このドキュメントでは、 php中国語ネットマニュアル リリース
(PHP 5 <= 5.3.0, PECL ming SVN)
SWFTextField::setFont — Sets the text field font
)此函数是实验性的。此函数的表象,包括名称及其相关文档都可能在未来的 PHP 发布版本中未通知就被修改。使用本函数风险自担 。
swftextfield::setfont() sets the text field font to
the [browser-defined?] font
[#1] jerryscript at aol dot com [2004-01-04 18:57:45]
Ming 0.3 (current cvs) allows you to embed fonts using addChars().
$t-new SWFTextField();
$t->setFont(new SWFFont("font_file.fdb"));
I'm not sure if you can use regExp to addChars?
[note-I broke the char list up due to this board's wordwrap]
[#2] Anze [2003-11-04 02:53:36]
From what I could gather, version 0.2a of Ming only allows to set browser font (that is, font is used only if user has it on his/her computer, otherwise some default is used). Embedding fonts does not work in this version, but judging from ChangeLog in CVS any CVS version from 2002-11-19 should be able to embed fdb font of your liking. Haven't tried it though.