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Little-known special features of Java arrays

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Array is a data type that basically exists in all languages. It represents a set of data of the same type, has a fixed length, and occupies a continuous space in memory. In languages ​​such as C and C++, the definition of arrays is concise and clear, but in Java there are indeed some confusing features. This article will try to analyze these characteristics

#Are arrays in Java objects?

Java and C++ are both object-oriented languages. When using these languages, we can directly use the standard class library, or we can use object-oriented features such as composition and inheritance to build our own classes, and build our own classes based on them. Create object. So, should we consider this question: In object-oriented languages, are arrays objects?

To determine whether an array is an object, first clarify what an object is, which is the definition of an object. At a high level, an object is an instance created from a class and represents a specific individual in a class of things. Objects have various properties and have some specific behaviors . At a lower level, from the perspective of a computer, an object is a memory block in the memory. This memory block encapsulates some data, which is the various attributes defined in the class. Therefore, the object is used to encapsulate data. . The following is the representation of a Person object in memory:


1) A small red rectangle represents a

reference (address) or a basic type of data. A large red rectangle represents an object. Multiple small red rectangles combined together can form an object.

2) name only represents a reference in the object, that is, an address value, which points to a real

string object. A strict distinction is made here between references and objects.

So in Java, does an array meet the above conditions? At a high level, an array is not a specific individual of a certain type of thing, but a collection of multiple individuals. Then it should not be an object. From a computer perspective, an array is also a memory block that also encapsulates some data. In this case, it can also be called an object. The following is the representation of an array in memory:

In this case, the array can be an object or not an object. As for whether to treat arrays as objects, it depends entirely on the designer of Java. Whether the array is an object or not can be verified through code:

int[] a = new int[4]; 
//a.length; //对属性的引用不能当成语句 
int len = a.length; //数组中保存一个字段, 表示数组的长度 
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On array a, you can access its properties and call some methods.

It can basically be concluded that an array in Java is also an object. It has some basic characteristics of other objects in Java: it encapsulates some data, can access properties, and can also call methods. So, arrays are objects.

In C++, although the array encapsulates data, the array name is just a pointer, pointing to the first element in the array, with neither attributes nor methods to call. As shown in the following code:

int main(){ 
 int a[] = {1, 2, 3, 4}; 
 int* pa = a; 
 return 0; 
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So the array in C++ is not an object, it is just a collection of data and cannot be used as an object.

Types of arrays in Java

Java is a strongly typed language. Since it is an object, it must belong to a type. For example, if you create an object

based on the Person class, the type of this object is Person. So what is the type of array? Look at the following code:

int[] a1 = {1, 2, 3, 4}; 
String[] s = new String[2]; 
//打印出的数组类的名字为 [Ljava.lang.String; 
String[][] ss = new String[2][3]; 
//打印出的数组类的名字为 [[Ljava.lang.String;
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Print out the type of a1 is [ I , the type of s is [Ljava.lang.String; , the type of ss is [ [Ljava.lang.String;

So, arrays also have types. It's just that this type seems weird. You can say that the type of a1 is int[], which is understandable. But we did not create this class ourselves, nor did we find this class in Java's standard library. That is to say, whether it is our own code or in the JDK, there is no following definition:

public class int[] { 
 // ... 
 // ... 
 // ... 
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There can only be one explanation for this, and that is

The virtual machine automatically creates an array type. The array type can be used as a built-in type of Java, the same as the 8 basic data types. The naming rules for this type are as follows:

* 每一维度用一个[表示;开头两个[,就代表是二维数组

* [后面是数组中元素的类型(包括基本数据类型和引用数据类型)

在java语言层面上,s是数组,也是一个对象,那么他的类型应该是String[],这样说是合理的。但是在JVM中,他的类型为[java.lang.String。顺便说一句普通的类在JVM里的类型为 包名+类名,也就是全限定名。同一个类型在java语言中和在虚拟机中的表示可能是不一样的。


上面已经验证了,数组是对象,也就是说可以以操作对象的方式来操作数组。并且数组在虚拟机中有它特别的类型。既然是对象,遵循Java语言中的规则 -- Object是上帝, 也就是说所有类的顶层父类都是Object。数组的顶层父类也必须是Object,这就说明数组对象可以向上直接转型到Object,也可以向下强制类型转换,也可以使用instanceof关键字做类型判定。 这一切都和普通对象一样。如下代码所示:

//1 在test1()中已经测试得到以下结论: 数组也是对象, 数组的顶层父类是Object, 所以可以向上转型 
int[] a = new int[8]; 
Object obj = a ; //数组的父类也是Object,可以将a向上转型到Object 
//2 那么能向下转型吗? 
int[] b = (int[])obj; //可以进行向下转型 
//3 能使用instanceof关键字判定吗? 
if(obj instanceof int[]){ //可以用instanceof关键字进行类型判定 
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String[] s = new String[5]; 
Object[] obja = s; //成立,说明可以用Object[]的引用来接收String[]的对象
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Object[]类型的引用可以指向String[]类型的数组对象? 由上文的验证可以得知数组类型的顶层父类一定是Object,那么上面代码中s的直接父类是谁呢?难道说String[]继承自Object[],而Object[]又继承自Object? 让我们通过反射的方式来验证这个问题:

