このドキュメントでは、 php中国語ネットマニュアル リリース
(PECL imagick 2.0.0)
ImagickDraw::composite — Composites an image onto the current image
, float $x
, float $y
, float $width
, float $height
, Imagick $compositeWand
Composites an image onto the current image, using the specified composition operator, specified position, and at the specified size.
composition operator. One of COMPOSITE_ constants
x coordinate of the top left corner
y coordinate of the top left corner
width of the composition image
height of the composition image
the Imagick object where composition image is taken from
成功时返回 TRUE
Example #1 ImagickDraw::composite()
function composite ( $strokeColor , $fillColor , $backgroundColor ) {
$draw = new \ ImagickDraw ();
$draw -> setStrokeColor ( $strokeColor );
$draw -> setFillColor ( $fillColor );
$draw -> setFillOpacity ( 1 );
$draw -> setStrokeWidth ( 2 );
$draw -> setFontSize ( 72 );
$draw -> setStrokeOpacity ( 1 );
$draw -> setStrokeColor ( $strokeColor );
$draw -> setStrokeWidth ( 2 );
$draw -> setFont ( "../fonts/CANDY.TTF" );
$draw -> setFontSize ( 140 );
$draw -> rectangle ( 0 , 0 , 1000 , 300 );
$draw -> setFillColor ( 'white' );
$draw -> setfillopacity ( 1 );
$draw -> annotation ( 50 , 180 , "Lorem Ipsum!" );
//Create an image object which the draw commands can be rendered into
$imagick = new \ Imagick ();
$imagick -> newImage ( 1000 , 302 , $backgroundColor );
$imagick -> setImageFormat ( "png" );
//Render the draw commands in the ImagickDraw object
//into the image.
$imagick -> drawImage ( $draw );
//Send the image to the browser
header ( "Content-Type: image/png" );
echo $imagick -> getImageBlob ();
[#1] christian dot reinecke at web dot de [2009-06-23 01:31:47]
To see some examples how the COMPOSITE_* constants work, see this page: