このドキュメントでは、 php中国語ネットマニュアル リリース
(PHP 5 >= 5.0.1)
The SoapServer class provides a server for the » SOAP 1.1 and » SOAP 1.2 protocols. It can be used with or without a WSDL service description.
[, array $options
] )$code
, string $string
[, string $actor
[, string $details
[, string $name
]]] )$soap_request
] )$class_name
[, mixed $args
[, mixed $...
]] )$object
[, array $options
] )[#1] softontherocks at gmail dot com [2014-10-29 18:20:49]
I posted in this URL http://softontherocks.blogspot.com/2014/02/web-service-soap-con-php.html a full example of a nusoap web service.
There is defined the server and the cliente who calls the web service.
I hope it would be useful for you.
[#2] s at dumdeedum dot com [2013-09-12 17:32:24]
I was running PHP 5.3.2 and couldn't for the life of me get SOAP headers to work, no matter how carefully I built my class/wsdl/client. What finally fixed it was updating to the latest PHP. No idea if there was a bug somewhere or what, but it's never a bad idea to stay current and it might save you weeks of frustration!
[#3] phpman dot fulter47 at recursor dot net [2012-07-04 17:36:05]
For those (like me) coming from other SOAP frameworks and getting confused:
- A PHP SOAP server application created using the SoapServer class can not be used as a standalone SOAP server.
It needs an HTTP server to receive SOAP requests, which must run a PHP engine to execute the PHP SOAP server script as a CGI.
- For this reason, there are no settings in PHP that control the Interface/Port under which the SOAP server will wait for requests - it is the HTTP server who is responsible for that.
- The "uri" parameter is an "id value", used as the namespace for the SOAP response. It is only required if no WSDL file is used (that contains this setting), i.e. "wsdl" is set to NULL. It does _not_ control the Hostname/Port under which the HTTP server will be reachable for requests.
[#4] php1221 at klox dot net [2011-08-18 13:39:12]
While there are plenty of mentions online that SoapServer doesn't support SOAP Headers, this isn't true.
In your class, if you declare a function with the name of the header, the function will be called when that header is received.
class MySoapService {
private $user_is_valid;
function MyHeader($header) {
if ((isset($header->Username)) && (isset($header->Password))) {
if (ValidateUser($header->Username, $header->Password)) {
$user_is_valid = true;
function MySoapRequest($request) {
if ($user_is_valid) {
// process request
else {
throw new MyFault("MySoapRequest", "User not valid.");
[#5] hawky83 at googlemail dot com [2011-01-21 02:46:52]
Another simple example for SOAP_SERVER with errorhandling an params and wsdl:
SERVER (soap_all_srv.php):
// PEAR::SOAP einbinden
require_once "SOAP/Server.php";
$skiptrace =& PEAR::getStaticProperty('PEAR_Error', 'skiptrace');
$skiptrace = true;
// Service-Class
class mytimeserv {
// __dispatch_map
public $__dispatch_map = array ();
// In/Out param -> __dispatch_map
public function __construct() {
$this->__dispatch_map["now"] =
array ("in" => array("format" => "string"),
"out" => array("time" => "string"));
// get back __dispatch_map in __dispatch
public function __dispatch($methodname) {
if (isset($this->__dispatch_map[$methodname])) {
return $this->__dispatch_map[$methodname];
return NULL;
// servicemthod with parameters
function now ($format) {
// formaterror?
if (($format == null) || (trim($format) == "")) {
// send errormessage
return new SOAP_Fault("Kein Parameter angegeben","0815", "Client");
$time = date ($format);
// return SOAP-Obj.
return (new SOAP_Value('time','string', $time));
// service-class
$service = new mytimeserv();
// server
$ss = new SOAP_Server();
// add service with name
$ss->addObjectMap (&$service,"urn:mytimeserv");
// service or wsdl
// postdata -> service
$ss->service ($HTTP_RAW_POST_DATA);
} else {
// wsdl-param in url
if (isset($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']) && strcasecmp($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'],'wsdl') == 0) {
// DISCO_Server for WSDL
require_once "SOAP/Disco.php";
$disco = new SOAP_DISCO_Server ($ss,"mytimeserv","My Time Service");
// set HTML-Header
header("Content-type: text/xml");
// return wsdl
print $disco->getWSDL ();
CLIENT (soap_all_client.php) (for wsdl: http://example.com/soap_all_srv.php?wsdl):
require_once "SOAP/Client.php";
$sw = new SOAP_WSDL ("http://example.com/soap_all_srv.php?wsdl");
// Proxy-Obj.
$proxy = $sw->getProxy ();
// servicemthod
$erg = $proxy->now ("H:i:s");
// return
print $erg."\n";
[#6] mikkel at nsales dot dk [2010-06-02 15:15:17]
If you want to return a custom object array from a nusoap webservice, you have to cast the objects to arrays like so:
$users = array();
while($res = $db_obj->fetch_row())
$user = new user();
$user->Id = $res['id'];
$user->Username = $res['username'];
$user->Email = $res['email'];
$users[] = (array) $user;
return ($users);
[#7] junk2cm at gmx dot de [2010-05-25 00:54:35]
As the SoapServer class lacks the possibility of dealing with SOAP-Headers, my following workaround is suitable to my needs when I had to do authentication via the SOAP-Headers:
1. Use a class which handles SOAP requests and let the constructor of this class take the sent headers.
2. Before invoking the SoapServer extract the SOAP-Header from the incoming raw data.
3. When using setClass pass the extracted header to the handling class.
In Your Server-Skript do things like this
$hdr = file_get_contents("php://input");
if (strpos($hdr,'<s:Header>')===false) {
$hdr = null;
} else {
$hdr = explode('<s:Header>',$hdr);
$hdr = explode('</s:Header>',$hdr[1]);
$hdr = $hdr[0];
$srv = new SoapServer('Your_wsdl');
And the service class is like this:
class ServiceClass {
var $IsAuthenticated;
function __construct($hdr) {
$this->IsAuthenticated = false;
if ($hdr!=null) {
$this->header = simplexml_load_string($hdr);
//Your authentication stuff goes here...
function SomeFunctionOfTheService($a) {
if ($this->IsAuthenticated) {
//here Your function...
[#8] carlos dot vini at gmail dot com [2010-05-20 13:55:15]
SoapServer does not support WSDL with literal/document. I have a class:
class My_Soap {
public function getInterAdmins($world) {
return 'hello' . $world;
To fix this I had to create proxy class:
class My_Soap_LiteralDocumentProxy {
public function __call($methodName, $args) {
$soapClass = new My_Soap();
$result = call_user_func_array(array($soapClass, $methodName), $args[0]);
return array($methodName . 'Result' => $result);
Now make sure that the WSDL is created using My_Soap. And that the Server is created using My_Soap_LiteralDocumentProxy:
if (isset($_GET['wsdl'])) {
$wsdl = new Zend_Soap_AutoDiscover(); // It generates the WSDL
'use' => 'literal'
'style' => 'document'
} else {
$server = new Zend_Soap_Server('http://localhost/something/webservice.php?wsdl');
[#9] dsubar at interna dot com [2009-12-25 21:49:18]
Do not put a SoapServer and a SoapClient in the same PHP file. This seems to cause arbitrary behavior. On the PHP interpreter in Eclipse, everything worked fine. Under MAMP, I got an undocumented error. In moving the client from the same file as the server, everything worked fine.