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Summary of Four Dependency Injections in Javascript Technology Stack_Basic Knowledge

Release: 2016-05-16 15:13:14
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As one of the most common technical means to achieve Inversion of Control (IoC) in object-oriented programming, Dependency Injection (DI) has been popular in OOP programming for a long time. For example, in J2EE, there is the famous leader Spring. Naturally, there are also some active attempts in the Javascript community. The well-known AngularJS is largely implemented based on DI. Unfortunately, as a dynamic language that lacks reflection mechanism and does not support Annotation syntax, Javascript has not had its own Spring framework for a long time. Of course, as the ECMAScript draft enters a rapid iteration period, various dialects and frameworks in the Javascript community are emerging and in the ascendant. It can be foreseen that it is only a matter of time before the excellent JavascriptDI framework appears.

This article summarizes the common dependency injection methods in Javascript, and takes inversify.js as an example to introduce the dialect community’s attempts and preliminary results on the DI framework in Javascript. The article is divided into four sections:

1. Dependency injection based on Injector, Cache and function parameter name
2. Dependency injection based on double Injector in AngularJS
3. Dependency injection based on decorators and reflection in TypeScript
4. inversify.js - IoC container in the Javascript technology stack

1. Dependency injection based on Injector, Cache and function parameter name

Although Javascript does not natively support reflection (Reflection) syntax, the toString method on Function.prototype provides us with another way, making it possible to spy on the internal structure of a function at runtime: the toString method will be in the form of a string Returns the entire function definition including the function keyword. Starting from this complete function definition, we can use regular expressions to extract the parameters required by the function, thereby knowing the running dependencies of the function to some extent.
For example, the function signature write(notebook, pencil) of the write method on the Student class shows that its execution depends on the notebook and pencil objects. Therefore, we can first store the notebook and pencil objects in a cache, and then provide the write method with the dependencies it needs through the injector:

var cache = {};
// 通过解析Function.prototype.toString()取得参数名
function getParamNames(func) {
  // 正则表达式出自http://krasimirtsonev.com/blog/article/Dependency-injection-in-JavaScript
  var paramNames = func.toString().match(/^function\s*[^\(]*\(\s*([^\)]*)\)/m)[1];
  paramNames = paramNames.replace(/ /g, '');
  paramNames = paramNames.split(',');
  return paramNames;
var injector = {
  // 将func作用域中的this关键字绑定到bind对象上,bind对象可以为空
  resolve: function (func, bind) {
    // 取得参数名
    var paramNames = getParamNames(func);
    var params = [];
    for (var i = 0; i < paramNames.length; i++) {
      // 通过参数名在cache中取出相应的依赖
    // 注入依赖并执行函数
    func.apply(bind, params);
function Notebook() {}
Notebook.prototype.printName = function () {
  console.log('this is a notebook');
function Pencil() {}
Pencil.prototype.printName = function () {
  console.log('this is a pencil');
function Student() {}
Student.prototype.write = function (notebook, pencil) {
  if (!notebook || !pencil) {
    throw new Error('Dependencies not provided!');
// 提供notebook依赖
cache['notebook'] = new Notebook();
// 提供pencil依赖
cache['pencil'] = new Pencil();
var student = new Student();
injector.resolve(student.write, student); // writing...
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Sometimes in order to ensure good encapsulation, it is not necessary to expose the cache object to the external scope. More often, it exists in the form of closure variables or private properties:

function Injector() {
  this._cache = {};
Injector.prototype.put = function (name, obj) {
  this._cache[name] = obj;
Injector.prototype.getParamNames = function (func) {
  // 正则表达式出自http://krasimirtsonev.com/blog/article/Dependency-injection-in-JavaScript
  var paramNames = func.toString().match(/^function\s*[^\(]*\(\s*([^\)]*)\)/m)[1];
  paramNames = paramNames.replace(/ /g, '');
  paramNames = paramNames.split(',');
  return paramNames;
Injector.prototype.resolve = function (func, bind) {
  var self = this;
  var paramNames = self.getParamNames(func);
  var params = paramNames.map(function (name) {
    return self._cache[name];
  func.apply(bind, params);
var injector = new Injector();
var student = new Student();
injector.put('notebook', new Notebook());
injector.put('pencil', new Pencil())
injector.resolve(student.write, student); // writing...
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For example, now we want to execute another method function draw(notebook, pencil, eraser) on the Student class. Because the injector’s cache already has notebook and pencil objects, we only need to store the additional eraser in the cache:

