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(mongodb >=1.0.0)
MongoDB\BSON\Unserializable::bsonUnserialize — Constructs the object from a BSON array or document
)Called during unserialization of the object from BSON. The properties of the BSON array or document will be passed to the method as an array .
This method acts as the constructor of the object. The __construct() method will not be called after this method.
( array )Properties within the BSON array or document.
The return value from this method is ignored.
Example #1 MongoDB\BSON\Unserializable::bsonUnserialize() example
class MyDocument implements MongoDB \ BSON \ Unserializable
private $data = [];
function bsonUnserialize (array $data )
$this -> data = $data ;
$bson = MongoDB \ BSON \ fromJSON ( '{ "foo": "bar" }' );
$value = MongoDB \ BSON \ toPHP ( $bson , [ 'root' => 'MyDocument' ]);
var_dump ( $value );
object(MyDocument)#1 (1) { ["data":"MyDocument":private]=> array(1) { ["foo"]=> string(3) "bar" } }