このドキュメントでは、 php中国語ネットマニュアル リリース
(PHP 5 >= 5.2.0, PECL zip >= 1.5.0)
ZipArchive::locateName — Returns the index of the entry in the archive
[, int $flags
] )Locates an entry using its name.
The name of the entry to look up
The flags are specified by ORing the following values, or 0 for none of them.
Returns the index of the entry on success 或者在失败时返回 FALSE
Example #1 Create an archive and then use it with ZipArchive::locateName()
$file = 'testlocate.zip' ;
$zip = new ZipArchive ;
if ( $zip -> open ( $file , ZipArchive :: CREATE ) !== TRUE ) {
exit( 'failed' );
$zip -> addFromString ( 'entry1.txt' , 'entry #1' );
$zip -> addFromString ( 'entry2.txt' , 'entry #2' );
$zip -> addFromString ( 'dir/entry2d.txt' , 'entry #2' );
if (! $zip -> status == ZipArchive :: ER_OK ) {
echo "failed to write zip\n" ;
$zip -> close ();
if ( $zip -> open ( $file ) !== TRUE ) {
exit( 'failed' );
echo $zip -> locateName ( 'entry1.txt' ) . "\n" ;
echo $zip -> locateName ( 'eNtry2.txt' ) . "\n" ;
echo $zip -> locateName ( 'eNtry2.txt' , ZipArchive :: FL_NOCASE ) . "\n" ;
echo $zip -> locateName ( 'enTRy2d.txt' , ZipArchive :: FL_NOCASE | ZipArchive :: FL_NODIR ) . "\n" ;
$zip -> close ();
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[#1] thedotwriter [2012-09-25 08:22:42]
As this is not directly available from this page, here's the meaning of the two flags:
Ignore case on name lookup
Ignore directory component
All defined constants can be found here : http://php.net/manual/en/zip.constants.php
[#2] me at nowhere dot com [2008-09-03 01:04:32]
If the option ZIPARCHIVE::FL_NODIR is used, the result may be ambiguous as files with the same name may occur in various directories. In this case, the first occurence in the index whoose name matches is returned.
$zip->addFromString('afile.txt', 'index 0');
$zip->addFromString('double.txt', 'index 1');
$zip->addFromString('dir/double.txt', 'index 2');
$zip->locateName('double.txt',ZIPARCHIVE::FL_NODIR) returns 1