I wrote a calendar two years ago, but the compatibility was not good. I re-wrote it this time.
Compatible with multiple browsers
I learned a lot about it, especially about W3C standardization.
For example, FF and IE have different understandings of the box model
box.style{width:100;border 1px;}
ie understands it as box.width = 100
ff understands it as box.width = 100 1*2 = 102
You can use this method to allow both browsers to browse normally
box.style{width:100!important; width /**/:120px;border 1px;}
Note width (space)/**/
Download this file
* 创建对象 var c = new Calendar("c"); document.write(c);
* 调用方法 c.show(arg1,arg2,arg3)
* 参数1: 文本输入框(必填). 如 onfocus="c.show(this)";
* 参数2: 按钮或其它可用单击事件的HTML元素(如果使用按钮方式则必填).
如 onclick="c.show(this,c.getObjById(*))" *=文本输入框名称
* 参数3: 如果没有文本框没有值则使用该值初始化日历(选填).
如 onfocus="c.show(this,'2006-01-01')
* 注: 参数顺序不分先后. MSIE6/Opera8/FireFox1.5 下测试通过
***如果您使用本日历控件 请保留该信息 谢谢! *****
* http://2lin.net
* Email:caoailin@gmail.com
* QQ:38062022
* Creation date: 2006-11-22
function Calendar(objName)
this.style = {
borderColor : "#909eff", //边框颜色
headerBackColor : "#909EFF", //表头背景颜色
headerFontColor : "#ffffff", //表头字体颜色
bodyBarBackColor : "#f4f4f4", //日历标题背景色
bodyBarFontColor : "#000000", //日历标题字体色
bodyBackColor : "#ffffff", //日历背景色
bodyFontColor : "#000000", //日历字体色
bodyHolidayFontColor : "#ff0000", //假日字体色
watermarkColor : "#d4d4d4", //背景水印色
moreDayColor : "#cccccc"
this.showMoreDay = false; //是否显示上月和下月的日期
this.Obj = objName;
this.date = null;
this.mouseOffset = null;
this.dateInput = null;
this.timer = null;
Calendar.prototype.toString = function()
var str = this.getStyle();
str += '
str += '
str += this.getHeader();
str += this.getBody();
str += '
return str;
Calendar.prototype.getStyle = function()
var str = 'n';
return str;
Calendar.prototype.getHeader = function()
var str = 'n';
str = 'n';
str = 'n';
str = 'n';
str = 'n';
str = '
n'; str = ' |
n'; str = ' |
0 | 0 | > | >> |
return str;
Calendar.prototype.getBody = function()
var n = 0;
var str = this.getBodyBar();
str = 'n';
for(i = 0; i {
str = '';
for(j = 0; j {
str = 'n';
str = '';
str = '
str = '
今天:' new Date().toFormatString("yyyy年mm月dd日") ' |
return str;
Calendar.prototype.getBodyBar = function()
var str = 'n';
var day = new Array('日','一','二','三','四','五','六');
for(i = 0; i {
str = 'n';
str = '
return str;
Calendar.prototype.getYearMenu = function(year)
var str = 'n';
for(i = 0; i {
var _year = year i;
var _date = new Date(_year,this.date.getMonth(),this.date.getDate());
str = 'n';
str = '';
str = 'n';
str = '
if(this.date.getFullYear() != _year) { str = 'onmouseover="this.className='menuOver'" onmouseout="this.className=''" '; } else { str = 'class="menuOver"'; } str = 'onclick="' this.Obj '.bindDate('' _date.toFormatString("-") '')">' _year '年 |
n'; str = 'n'; str = ' |
var _menu = getObjById("cdrMenu");
_menu.innerHTML = str;
Calendar.prototype.getMonthMenu = function()
var str = 'n';
for(i = 1; i {
var _date = new Date(this.date.getFullYear(),i-1,this.date.getDate());
str = 'n';
str = '
if(this.date.getMonth() 1 != i) { str = 'onmouseover="this.className='menuOver'" onmouseout="this.className=''" '; } else { str = 'class="menuOver"'; } str = 'onclick="' this.Obj '.bindDate('' _date.toFormatString("-") '')">' i '月 |
var _menu = getObjById("cdrMenu");
_menu.innerHTML = str;
Calendar.prototype.show = function()
if (arguments.length > 3 || arguments.length == 0)
alert("对不起!传入参数不对!" );
var _date = null;
var _evObj = null;
var _initValue = null
for(i = 0; i {
if(typeof(arguments[i]) == "object" && arguments[i].type == "text")
{_date = arguments[i];}
else if(typeof(arguments[i]) == "object")
