このドキュメントでは、 php中国語ネットマニュアル リリース
(PECL eio = 1.0.0)
eio_init — (Re-)initialize Eio
eio_init() (re-)initializes Eio. It allocates memory for internal structures of libeio and Eio itself. You may call eio_init() before using Eio functions. Otherwise it will be called internally first time you invoke an Eio function in a process.
本过时特性将肯定会在未来被移除。 Since Eio 1.1.0 eio_init() is deprecated. In Eio 1.0.0 because of » libeio's restrictions you must call eio_init() in child process, if you fork one by any means. You have to avoid using Eio in parent process, if you use it in childs.