function Eraser() {}
Eraser.prototype.printName = function () {
  console.log('this is an eraser');
// 为Student增加draw方法
Student.prototype.draw = function (notebook, pencil, eraser) {
  if (!notebook || !pencil || !eraser) {
    throw new Error('Dependencies not provided!');
injector.put('eraser', new Eraser());
injector.resolve(student.draw, student);
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Through dependency injection, the execution of the function and the creation logic of the objects it depends on are decoupled.
Of course, with the popularity of front-end engineering tools such as grunt/gulp/fis, more and more projects have gone through code obfuscation (uglify) before going online. Therefore, judging dependencies through parameter names is not always reliable. Sometimes Dependencies will also be explicitly stated by adding extra attributes to the function:

Student.prototype.write.depends = ['notebook', 'pencil'];
Student.prototype.draw.depends = ['notebook', 'pencil', 'eraser'];
Injector.prototype.resolve = function (func, bind) {
  var self = this;
  // 首先检查func上是否有depends属性,如果没有,再用正则表达式解析
  func.depends = func.depends || self.getParamNames(func);
  var params = func.depends.map(function (name) {
    return self._cache[name];
  func.apply(bind, params);
var student = new Student();
injector.resolve(student.write, student); // writing...
injector.resolve(student.draw, student); // draw...
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二. AngularJS中基于双Injector的依赖注入

熟悉AngularJS的同学很快就能联想到,在injector注入之前,我们在定义module时还可以调用config方法来配置随后会被注入的对象。典型的例子就是在使用路由时对$routeProvider的配置。也就是说,不同于上一小节中直接将现成对象(比如new Notebook())存入cache的做法,AngularJS中的依赖注入应该还有一个”实例化”或者”调用工厂方法”的过程。
在AngularJS中,我们能够通过依赖注入获取到的injector通常是instanceInjector,而providerInjector则是以闭包中变量的形式存在的。每当我们需要AngularJS提供依赖注入服务时,比如想要获取notebook,instanceInjector会首先查询instanceCache上是存在notebook属性,如果存在,则直接注入;如果不存在,则将这个任务转交给providerInjector;providerInjector会将”Provider”字符串拼接到”notebook”字符串的后面,组成一个新的键名”notebookProvider”,再到providerCache中查询是否有notebookProvider这个属性,如有没有,则抛出异常Unknown Provider异常:




三. TypeScript中基于装饰器和反射的依赖注入

* TypeScript增加了编译时类型检查,使Javascript具备了一定的静态语言特性
* TypeScript支持装饰器(Decorator)语法,和传统的注解(Annotation)颇为相似
* TypeScript支持元信息(Metadata)反射,不再需要调用Function.prototype.toString方法

class Pencil {
  public printName() {
    console.log('this is a pencil');
class Eraser {
  public printName() {
    console.log('this is an eraser');
class Notebook {
  public printName() {
    console.log('this is a notebook');
class Student {
  pencil: Pencil;
  eraser: Eraser;
  notebook: Notebook;
  public constructor(notebook: Notebook, pencil: Pencil, eraser: Eraser) {
    this.notebook = notebook;
    this.pencil = pencil;
    this.eraser = eraser;
  public write() {
    if (!this.notebook || !this.pencil) {
      throw new Error('Dependencies not provided!');
  public draw() {
    if (!this.notebook || !this.pencil || !this.eraser) {
      throw new Error('Dependencies not provided!');
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下面是injector和装饰器Inject的实现。injector的resolve方法在接收到传入的构造函数时,会通过name属性取出该构造函数的名字,比如class Student,它的name属性就是字符串”Student”。再将Student作为key,到dependenciesMap中去取出Student的依赖,至于dependenciesMap中是何时存入的依赖关系,这是装饰器Inject的逻辑,后面会谈到。Student的依赖取出后,由于这些依赖已经是构造函数的引用而非简单的字符串了(比如Notebook、Pencil的构造函数),因此直接使用new语句即可获取这些对象。获取到Student类所依赖的对象之后,如何把这些依赖作为构造函数的参数传入到Student中呢?最简单的莫过于ES6的spread操作符。在不能使用ES6的环境下,我们也可以通过伪造一个构造函数来完成上述逻辑。注意为了使instanceof操作符不失效,这个伪造的构造函数的prototype属性应该指向原构造函数的prototype属性。

