このドキュメントでは、 php中国語ネットマニュアル リリース
(PHP 5 >= 5.1.0, PECL pdo >= 1.0.0)
PDOStatement::bindValue — 把一个值绑定到一个参数
, mixed $value
[, int $data_type
] )绑定一个值到用作预处理的 SQL 语句中的对应命名占位符或问号占位符。
参数标识符。对于使用命名占位符的预处理语句,应是类似 :name 形式的参数名。对于使用问号占位符的预处理语句,应是以1开始索引的参数位置。
使用 PDO::PARAM_* 常量明确地指定参数的类型。
成功时返回 TRUE
, 或者在失败时返回 FALSE
Example #1 执行一条使用命名占位符的预处理语句
$calories = 150 ;
$colour = 'red' ;
$sth = $dbh -> prepare ( 'SELECT name, colour, calories
FROM fruit
WHERE calories < :calories AND colour = :colour' );
$sth -> bindValue ( ':calories' , $calories , PDO :: PARAM_INT );
$sth -> bindValue ( ':colour' , $colour , PDO :: PARAM_STR );
$sth -> execute ();
Example #2 执行一条使用问号占位符的预处理语句
$calories = 150 ;
$colour = 'red' ;
$sth = $dbh -> prepare ( 'SELECT name, colour, calories
FROM fruit
WHERE calories < ? AND colour = ?' );
$sth -> bindValue ( 1 , $calories , PDO :: PARAM_INT );
$sth -> bindValue ( 2 , $colour , PDO :: PARAM_STR );
$sth -> execute ();
[#1] consatangmailcom [2015-09-24 11:04:28]
The parameter must names like a php variable.
$dbh = new PDO("mysql:dbname=test;host=", "user", "password");
$sth = $dbh->prepare("SELECT * FROM `table` WHERE `last-name`=:last-name");
if($sth !== false && $sth->bindValue(":last-name", "Ngo")) {
// output: PHP Warning: PDOStatement::execute(): SQLSTATE[HY093]: Invalid parameter number: parameter was not defined
[#2] Vladimir Kovpak [2015-02-19 06:11:06]
$sql = 'SELECT * FROM myTable WHERE level & ?';
$sth = \App::pdo()->prepare($sql);
$sth->bindValue(1, 0b0101, \PDO::PARAM_INT);
$result = $sth->fetchAll(\PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
[#3] me at iabdullah dot info [2014-08-07 09:47:47]
The reason that we cannot define the value variable for bindValue() after calling it, is because that it binds the value to the prepared statement immediately and does not wait until the execute() to happen.
The following code will issue a notice and prevent the query from taking place:
$st = $db->prepare ("SELECT * FROM posts WHERE id= :val ");
$val = '2';
The output:
Notice: Undefined variable: val.
Whereas in the case of bindParam, the evaluation of the value to the parameter will not be performed until the call of execute(). And that's to gain the benefit of reference passing.
$st = $db->prepare ("SELECT * FROM posts WHERE id = :val ");
$val = '2';
// some code
$val = '3'; // re-assigning the value variable
works fine.
[#4] contact[at]maximeelomari.com [2011-07-17 05:19:43]
This function is useful for bind value on an array. You can specify the type of the value in advance with $typeArray.
function bindArrayValue($req, $array, $typeArray = false)
if(is_object($req) && ($req instanceof PDOStatement))
foreach($array as $key => $value)
$param = PDO::PARAM_INT;
$param = PDO::PARAM_BOOL;
$param = PDO::PARAM_NULL;
$param = PDO::PARAM_STR;
$param = FALSE;
[#5] Anonymous [2011-06-18 20:40:08]
Note that the third parameter ($data_type) in the majority of cases will not type cast the value into anything else to be used in the query, nor will it throw any sort of error if the type does not match up with the value provided. This parameter essentially has no effect whatsoever except throwing an error if it is set and is not a float, so do not think that it is adding any extra level of security to the queries.
The two exceptions where type casting is performed:
- if you use PDO::PDO_PARAM_INT and provide a boolean, it will be converted to a long
- if you use PDO::PDO_PARAM_BOOL and provide a long, it will be converted to a boolean
$query = 'SELECT * FROM `users` WHERE username = :username AND `password` = ENCRYPT( :password, `crypt_password`)';
$sth= $dbh->prepare($query);
// First try passing a random numerical value as the third parameter
var_dump($sth->bindValue(':username','bob', 12345.67)); // bool(true)
// Next try passing a string using the boolean type
var_dump($sth->bindValue(':password','topsecret_pw', PDO::PARAM_BOOL)); // bool(true)
$sth->execute(); // Query is executed successfully
$result = $sth->fetchAll(); // Returns the result of the query
[#6] goofiq dot no dot spam at antispam dot wp dot pl [2009-12-27 10:43:39]
bindValue with data_type depend parameter name
$db = new PDO (...);
$db -> setAttribute (PDO::ATTR_STATEMENT_CLASS, array ('MY_PDOStatement ', array ($db)));
class MY_PDOStatement extends PDOStatement {
public function execute ($input = array ()) {
foreach ($input as $param => $value) {
if (preg_match ('/_id$/', $param))
$this -> bindValue ($param, $value, PDO::PARAM_INT);
$this -> bindValue ($param, $value, PDO::PARAM_STR);
return parent::execute ();
[#7] cpd-dev [2009-12-11 04:46:40]
Although bindValue() escapes quotes it does not escape "%" and "_", so be careful when using LIKE. A malicious parameter full of %%% can dump your entire database if you don't escape the parameter yourself. PDO does not provide any other escape method to handle it.
[#8] nicolas dot baptiste at gmail dot com [2009-09-04 08:06:04]
This actually works to bind NULL on an integer field in MySQL :
$stm->bindValue(':param', null, PDO::PARAM_INT);
[#9] Lambdaman [2009-04-30 17:19:54]
If you want to bind a null value to a database field you must use 'NULL' in quotes (for MySQL):
$stmt->bindValue(:fieldName, 'NULL');
// not
$stmt->bindValue(:fieldName, NULL);
// or
$stmt->bindValue(:fieldName, null);
Using PHP's null/NULL as a value doesn't work.
[#10] Anonymous [2008-08-25 16:31:52]
PDO lacks methods to check if values can be bound to a parameter, e.g.,
if ($statement->hasParameter(':param'))
$statement->bindValue(':param', $value);
ATM you *have to know* which parameters exist in the SQL-statement. Otherwise you get an error. You cannot test for them.
[#11] streaky at mybrokenlogic dot com [2008-01-08 02:20:19]
What the bindValue() docs fail to explain without reading them _very_ carefully is that bindParam() is passed to PDO byref - whereas bindValue() isn't.
Thus with bindValue() you can do something like $stmt->bindValue(":something", "bind this"); whereas with bindParam() it will fail because you can't pass a string by reference, for example.
[#12] ts//tpdada//art//pl [2006-12-15 06:34:15]
For bind whole array at once
function PDOBindArray(&$poStatement, &$paArray){
foreach ($paArray as $k=>$v){
} // foreach
} // function
// example
$stmt = $dbh->prepare("INSERT INTO tExample (id,value) VALUES (:id,:value)");
$taValues = array(
'id' => '1',
'value' => '2'
); // array