このドキュメントでは、 php中国語ネットマニュアル リリース
(PECL pdflib >= 2.0.0)
PDF_create_textflow — Create textflow object
, string $text
, string $optlist
)Preprocesses text for later formatting and creates a textflow object.
[#1] michal at g-v dot cz [2012-06-08 16:49:25]
Textflow not supported in PDFlib Lite
[#2] Hangumk [2008-08-13 06:50:54]
Not much documentation except the latest Pdflib manual, but either way the textlen is not required.
I have this and it works for me:
$opts = "fontname={$this->font[0]->_name} fontsize=$font_size encoding=$font_encoding alignment=$align ";
if ($indent) {
$opts .= "leftindent=$indent ";
$textflow = pdf_create_textflow($this->_pdf,$data,$opts);
I've been working with the pdflib v7 for 2 months now, and since there's virtually no documentation on anythign except their manual, I recommend reading it. It's pretty good and detailed.
[#3] Alexandre Lveill [2008-03-12 09:50:19]
I had trouble trouble adding the created textflow to the PDF. The create_textflow() method always returned 0 no matter how many textFlow I created until I added "textlen" to the optlist like this :
$length = strlen($infoJob['descriptionFac']);
$optlist = "fontname=Helvetica textlen=".$length." fontsize=".$fontSize." encoding=winansi";
I don't know why, but apparently, in my case, textlen was a mandatory option...