このドキュメントでは、 php中国語ネットマニュアル リリース
(PHP 5)
DirectoryIterator::getMTime — Get last modification time of current DirectoryIterator item
Get the last modification time of the current DirectoryIterator item, as a Unix timestamp.
The last modification time of the file, as a Unix timestamp.
Example #1 A DirectoryIterator::getMTime() example
Displays a list of the files in the directory of the script and their last modified times.
$iterator = new DirectoryIterator ( dirname ( __FILE__ ));
foreach ( $iterator as $fileinfo ) {
if ( $fileinfo -> isFile ()) {
echo $fileinfo -> getFilename () . " " . $fileinfo -> getMTime () . "\n" ;
apple.jpg 1240047118 banana.jpg 1240065176 index.php 1240047208 pear.jpg 12240047979