このドキュメントでは、 php中国語ネットマニュアル リリース
(PECL pdflib >= 2.0.0)
PDF_load_font — Search and prepare font
, string $fontname
, string $encoding
, string $optlist
)Searches for a font and prepares it for later use.
[#1] james dot ferguson at doesnt dot share dot email dot com [2008-02-19 14:23:16]
In PDFLib 5 'optlist' allows the following possible settings:
[#2] seufert at gmail dot com [2006-07-31 18:43:39]
This function is used to load a font into memory for later use with PDF_setfont()
This function is the replacement for the depracated PDF_find_font()
And also here is the 'core font' list, for PDF files, these do not need to be embeded:
- Courier
- Courier-Bold
- Courier-Oblique
- Courier-BoldOblique
- Helvetica
- Helvetica-Bold
- Helvetica-Oblique
- Helvetica-BoldOblique
- Times-Roman
- Times-Bold
- Times-Italic
- Times-BoldItalic
- Symbol
- ZapfDingbats
And with encodings i have found its best to use iso8859-1 for english with a $ for currency.