このドキュメントでは、 php中国語ネットマニュアル リリース
(PECL apd 0.2-0.4)
apd_croak — Throw an error, a callstack and then exit
[, string $delimiter
= "<BR />"
] )Behaves like perl's Carp::croak. Throw an error, a callstack and then exit.
The warning to throw.
The delimiter. Default to <BR />.
Example #1 apd_croak() example
apd_croak ( "Some Warning" , "<P>" );
[#1] php at peous dot com [2005-07-05 12:18:09]
A function that "ASSERTS", ie that dies if the boolean in parameter is false
ex: verify( $myDatabase->Connect() );
function verify( $bResult )
if (!bResult)
echo "<hr><h1>ERROR</h1><hr>";
echo "<pre>Last call arguments:\n";
{ echo "→";
print_r( func_get_arg ($i) );
echo "←\n";
if (sizeof($_GET))
{ echo "<hr>GET VARS\n";
print_r( $_GET );
if (sizeof($_POST))
{ echo "<hr>POST VARS\n";
print_r( $_POST );
if (sizeof($_SERVER))
{ echo "<hr>SERVER VARS\n";
print_r( $_SERVER );
if (sizeof($_COOKIE ))
{ echo "<hr>COOKIE VARS\n";
print_r( $_COOKIE );
// Disable if not on a protected server
if (sizeof($_SESSION ))
{ echo "<hr>SESSION VARS\n";
print_r( $_SESSION );
echo "</pre>";
echo "<hr>";
if (function_exists("apd_callstack"))
{ apd_croak("Error !");
{ die(1);