このドキュメントでは、 php中国語ネットマニュアル リリース
(PHP 4, PHP 5, PHP 7)
filetype — 取得文件类型
返回文件的类型。 可能的值有 fifo,char,dir,block,link,file 和 unknown。
如果出错则返回 FALSE
。如果 stat 调用失败或者文件类型未知的话
filetype() 还会产生一个 E_NOTICE
Example #1 filetype() 例子
echo filetype ( '/etc/passwd' ); // file
echo filetype ( '/etc/' ); // dir
Note: 此函数的结果会被缓存。参见 clearstatcache() 以获得更多细节。
自 PHP 5.0.0 起, 此函数也用于某些 URL 包装器。请参见 支持的协议和封装协议以获得支持 stat() 系列函数功能的包装器列表。
[#1] Anonymous [2014-12-03 06:17:56]
Note there is a bug when using filetype with for example Japanese filenames :
The whole PHP interpreter comes crashing down without anyway to avoid it or capture an exception.
[#2] r dot koelpin at evisionteam dot de [2014-01-29 18:29:56]
echo "Zum testen m??ssen tats?chlich existente Namen verwendet werden.<br>";
echo "Pfad und Dateiname m??ssen getrennt eingetragen und durch einen Punkt verbunden sein.<br>";
echo "Example: [filetype(\"../dir/u_dir/\".\"temp.jpg\")] liefert -> file<br>";
[#3] Abhi Jain [2011-06-08 00:01:12]
Putting @ in front of the filetype() function does not prevent it from raising a warning (Lstat failed), if E_WARNING is enabled on your error_reporting.
The most common cause of filetype() raising this warning and not showing a filetype() in the output (it actually returns NULL) is, if you happened to pass just the 'Dir or File Name' and not the complete "Absolute or Relative Path" to that 'file or Dir'. It may still read that file and return its filetype as "file" but for Dir's it shows warning and outputs NULL.
$pathToFile = '/var/www';
$file = 'test.php';
$dir = 'somedir';
Output for filetype($file) will be returned as 'file' and possibly without any warning, but for filetype($dir), it will return NULL with the warning "Lstat failed", unless you pass a complete path to that dir, i.e. filetype($pathToFile.'/'.$dir).
This happened to me and found this solution after a lot of trial and error. Thought, it might help someone.
[#4] adlerweb [2010-10-07 13:09:34]
filetype() does not work for files >=2GB on x86 Linux. You can use stat as a workarround:
$type=trim(`stat -c%F $file`);
Note that stat returns diffenerent strings ("regular file","directory",...)
[#5] 7r6ivyeo at mail dot com [2008-11-21 17:29:09]
I use the CLI version of PHP on Windows Vista. Here's how to determine if a file is marked "hidden" by NTFS:
function is_hidden_file($fn) {
$attr = trim(exec('FOR %A IN ("'.$fn.'") DO @ECHO %~aA'));
if($attr[3] === 'h')
return true;
return false;
<?php if($attr[3] === 'h') ?>
<?php if($attr[4] === 's') ?>
will check for system files.
This should work on any Windows OS that provides DOS shell commands.
[#6] ruach at chpc dot utah dot edu [2004-03-10 17:11:22]
There are 7 values that can be returned. Here is a list of them and what each one means
block: block special device
char: character special device
dir: directory
fifo: FIFO (named pipe)
file: regular file
link: symbolic link
unknown: unknown file type