このドキュメントでは、 php中国語ネットマニュアル リリース
(PHP 5 >= 5.1.0)
SimpleXMLIterator::valid — Check whether the current element is valid
This method checks if the current element is valid after calls to SimpleXMLIterator::rewind() or SimpleXMLIterator::next() .
Returns TRUE
if the current element is valid, otherwise FALSE
Example #1 Check whether the current element is valid
$xmlIterator = new SimpleXMLIterator ( '<books><book>SQL Basics</book></books>' );
$xmlIterator -> rewind (); // rewind to the first element
echo var_dump ( $xmlIterator -> valid ()); // bool(true)
$xmlIterator -> next (); // advance to the next element
echo var_dump ( $xmlIterator -> valid ()); // bool(false) because there is only one element