このドキュメントでは、 php中国語ネットマニュアル リリース
(PHP 4, PHP 5, PECL odbtp >= 1.1.1)
mssql_field_type — Gets the type of a field
[, int $offset
= -1
] )
Returns the type of field no. offset
The result resource that is being evaluated. This result comes from a call to mssql_query() .
The field offset, starts at 0. If omitted, the current field is used.
The type of the specified field index on success 或者在失败时返回 FALSE
Example #1 mssql_field_type() example
// Connect to MSSQL and select the database
mssql_connect ( 'MANGO\SQLEXPRESS' , 'sa' , 'phpfi' );
mssql_select_db ( 'php' );
// Send a select query to MSSQL
$query = mssql_query ( 'SELECT [name] FROM [php].[dbo].[persons]' );
// Print the field type and length
echo '\'' . mssql_field_name ( $query , 0 ) . '\' is a type of ' .
strtoupper ( mssql_field_type ( $query , 0 )) .
'(' . mssql_field_length ( $query , 0 ) . ')' ;
// Free the query result
mssql_free_result ( $query );
'name' is a type of CHAR(50)
[#1] huib at bestia dot com [2005-05-27 03:18:33]
If you need a more detailed discription of your column type,
This query shows your true datatypes like:
binary => binary
varbinary => varbinary
varchar => varchar
bit => bit
char => char
datetime => datetime
smalldatetime => smalldatetime
decimal => decimal
real => real
float => float
tinyint => tinyint
smallint => smallint
smallmoney => smallmoney
money => money
nchar => nchar
ntext => ntext
text => text
numeric => numeric
nvarchar => nvarchar
SELECT sysobjects.name AS tableName, syscolumns.name AS columnName, systypes.name AS columnType
FROM sysobjects INNER JOIN
syscolumns ON sysobjects.id = syscolumns.id INNER JOIN
systypes ON syscolumns.type = systypes.type AND syscolumns.xusertype = systypes.xusertype
[#2] nicholas at silverorange dot com [2005-03-24 06:39:57]
The matching returned values for each of the common datatypes are:
binary => blob
varbinary => blob
varchar => char
bit => bit
char => char
datetime => datetime
smalldatetime => datetime
decimal => real
real => real
float => real
tinyint => int
smallint => int
smallmoney => money
money => money
nchar => char
ntext => text
text => text
numeric => numeric
nvarchar => char
[#3] rmorales at protel dot net dot mx [2003-06-17 23:46:23]
Here i have an usable code for all u:
I wanted to know if a field is nullable or if it's defined as a primary key, here are those functions definitions:
*Aditional Notes:
if any of the tables are replicated in another database exactly , this code will not work well.
//-----to know if a field is nullable-------
function mssql_field_nullable($ip,$user,$pass,$table,$field)//starting from 1st field
$conn=mssql_connect($ip,$user,$pass)or die;
$result=mssql_query("SELECT syscolumns.isnullable
FROM sysobjects INNER JOIN
syscolumns ON sysobjects.id = syscolumns.id WHERE sysobjects.name ='$table' AND syscolumns.isnullable = 1");
return ($x==1?1:0);
//-------to know if a field is a primary key-------
function mssql_field_key($ip,$user,$pass,$table,$field)//starting from 1st field
$conn=mssql_connect($ip,$user,$pass)or die;
$result=mssql_query("SELECT sysindexkeys.colid FROM sysobjects INNER JOIN sysindexkeys ON sysobjects.id = sysindexkeys.id WHERE sysobjects.name ='$table' AND sysindexkeys.colid = $field");
return ($x==1?1:0);
by R.M.R.A