = ob_get_contents();
return ( $rtn );
} else {
[#18] empyone at tiscalinet dot it [2005-11-08 12:41:17]
To corey at eyewantmedia dot com:
your misunderstanding lies in passing in the naked $object parameter. It is correct for is_callable to return FALSE since you cannot 'call an object', you can only call one of its methods, but you don't specify which one. Hence:
is_callable(array($object, 'some_function'), [true or false], $callable_name)
will yield the correct result.
Notice, though, that a quick test I made (PHP 5.0.4) showed that is_callable incorrectly returns TRUE also if you specify the name of a protected/private method from outside of the context of the defining class, so, as wasti dot redl at gmx dot net pointed out, reflection is the way to go if you want to take visibility into account (which you should for true OOP, IMHO).
[#19] wasti dot redl at gmx dot net [2005-10-09 04:14:51]
The way to discover whether a method exists in face of a __call is reflection.
It should be mentioned that although array('Test', 'func') is callable according to this function (where func is a public static method of Test), actually calling this construct as $fn() fails.
[#20] corey at eyewantmedia dot com [2005-03-18 15:39:13]
I've been spending a month on and off trying to figure out why
is_callable($object, [true or false], $varContainingFunctionName)
returned false when it should not have (ie: $object->FunctionName() was callable), I realized I must have misunderstood its purpose. If you find yourself in the same situation, try
function_exists(string functionname)
method_exists ( object object, string method_name )
before you rip your hair out :)
[#21] mcroghan at digitalkeg dot com [2005-02-10 19:36:55]
Be careful when using this function and __call (PHP5). This function will always report true when using __call.
Need a specific function for the purpose of checking if a class method exists explicitly even when using __call.
Haven't ruled out the possibility of the existence of such a function yet. So if someone knows of one, please point it out.
[#22] bob at thethirdshift dot net [2004-06-23 09:54:37]
I, too, was wondering whether is_callable or function exists is faster when checking class methods. So, I setup the following test:
function doTimes($start, $end)
$start_time = explode (" ", $start);
$start_time = $start_time[1] + $start_time[0];
$end_time = explode (" ", $end);
$end_time = $end_time[1] + $end_time[0];
$time = $end_time - $start_time;
return $time;
class test
function test()
return true;
$callableIsTrue = false;
$startIsCallable = microtime();
for($i = 0; $i < 10000; $i++)
if(is_callable(array('test', 'test'))) { $callableIsTrue = true; }
$endIsCallable = microtime();
$existsIsTrue = false;
$startExists = microtime();
for($i = 0; $i < 10000; $i++)
if(function_exists('test::test')) { $existsIsTrue = true; }
$endExists = microtime();
$timeIsCallable = doTimes($startIsCallable, $endIsCallable);
$timeExists = doTimes($startExists, $endExists);
echo "<b>is_callable = ".($callableIsTrue ? "TRUE" : "FALSE")."</b>, \n";
echo "<b>function_exists = ".($existsIsTrue ? "TRUE" : "FALSE")."</b><br>\n";
echo "<br>Did 10000 is_callables in ".$timeIsCallable." seconds";
echo "<br>Did 10000 function_exists in ".$timeExists." seconds";
This gives the output :
is_callable = TRUE, function_exists = FALSE
Did 10000 is_callables in 0.0640790462494 seconds
Did 10000 function_exists in 0.0304429531097 seconds
So the fact that function_exists is twice as fast is slightly over shadowed by the fact that it doesn't work on class methods, at least not as far as I can tell.