{_evObj = arguments[i];}
else if(typeof(arguments[i]) == "string")
{_initValue = arguments[i];}
_evObj = _evObj || _date;
inputObj = _date;
targetObj = _evObj
if(!_date){alert("传入参数错误!"); return;}
this.dateInput = _date;
_date = _date.value;
if(_date == "" && _initValue) _date = _initValue;
var _target = getPosition(_evObj);
var _obj = getObjById("Calendar");
_obj.style.display = "";
_obj.style.left = _target.x 'px';
if((document.body.clientHeight - (_target.y _evObj.clientHeight)) >= _obj.clientHeight)
_obj.style.top = (_target.y _evObj.clientHeight) 'px';
_obj.style.top = (_target.y - _obj.clientHeight) 'px';
Calendar.prototype.hide = function()
var obj = getObjById("Calendar");
obj.style.display = "none";
Calendar.prototype.bindDate = function(date)
var _monthDays = new Array(31,30,31,30,31,30,31,31,30,31,30,31);
var _arr = date.split('-');
var _date = new Date(_arr[0],_arr[1]-1,_arr[2]);
if(isNaN(_date)) _date = new Date();
this.date = _date;
var _year = _date.getFullYear();
var _month = _date.getMonth();
var _day = 1;
var _startDay = new Date(_year,_month,1).getDay();
var _previYear = _month == 0 ? _year - 1 : _year;
var _previMonth = _month == 0 ? 11 : _month - 1;
var _previDay = _monthDays[_previMonth];
if (_previMonth == 1) _previDay =((_previYear%4==0)&&(_previYear0!=0)||(_previYear@0==0))?29:28;
_previDay -= _startDay - 1;
var _nextDay = 1;
_monthDays[1] = ((_year%4==0)&&(_year0!=0)||(_year@0==0))?29:28;
for(i = 0; i {
var _dayElement = getObjById("cdrDay" i);
_dayElement.onmouseover = Function(this.Obj ".onMouseOver(this)");
_dayElement.onmouseout = Function(this.Obj ".onMouseOut(this)");
_dayElement.onclick = Function(this.Obj ".onClick(this)");
_dayElement.style.color = "";
if(i {
var _previDate = new Date(_year,_month - 1,_previDay);
_dayElement.innerHTML = _previDay;
_dayElement.title = _previDate.toFormatString("yyyy年mm月dd日");
_dayElement.value = _previDate.toFormatString("-");
_dayElement.style.color = this.style.moreDayColor;
_previDay ;
_dayElement.innerHTML = "";
_dayElement.title = "";
else if(_day > _monthDays[_month])
var _nextDate = new Date(_year,_month 1,_nextDay);
_dayElement.innerHTML = _nextDay;
_dayElement.title = _nextDate.toFormatString("yyyy年mm月dd日");
_dayElement.value = _nextDate.toFormatString("-");
_dayElement.style.color = this.style.moreDayColor;
_nextDay ;
_dayElement.innerHTML = "";
_dayElement.title = "";
else if(i >= new Date(_year,_month,1).getDay() && _day {
_dayElement.innerHTML = _day;
if(_day == _date.getDate())
_dayElement.onmouseover = Function("");
_dayElement.onmouseout = Function("");
_dayElement.style.color = this.style.bodyHolidayFontColor;
var _curDate = new Date(_year, _month, _day);
_dayElement.title = _curDate.toFormatString("yyyy年mm月dd日");
_dayElement.value = _curDate.toFormatString("-");
_day ;
_dayElement.innerHTML = "";
_dayElement.title = "";
var _menu = getObjById("cdrMenu");
_menu.style.display = "none";
Calendar.prototype.bindHeader = function()
var _curYear = getObjById("currentYear");
var _curMonth = getObjById("currentMonth");
var _watermark = getObjById("cdrWatermark");
_curYear.innerHTML = this.date.toFormatString("yyyy年");
_curMonth.innerHTML = this.date.toFormatString("mm月");
_watermark.innerHTML = this.date.getFullYear();
Calendar.prototype.getToday = function()
var _date = new Date();
Calendar.prototype.isHoliday = function(year,month,date)
var _date = new Date(year,month,date);
return (_date.getDay() == 6 || _date.getDay() == 0);
Calendar.prototype.onMouseOver = function(obj)
obj.className = "dayOver";
Calendar.prototype.onMouseOut = function(obj)
obj.className = "dayOut";
