このドキュメントでは、 php中国語ネットマニュアル リリース
一个应用程序接口(Application Programming Interface的缩写),定义了类,方法,函数,变量等等一切 你的应用程序中为了完成特定任务而需要调用的内容。在PHP应用程序需要和数据库进行交互的时候所需要的API 通常是通过PHP扩展暴露出来(给终端PHP程序员调用)。
API可以是面向过程的,也可以是面向对象的。对于面向过程的API,我们通过调用函数来完成任务,而对于面向对象的API, 我们实例化类,并在实例化后得到的对象上调用方法。对于这两种接口而言,后者通常是首选的,因为它更加现代化,并且 给我们带来了良好的代码结构。
当构建一个需要连接到MySQL服务端的PHP应用的时候,有好几种API可供选择。此文档就是讨论这些可用的API并讨论如何为 你的应用选择一个最佳的解决方案。
在MySQL文档中,术语connector解释为“一段允许你的应用连接到MySQL数据库服务器的软件代码”。 MySQL提供了很多语言的连接器,其中包括PHP的。
在你的PHP应用需要和一个数据库服务器交互的时候,你需要书写PHP代码去完成“连接数据库服务器”,“查询数据库“以及其他数据库相关功能 等一系列活动。你的PHP应用将会使用提供这些API的软件,或者在需要的时候使用一些中间库,来处理你的应用和数据库服务器之间的交互。 这种软件通常被认为是连接器,它允许你的引用连接到数据库服务器。
驱动是一段设计用来于一种特定类型的数据库服务器进行交互的软件代码。驱动可能会调用一些库,比如MySQL客户端库或者MySQL Native驱动库。 这些库实现了用于和MySQL数据库服务器进行交互的底层协议。
通过一个例子PDO(PHP Database Object的缩写)数据库抽象层可以 使用多种特定数据库的驱动。其中一种驱动就是PDO MYSQL驱动,它就是与MySQL服务器之间的接口。
有时大家会不加区分的使用连接器和驱动这两个术语。在MySQL相关文档中"driver"术语被作为一个连接器包 中提供特定数据库部分的软件代码。
在PHP文档中你还会发现很多其他的扩展。PHP代码是由一个核心,一些可选扩展组成了核心功能。PHP 的MySQL相关扩展,比如mysqli,mysql都是基于PHP扩展框架实现的。
扩展一个典型的作用就是暴露一个API给PHP程序员,允许扩展自己的功能可以被程序员使用。当然,也有一部分基于PHP扩展框架 开发的扩展不会给PHP程序员暴露API接口。
比如说PDO MySQL驱动扩展,就没有向PHP程序员暴露API接口,但是向它上层的PDO层提供了一个接口。
这是设计开发允许PHP应用与MySQL数据库交互的早期扩展。mysql扩展提供了一个面向过程 的接口,并且是针对MySQL4.1.3或更早版本设计的。因此,这个扩展虽然可以与MySQL4.1.3或更新的数据库服务端 进行交互,但并不支持后期MySQL服务端提供的一些特性。
如果你是使用MySQL4.1.3或更新的服务端版本,强烈建议你使用mysqli 扩展替代它。
mysqli扩展,我们有时称之为MySQL增强扩展,可以用于使用 MySQL4.1.3或更新版本中新的高级特性。mysqli扩展在PHP 5及以后版本中包含。
PHP数据对象,是PHP应用中的一个数据库抽象层规范。PDO提供了一个统一的API接口可以使得你的PHP应用不去关心具体要 连接的数据库服务器系统类型。也就是说,如果你使用PDO的API,可以在任何需要的时候无缝切换数据库服务器,比如从Firebird 到MySQL,仅仅需要修改很少的PHP代码。
当然,PDO也有它自己的先进性,比如一个干净的,简单的,可移植的API,它最主要的缺点是会限制让你不能使用 后期MySQL服务端提供所有的数据库高级特性。比如,PDO不允许使用MySQL支持的多语句执行。
PDO的MySQL驱动并不是一套API,至少从PHP程序员的角度来看是这样的。实际上,PDO的MySQL驱动处于PDO自己的下层, 提供了特定的Mysql功能。程序员直接调用PDO的API,而PDO使用了PDO的MySQL驱动完成与MySQL服务器端的交互。
PDO的MySQL驱动是基于PHP扩展框架实现的。它的源码在PHP源码目录下的ext/pdo_mysql。 它没有向PHP程序员暴露API。
PDO的MySQL扩展的更多信息请参阅MySQL (PDO)。
什么是PHP的MySQL Native 驱动?
