このドキュメントでは、 php中国語ネットマニュアル リリース
(PECL OAuth >= 0.99.1)
OAuth::fetch — 获取一个 OAuth 受保护的资源
[, array $extra_parameters
[, string $http_method
[, array $http_headers
]]] )获取一个资源。
OAuth 受保护资源的URL
)可以用于先于请求发现信息(如果 OAuth 证书在 Authorization 头部)。
HTTP 客户端头信息(像 User-Agent, Accept 等等这样的)。
成功时返回 TRUE
, 或者在失败时返回 FALSE
版本 | 说明 |
1.0.0 |
以前失败时返回 NULL ,而不是 FALSE 。
0.99.5 |
新增 http_method 参数
0.99.8 |
新增 http_headers 参数
Example #1 OAuth::fetch() example
try {
$oauth = new OAuth ( "consumer_key" , "consumer_secret" , OAUTH_SIG_METHOD_HMACSHA1 , OAUTH_AUTH_TYPE_AUTHORIZATION );
$oauth -> setToken ( "access_token" , "access_token_secret" );
$oauth -> fetch ( "http://photos.example.net/photo?file=vacation.jpg" );
$response_info = $oauth -> getLastResponseInfo ();
header ( "Content-Type: { $response_info [ "content_type" ]} " );
echo $oauth -> getLastResponse ();
} catch( OAuthException $E ) {
echo "Exception caught!\n" ;
echo "Response: " . $E -> lastResponse . "\n" ;
[#1] zverik at textual dot ru [2014-03-31 20:46:10]
If $extra_parameters is not an array, you have to specify Content-Type header, or else you'll get HTTP 401 error. Example:
$oauth->fetch(ENDPOINT, '{"action": "get_user_info"}', OAUTH_HTTP_METHOD_PUT, array('Content-Type' => 'application/json'));
[#2] chris dot barr at ntlworld dot com [2013-03-05 17:59:57]
The fetch() method will throw an OAuthException if the returned http status code is in the 4xx or 5xx range:
// Querying Twitter with bad login details
try {
catch(Exception $e) {
echo $e->getCode(); // 401
// Message generated by OAuth class
echo $e->getMessage(); // Invalid auth/bad request (got a 401, expected HTTP/1.1 20X or a redirect)
// Message returned from Twitter
echo $e->lastResponse; // {"errors":[{"message":"Could not authenticate you","code":32}]}
[#3] sun at drupal dot org [2011-08-09 18:40:54]
Make sure that your $extra_parameters is an array.
If it's not, then OAuth will silently skip the malformed data type and produce a signature base string that is invalid (doesn't contain POST parameters, as defined in the RFC).
You should file a critical bug report against any REST API you find in the wild that accepts such a bogus signature to pass authentication.
[#4] contact info at mech dot cx [2011-03-23 16:00:38]
I was having troubles getting fetch() to post, the remote server (Twitter, in this case) complained at me that their "resource only supports POST". Turned out to be a known bug in OAuth 1.1, downgrading to 1.0 fixed it.
Don't lose as much time over this as I did :-)
[#5] Lyuben Penkovski (l_penkovski at yahoo dot com) [2010-08-26 23:51:30]
If the provider's web server is configured to use Keep-Alive extension to HTTP protocol (HTTP 1.1), there can be a big delay in the response time from the provider. By default Apache is configured to use Keep-Alive for 5 seconds. This is the delay after which the response will come back to the consumer. If you have this issue of delayed result, you can pass in HTTP headers when calling $consumer->fetch():
$consumer = new OAuth("consumer_key", "consumer_secret", OAUTH_SIG_METHOD_HMACSHA1, OAUTH_AUTH_TYPE_FORM);
$consumer->fetch('http://example.com/api/', null, OAUTH_HTTP_METHOD_POST, array('Connection'=>'close'));
Then the provider will send the result immediately after it's ready with the processing and the connection will be closed. Unfortunately, when calling $consumer->getRequestToken() and $consumer->getAccessToken() there's no way provided to pass in HTTP headers and this delay (if present) cannot be avoided, or at least we could not find a way to avoid it.
The solution that worked for us is to send this header from the provider when returning result to the consumer:
$result = 'oauth_callback_accepted=true&oauth_token=' . $this->urlencode($token->oauth_token) .
header('HTTP/1.1 200 OK');
header('Content-Length: '.strlen($result));
header('Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded');
echo $result;
This can work if you have the possibility to modify the code of the provider, e.g. if you are the provider yourself or if you can talk with the people that develop it and ask them to send this header for your request.