var dependenciesMap = {};
var injector = {
  resolve: function (constructor) {
    var dependencies = dependenciesMap[constructor.name];
    dependencies = dependencies.map(function (dependency) {
      return new dependency();
    // 如果可以使用ES6的语法,下面的代码可以合并为一行:
    // return new constructor(...dependencies);
    var mockConstructor: any = function () {
      constructor.apply(this, dependencies);
    mockConstructor.prototype = constructor.prototype;
    return new mockConstructor();
function Inject(...dependencies) {
  return function (constructor) {
    dependenciesMap[constructor.name] = dependencies;
    return constructor;
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injector和装饰器Inject的逻辑完成后,就可以用来装饰class Student并享受依赖注入带来的乐趣了:

// 装饰器的使用非常简单,只需要在类定义的上方添加一行代码
// Inject是装饰器的名字,后面是function Inject的参数
@Inject(Notebook, Pencil, Eraser)
class Student {
  pencil: Pencil;
  eraser: Eraser;
  notebook: Notebook;
  public constructor(notebook: Notebook, pencil: Pencil, eraser: Eraser) {
    this.notebook = notebook;
    this.pencil = pencil;
    this.eraser = eraser;
  public write() {
    if (!this.notebook || !this.pencil) {
      throw new Error('Dependencies not provided!');
  public draw() {
    if (!this.notebook || !this.pencil || !this.eraser) {
      throw new Error('Dependencies not provided!');
var student = injector.resolve(Student);
console.log(student instanceof Student); // true
student.notebook.printName(); // this is a notebook
student.pencil.printName(); // this is a pencil
student.eraser.printName(); // this is an eraser
student.draw(); // drawing
student.write(); // writing
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function RadicalInject(...dependencies){
  var wrappedFunc:any = function (target: any) {
    dependencies = dependencies.map(function (dependency) {
      return new dependency();
    // 使用mockConstructor的原因和上例相同
    function mockConstructor() {
      target.apply(this, dependencies);
    mockConstructor.prototype = target.prototype;
    // 为什么需要使用reservedConstructor呢?因为使用RadicalInject对Student方法装饰之后,
    // Student指向的构造函数已经不是一开始我们声明的class Student了,而是这里的返回值,
    // 即reservedConstructor。Student的指向变了并不是一件不能接受的事,但是如果要
    // 保证student instanceof Student如我们所期望的那样工作,这里就应该将
    // reservedConstructor的prototype属性指向原Student的prototype
    function reservedConstructor() {
      return new mockConstructor();
    reservedConstructor.prototype = target.prototype;
    return reservedConstructor;
  return wrappedFunc;
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@RadicalInject(Notebook, Pencil, Eraser)
class Student {
  pencil: Pencil;
  eraser: Eraser;
  notebook: Notebook;
  public constructor() {}
  public constructor(notebook: Notebook, pencil: Pencil, eraser: Eraser) {
    this.notebook = notebook;
    this.pencil = pencil;
    this.eraser = eraser;
  public write() {
    if (!this.notebook || !this.pencil) {
      throw new Error('Dependencies not provided!');
  public draw() {
    if (!this.notebook || !this.pencil || !this.eraser) {
      throw new Error('Dependencies not provided!');
// 不再出现injector,直接调用构造函数
var student = new Student(); 
console.log(student instanceof Student); // true
student.notebook.printName(); // this is a notebook
student.pencil.printName(); // this is a pencil
student.eraser.printName(); // this is an eraser
student.draw(); // drawing
student.write(); // writing
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由于class Student的constructor方法需要接收三个参数,直接无参调用new Student()会造成TypeScript编译器报错。当然这里只是分享一种思路,大家可以暂时忽略这个错误。有兴趣的同学也可以使用类似的思路尝试代理一个工厂方法,而非直接代理构造函数,以避免这类错误,这里不再展开。