为了与MySQL数据库服务端进行交互,mysql扩展,mysqli扩展, PDO MySQL驱动都使用了实现了必要的协议的底层库。以前,可用的库只有MySQL客户端库和libmysql。
然而,libmysql包含的接口没有针对与PHP的应用交互进行优化,libmysql 是早期为C应用程序设计的。基于这个原因,MySQL Native驱动mysqlnd,作为libmysql的一个 针对PHP应用的修改版本被开发。
mysql,mysqli以及PDO Mysql驱动都可以各自配置使用 libmysql或者mysqlnd。mysqlnd作为一个专门设计 用于PHP系统的库,它在内存和速度上都比libmysql有很大提升。非常希望你去尝试这些提升。
MySQL Native驱动仅仅可以在MySQL服务端版本为4.1.3及以后版本才可以使用。
MySQL Native驱动是基于PHP扩展框架实现的。源代码位于PHP源码目录的ext/mysqlnd下。 它没有向PHP程序员暴露接口。
PHP的mysqli扩展 | PDO (使用PDO MySQL驱动和MySQL Native驱动) | PHP的mysql扩展 | |
引入的PHP版本 | 5.0 | 5.0 | 3.0之前 |
PHP5.x是否包含 | 是 | 是 | 是 |
MySQL开发状态 | 活跃 | 在PHP5.3中活跃 | 仅维护 |
在MySQL新项目中的建议使用程度 | 建议 - 首选 | 建议 | 不建议 |
API的字符集支持 | 是 | 是 | 否 |
服务端prepare语句的支持情况 | 是 | 是 | 否 |
客户端prepare语句的支持情况 | 否 | 是 | 否 |
存储过程支持情况 | 是 | 是 | 否 |
多语句执行支持情况 | 是 | 大多数 | 否 |
是否支持所有MySQL4.1以上功能 | 是 | 大多数 | 否 |
[#1] @rhavendc (twitter) [2015-11-17 08:24:14]
After googling for answers and surveys, I still can't calculate how many people prefer the PDO from Mysqli or vice versa. They say PDO is better because it has many features especially about "being compatible to more than 1 database type" and it's also named as "Solution for the Future". Other say that they prefer Mysqli (including this page for saying "Yes - preferred option") because of course, in contrast to some disadvantages of PDO. We've already tried PDO but we found some difficulties/problems with it when we're working for it in localhost versus in the hosting site (but that's minor only). I am now using Mysqli and my interest to use it continues because I saw the goodness of it in this page, but my fear about the rumor that Mysqli will be removed in the future just like what happened in Mysql...IS THAT RUMOR TRUE? If yes, PDO will be the option but if not, I will stick to what I'm currently using.
[#2] php-includer at gmail dot com [2014-09-25 04:30:36]
mysqli can be great in some circumstances but much work has been put into PHP Portable Data Objects (PDO) which you should also consider when choosing a way to connect to your database using php. For example, PDO supports MySQL with minimal performance hit and the code your write for it will support many other databases with little or no changes. That said, the database connection code, even if you have to change a lot of it to use another database will be much less work than coding your actual database data entry and report apps. When I started creating PHP/MySQL apps years ago, I used php's native support for PHP then moved to PEAR:DB and MDB/MDB2 and finally to wizzyweb which is basically like "phpMyAdmin for Apps" to create apps as it automatically generates the PHP PDO connection code and the application code. Sure, I could code it all from scratch but I save about 90% of the time it used to take. The point is look at the total amount of time you will save by using native code vs. an abstraction layer. Most people find that programmer time is the most valuable part of the equation so anything than can save programmer time should be heavily weighted.
[#3] AvenidaGez [2014-07-21 13:31:39]
Even when not usually written, a Driver is a Device Driver. Something physical, hardware, needs a Driver, and in computer terms is the code or program needed by the device to work properly.
An API (Application program interface), is the part of exposed code of a program so you can communicate with it, you could say is like the buttons of a blender, the steering wheel of a car, if there is no interface there is no way to communicate.
MySQL is software, not hardware, not a device, so it is a Driver in itself that makes a computer work as a database (an specific Application), so MySQL has an API too, but it does not need nor uses a Driver since it is the Driver.
Sometimes you have a Driver, with its API, but you can not communicate with it, with what you have, so the language needs to be extended, in this case, the capabilities of the language you are using, in order for it to be able to communicate with the API of the Driver (in this case MySQL Driver), so that is called and Extension (of the language you are using), and it is not and API, neither a Driver, is just that, and Extension. Then why it is called API (application program interface) and not DPI (device program interface), well, that is because a Device might have different Applications, (read it as different uses) for example an USB device, might be used as storage device, as audio CD, as DVD movie, etc. so the interface is oriented to the application of the device and not to the device itself.
[#4] guatebus at dot gmail dot com [2013-10-13 00:00:05]
The text: "PDO does not allow you to use MySQL's support for Multiple Statements" is outdated.
Since v5.3, PHP intoduced multiple statement support into PDO (by PDO_MYSQLND driver replacing the previous PDO_MYSQL).