このドキュメントでは、 php中国語ネットマニュアル リリース
(PECL radius >= 1.1.0)
radius_get_vendor_attr — Extracts a vendor specific attribute
If radius_get_attr() returns
radius_get_vendor_attr() may be called to determine the
Returns an associative array containing the attribute-type, vendor and the
data, or FALSE
on error.
Example #1 radius_get_vendor_attr() example
while ( $resa = radius_get_attr ( $res )) {
if (! is_array ( $resa )) {
printf ( "Error getting attribute: %s\n" , radius_strerror ( $res ));
$attr = $resa [ 'attr' ];
$data = $resa [ 'data' ];
printf ( "Got Attr:%d %d Bytes %s\n" , $attr , strlen ( $data ), bin2hex ( $data ));
if ( $attr == RADIUS_VENDOR_SPECIFIC ) {
$resv = radius_get_vendor_attr ( $data );
if ( is_array ( $resv )) {
$vendor = $resv [ 'vendor' ];
$attrv = $resv [ 'attr' ];
$datav = $resv [ 'data' ];
printf ( "Got Vendor Attr:%d %d Bytes %s\n" , $attrv , strlen ( $datav ), bin2hex ( $datav ));