四. inversify.js——Javascript技术栈中的IoC容器

inversity.js比上节中博主实现的例子还要进步很多,它最初设计的目的就是为了前端工程师同学们能在Javascript中写出符合SOLID原则的代码,立意可谓非常之高。表现在代码中,就是处处有接口,将”Depend upon Abstractions. Do not depend upon concretions.”(依赖于抽象,而非依赖于具体)表现地淋漓尽致。继续使用上面的例子,但是由于inversity.js是面向接口的,上面的代码需要进一步重构:

interface NotebookInterface {
  printName(): void;
interface PencilInterface {
  printName(): void;
interface EraserInterface {
  printName(): void;
interface StudentInterface {
  notebook: NotebookInterface;
  pencil: PencilInterface;
  eraser: EraserInterface;
  write(): void;
  draw(): void;
class Notebook implements NotebookInterface {
  public printName() {
    console.log('this is a notebook');
class Pencil implements PencilInterface {
  public printName() {
    console.log('this is a pencil');
class Eraser implements EraserInterface {
  public printName() {
    console.log('this is an eraser');
class Student implements StudentInterface {
  notebook: NotebookInterface;
  pencil: PencilInterface;
  eraser: EraserInterface;
  constructor(notebook: NotebookInterface, pencil: PencilInterface, eraser: EraserInterface) {
    this.notebook = notebook;
    this.pencil = pencil;
    this.eraser = eraser;
  write() {
  draw() {
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import { Inject } from "inversify";
@Inject("NotebookInterface", "PencilInterface", "EraserInterface")
class Student implements StudentInterface {
  notebook: NotebookInterface;
  pencil: PencilInterface;
  eraser: EraserInterface;
  constructor(notebook: NotebookInterface, pencil: PencilInterface, eraser: EraserInterface) {
    this.notebook = notebook;
    this.pencil = pencil;
    this.eraser = eraser;
  write() {
  draw() {
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import { TypeBinding, Kernel } from "inversify";
var kernel = new Kernel();
kernel.bind(new TypeBinding("NotebookInterface", Notebook));
kernel.bind(new TypeBinding("PencilInterface", Pencil));
kernel.bind(new TypeBinding("EraserInterface", Eraser));
kernel.bind(new TypeBinding("StudentInterface", Student));
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说到这里,要理解new TypeBinding(“NotebookInterface”, Notebook)也就很自然了:为依赖于”NotebookInterface”字符串的类提供Notebook类的实例,返回值向上溯型到NotebookInterface。

var student: StudentInterface = kernel.resolve("StudentInterface");
console.log(student instanceof Student); // true
student.notebook.printName(); // this is a notebook
student.pencil.printName(); // this is a pencil
student.eraser.printName(); // this is an eraser
student.draw(); // drawing
student.write(); // writing
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Finally, let me mention the current status and progress of relevant proposals in ECMAScript. Google's AtScript team once had a proposal for Annotation, but AtScript was stillborn, so the proposal naturally died. Currently, what is more promising to become an es7 standard is a proposal on decorators: https://github.com/wycats/javascript-decorators. Interested students can follow the relevant github page to learn more. Although DI is only one of the many modes and features of OOP programming, it can reflect the difficult path that Javascript takes in OOP. But all in all, it can be said that the road is smooth and the future is bright. Returning to the topic of dependency injection, on one side is the eagerly awaited Javascript community, and on the other is the belated IoC container. Let us wait and see what kind of chemical reaction the two will eventually produce.

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