このドキュメントでは、 php中国語ネットマニュアル リリース
(PECL CUBRID >= 8.3.0)
cubrid_field_type — Return the type of the column corresponding to the given field offset
, int $field_offset
)This function returns the type of the column corresponding to the given field offset. The returned field type could be one of the following: "int", "real", "string", etc.
Array type of the fetched result CUBRID_NUM, CUBRID_ASSOC, CUBRID_BOTH.
The numerical field offset. The field_offset
starts at 0. If field_offset
does not exist, an
error of level E_WARNING
is also issued.
Type of the column, on success.
when invalid field_offset value.
-1 if SQL sentence is not SELECT.
Example #1 cubrid_field_type() example
$conn = cubrid_connect ( "localhost" , 33000 , "demodb" );
$result = cubrid_execute ( $conn , "SELECT * FROM code" );
$col_num = cubrid_num_cols ( $result );
printf ( "%-15s %-15s %s\n" , "Field Table" , "Field Name" , "Field Type" );
for( $i = 0 ; $i < $col_num ; $i ++) {
printf ( "%-15s %-15s %s\n" ,
cubrid_field_table ( $result , $i ), cubrid_field_name ( $result , $i ), cubrid_field_type ( $result , $i ));
cubrid_disconnect ( $conn );
Field Table Field Name Field Type code s_name char code f_name varchar