Calendar.prototype.onClick = function(obj)
if(obj.innerHTML != "") this.dateInput.value = obj.value;
Calendar.prototype.onChangeYear = function(isnext)
var _year = this.date.getFullYear();
var _month = this.date.getMonth() 1;
var _date = this.date.getDate();
if(_year > 999 && _year {
if(isnext){_year ;}else{ _year --;}
this.bindDate(_year '-' _month '-' _date);
Calendar.prototype.onChangeMonth = function(isnext)
var _year = this.date.getFullYear();
var _month = this.date.getMonth() 1;
var _date = this.date.getDate();
if(isnext){ _month ;} else {_month--;}
if(_year > 999 && _year {
if(_month if(_month > 12) {_month = 1; _year ;}
this.bindDate(_year '-' _month '-' _date);
Calendar.prototype.showMenu = function(isyear)
var _menu = getObjById("cdrMenu");
if(isyear != null)
var _obj = (isyear)? getObjById("currentYear") : getObjById("currentMonth");
this.getYearMenu(this.date.getFullYear() - 5);
_menu.style.top = (_obj.offsetTop _obj.offsetHeight) 'px';
_menu.style.left = _obj.offsetLeft 'px';
_menu.style.width = _obj.offsetWidth 'px';
if (this.timer != null) clearTimeout(this.timer);
Calendar.prototype.hideMenu = function()
var _obj = getObjById("cdrMenu");
this.timer = window.setTimeout(function(){_obj.style.display='none';},500);
Number.prototype.NaN0 = function()
return isNaN(this) ? 0 : this;
Date.prototype.toFormatString = function(fs)
if(fs.length == 1)
return this.getFullYear() fs (this.getMonth() 1) fs this.getDate();
fs = fs.replace("yyyy",this.getFullYear());
fs = fs.replace("mm",(this.getMonth() 1));
fs = fs.replace("dd",this.getDate());
return fs;
/********************************************Public methods and variables****** **************************************************/
var inputObj = null; //输入对象
var targetObj = null; //单击目标对象
var dragObj = null; //拖动目标对象
var mouseOffset = null; //拖动目标的位置
function getObjById(obj)
return document.getElementById(obj);
function mouseCoords(ev)
if(ev.pageX || ev.pageY){
return {x:ev.pageX, y:ev.pageY};
return {
x:ev.clientX document.body.scrollLeft - document.body.clientLeft,
y:ev.clientY document.body.scrollTop - document.body.clientTop
function getPosition(e)
var left = 0;
var top = 0;
while (e.offsetParent){
left = e.offsetLeft (e.currentStyle?(parseInt(e.currentStyle.borderLeftWidth)).NaN0():0);
top = e.offsetTop (e.currentStyle?(parseInt(e.currentStyle.borderTopWidth)).NaN0():0);
e = e.offsetParent;
left = e.offsetLeft (e.currentStyle?(parseInt(e.currentStyle.borderLeftWidth)).NaN0():0);
top = e.offsetTop (e.currentStyle?(parseInt(e.currentStyle.borderTopWidth)).NaN0():0);
return {x:left, y:top};
function getMouseOffset(target, ev)
ev = ev || window.event;
var docPos = getPosition(target);
var mousePos = mouseCoords(ev);
return {x:mousePos.x - docPos.x, y:mousePos.y - docPos.y};
function closeCalendar(evt){
evt = evt || window.event;
var _target= evt.target || evt.srcElement;
if(!_target.getAttribute("Author") && _target != inputObj && _target != targetObj)
getObjById("Calendar"). style.display ="noplay";
function dragStart(evt){
evt = evt || window.event;
var _target= evt.target || evt.srcElement;
if(_target.getAttribute("Author") == "alin_bar")
dragObj = getObjById("Calendar");
mouseOffset = getMouseOffset(dragObj, evt);
function drag(evt)
evt = evt || window.event;
var mousePos = mouseCoords(evt);
dragObj.style.left = (mousePos.x - mouseOffset.x) 'px';
dragObj.style.top = (mousePos.y - mouseOffset.y) 'px';
function dragEnd(evt)
dragObj = null;
/*****end public method*****************/
document.onclick = closeCalendar;
document.onmousedown = dragStart;
document.onmousemove = drag;
document.onmouseup = dragEnd;