//5 那么String[] 的直接父类是Object[] 还是 Object? 
//打印结果为java.lang.Object,说明String[] 的直接父类是 Object而不是Object[]
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public static class Father { 
public static class Son extends Father { 
//6 下面成立吗? Father是Son的直接父类 
Son[] sons = new Son[3]; 
Father[] fa = sons; //成立 
//7 那么Son[] 的直接父类是Father[] 还是 Object[] 或者是Object? 
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Son[][] sonss = new Son[2][4]; 
Father[][] fathers = sonss;
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将Father[][]数组看成是一维数组, 这是个数组中的元素为Father[],将Son[][]数组看成是一维数组, 这是个数组中的元素为Son[],因为Father[]类型的引用可以指向Son[]类型的对象,所以,根据上面的结论,Father[][]的引用可以指向Son[][]类型的对象。


int[] aa = new int[4]; 
//Object[] objaa = aa; //错误的,不能通过编译
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这是错误的, 因为int不是引用类型,Object不是int的父类,在这里自动装箱不起作用。但是这种方式是可以的:

 Object[] objss = {"aaa", 1, 2.5};
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 db.execSQL("INSERT INTO person VALUES (NULL, ?, ?)", new Object[]{person.name, person.age});
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private static void test3() { 
 String[] a = new String[3]; 
private static void doArray(Object[] objs){ 
private static void doArray1(Object obj){ 
 // obj[1] //错误 
 // Object[] objs = (Object[]) obj; 
private static void doArray2(String[] strs){ 
private static void doArray3(String name, int age, String id, float account){ 
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package com.pansoft.zhangjg.testarray; 
public class ArrayTest { 
  * @param args 
 public static void main(String[] args) { 
  * 数组具有这种特性: 
  * 如果有两个类A和B,如果B继承(extends)了A,那么A[]类型的引用就可以指向B[]类型的对象 
  * 测试数组的特殊特性对参数传递的便利性 
 private static void test3() { 
  String[] a = new String[3]; 
 private static void doArray(Object[] objs){ 
 private static void doArray1(Object obj){ 
  // obj[1] //错误 
  // Object[] objs = (Object[]) obj; 
 private static void doArray2(String[] strs){ 
 private static void doArray3(String name, int age, String id, float account){ 
  * 测试数组的集成关系, 并且他的继承关系是否和数组中元素的类型有关 
 private static void test2() { 
  //1  在test1()中已经测试得到以下结论: 数组也是对象, 数组的顶层父类是Object, 所以可以向上转型 
  int[] a = new int[8]; 
  Object obj = a ; //数组的父类也是Object,可以将a向上转型到Object 
  //2  那么能向下转型吗? 
  int[] b = (int[])obj; //可以进行向下转型 
  //3  能使用instanceof关键字判定吗? 
  if(obj instanceof int[]){ //可以用instanceof关键字进行类型判定 
  //4  下面代码成立吗? 
  String[] s = new String[5]; 
  Object[] obja = s; //成立,说明可以用Object[]的引用来接收String[]的对象 
  //5  那么String[] 的直接父类是Object[] 还是 Object? 
  //打印结果为java.lang.Object,说明String[] 的直接父类是 Object而不是Object[] 
  //6 下面成立吗? Father是Son的直接父类 
  Son[] sons = new Son[3]; 
  Father[] fa = sons; //成立 
  //7  那么Son[] 的直接父类是Father[] 还是 Object[] 或者是Object? 
   * 做一下总结, 如果A是B的父类, 那么A[] 类型的引用可以指向 B[]类型的变量 
   * 但是B[]的直接父类是Object, 所有数组的父类都是Object 
  //8  上面的结论可以扩展到二维数组 
  Son[][] sonss = new Son[2][4]; 
  Father[][] fathers = sonss; 
  //将Father[][]数组看成是一维数组, 这是个数组中的元素为Father[] 
  //将Son[][]数组看成是一维数组, 这是个数组中的元素为Son[] 
   * 扩展结论: 
   * 因为Object是所有引用类型的父类 
   * 所以Object[]的引用可以指向任何引用数据类型的数组的对象. 如: 
   * Object[] objs = new String[1]; 
   * Object[] objs = new Son[1]; 
  //9  下面的代码成立吗? 
  int[] aa = new int[4]; 
  //Object[] objaa = aa; //错误的,不能通过编译 
  //这是错误的, 因为Object不是int的父类,在这里自动装箱不起作用 
  //10 这样可以吗? 
  Object[] objss = {"aaa", 1, 2.5};//成立 
  * 测试在java语言中,数组是不是对象 
  * 如果是对象, 那么他的类型是什么? 
 private static void test1() { 
  int[] a = new int[4]; 
  //a.length; //对属性的引用不能当成语句 
  int len = a.length; //数组中保存一个字段, 表示数组的长度 
   * java是强类型的语言,一个对象总会有一个特定的类型,例如 Person p = new Person(); 
   * 对象p(确切的说是引用)的类型是Person类, 这个Person类是我们自己编写的 
   * 那么数组的类型是什么呢? 下面使用反射的方式进行验证 
  int[] a1 = {1, 2, 3, 4}; 
  String[] s = new String[2]; 
  //打印出的数组类的名字为 [Ljava.lang.String; 
  String[][] ss = new String[2][3]; 
  //打印出的数组类的名字为 [[Ljava.lang.String; 
   * 所以,数组也是有类型的,只不过这个类型不是有程序员自己定义的类, 也不是jdk里面 
   * 的类, 而是虚拟机在运行时专门创建的类 
   * 类型的命名规则是: 
   *  每一维度用一个[表示; 
   *  [后面是数组中元素的类型(包括基本数据类型和引用数据类型) 
   * 在java语言层面上,s是数组,也是一个对象,那么他的类型应该是String[], 
   * 但是在JVM中,他的类型为[java.lang.String 
   * 顺便说一句普通的类在JVM里的类型为 包名+类名, 也就是全限定名 
 public static class Father { 
 public static class Son extends Father { 
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