This article introduces the JavaScript implementation of the image carousel component. Without further ado, let’s just look at the following:
Automatically loop through the images, and there is a button below to switch to the corresponding image.
Add an animation to switch pictures.
When the mouse is parked on the picture, the carousel stops, and two arrows on the left and right appear. Click to switch pictures.
When the mouse moves away from the picture area, the carousel will continue from the current position.
Provides an interface to set the carousel direction, whether to loop, and the interval.
Requirements for HTML and CSS:
<div class="carousel-box"> <div class="carousel"> <ul class="clearfix" > <li><img src="/static/imghw/default1.png" data-src="img/carousel01.jpg" class="lazy" alt=""></li> <li><img src="/static/imghw/default1.png" data-src="img/carousel02.jpg" class="lazy" alt=""></li> <li><img src="/static/imghw/default1.png" data-src="img/carousel03.jpg" class="lazy" alt=""></li> <li><img src="/static/imghw/default1.png" data-src="img/carousel04.jpg" class="lazy" alt=""></li> <li><img src="/static/imghw/default1.png" data-src="img/carousel05.jpg" class="lazy" alt=""></li> <li><img src="/static/imghw/default1.png" data-src="img/carousel06.jpg" class="lazy" alt=""></li> </ul> </div> </div>
must be two boxes nested, the innermost box needs to have a ul, and the image needs to be included in the li.
You can change the class name and replace the corresponding class name in the css file. Just pass in the correct DOM element when configuring the component.
There is no limit to the width and number of images, just change the values in the css file.
/*需要更改的值*/ .carousel img{ width: 600px; height: 400px; } .carousel, .carousel-box { width: 600px; /*单张图片宽度*/ height: 400px; /*单张图片高度*/ } .carousel ul{ width: 3600px; /*单张图片宽度x图片数量*/ }
Arrange all images horizontally, and set overflow:hidden on the outermost container and package container. The outermost container is used for positioning buttons and arrows. Use the scrollLeft property of the wrapper container to control which image is displayed.
To implement these functions, there should be the following methods:
1. Image switching function. Accepts a parameter indicating the scroll direction. Call the easing function to switch pictures. Call the toggle button icon function to light up the corresponding button.
2. Easing function.
3. Light up the button function.
4. Initialization function. Used to bind events, create buttons and arrows, and initialize initial positions.
5. Create arrow functions.
6. Create button function.
7. Start the carousel function.
8. Carousel function.
9. Stop function. Used to stop the carousel.
There are also some public methods: $(): Select DOM elements. addClass(ele,"className"): Add a class name to the element. removeClass(ele,"className") removes the class name of an element. $.add(ele,"type",fun): Bind an event to a DOM node. getCSS(ele,"prop"): Get the value of the corresponding attribute of the element. $.delegateTag("selector","tagName","type",fun): event proxy.
Suppose there are 6 pictures, each picture has a width of 600px. It is completed according to the independence of functions:
1. Easing function liner
The function of the easing function is to change the attribute value of the target element bit by bit until the target value is reached. The element using it may be a horizontally rotated image, a vertically rotated image, or a small box that wants to reach from the left end of the page to the right end of the page. So it should receive four parameters (target element, attribute value to be changed, target value, number of moves).
liner=function(ele,prop,next,num){ var speed=(next-ele[prop])/num, i=0; (function(){ ele[prop]+=speed; i++; if (i<num) { setTimeout(arguments.callee,30); } })(); },
2. Light button function light
Lighting a button is essentially adding an active class to the button, and turning off the button is to remove the active class from the button.
So how do you know which button the current button is?
The easiest way is to obtain it directly, so you can add an index attribute to each button. When you need to light the button, just pass the index of the button to be lit to this function.
So how do you know which button to turn off?
The simplest method is to obtain it directly, so you can add a variable active at the end of the scope chain, remember the currently lit button, and this function can directly turn it off.
light=function(index){ removeClass(active,"active"); active=$(this.wrapSelec+" "+"[index="+index+"]"); addClass(active,"active"); }
3. Image switching function go
needs to calculate the next scrollLeft value:
If it is moving to the left, scrollLeft should be -600, if it is already 0, switch to 3000. So it is ele.scrollLeft= ==0?width*(len-1):ele.scrollLeft-width;
If you move to the right, scrollLeft should be +600, that is, 0——>600,600——>1200,...,3000 ——>0. Here you can use judgment as above, or you can use a formula next=(cur+distance)%(distance*num). That is, (ele.scrollLeft+width)%(width*len)
You need to get the index of the next button to be lit:
The same idea as calculating scrollLeft, move to the left: index===0? len- 1:index-1; Move to the right: (index+1)%len
go=function(dire){ var index=active.getAttribute("index")-0, nextIndex, nextPosition; if (dire==="next") { nextIndex=(index+1)%len; nextPosition=(ele.scrollLeft+width)%(width*len); }else{ nextIndex=index===0? len-1:index-1, nextPosition=ele.scrollLeft===0?width*len:ele.scrollLeft-width; } light(nextIndex); animate.liner(ele,"scrollLeft",nextPosition); }
The len (total number of pictures), width (picture width), and ele (wrapped container) will also be accessed by other functions, so they are also added to The end of the scope chain.
ele=$(eleSelec),eleSelec is Wrap the selector of the container, such as .carousel
4. Create an arrow function createArrow
Create a left arrow and bind the event handler for moving left. Create a right arrow and bind the event handler. , used to move to the right.
createArrow=function(){ var prev=document.createElement("div"), next=document.createElement("div"); prev.appendChild(document.createTextNode("<")); next.appendChild(document.createTextNode(">")); prev.className="arrow prev"; next.className="arrow next"; container.appendChild(prev); container.appendChild(next); addClass(container,"hide"); $.add(next,"click",function(){ go("next"); }); $.add(prev,"click",function(){ go("prev"); }); }
container represents the outermost container and will also be accessed by other functions, so it is also added to the end of the scope chain.
container=$(wrapSelec), wrapSelec is the selector of the outermost container. , such as .carousel-box
5. Create button function createBtn
createBtn=function(){ var div=document.createElement("div"), btns=''; for(var i=0;i<len;i++){ btns+='<a href="#" index="'+i+'"></a>'; } div.innerHTML=btns; addClass(div,"carousel-btn"); container.appendChild(div); }
circle=function(){ count++; if (loop||count<len) { if (direction==="forward") { go("next"); }else{ go("prev"); } } begin=setTimeout(arguments.callee,t); }
7.停止函数 stop
stop=function(){ clearTimeout(begin); }
8.初始化函数 init
init=function(){ createBtn(); createArrow(); $.delegateTag(wrapSelec+" "+".carousel-btn","a","click",function(e,target){ $.prevent(e); light(target.getAttribute("index")); animate.liner(ele,"scrollLeft",target.getAttribute("index")*width); }); $.add(container,"mouseenter",function(){ stop(); removeClass(container,"hide"); }); $.add(container,"mouseleave",function(){ addClass(container,"hide"); begin=setTimeout(circle,t); });if (direction==="forward") { light(0); }else{ light(len-1); ele.scrollLeft=width*(len-1); } haveStart=true; }
9.开始轮播函数 start
start=function(dir,th,lo){ stop(); count=0; direction=dir; t=th*1000; loop=lo; if (!haveStart) { init(); } begin=setTimeout(circle,t); }
carouselProto.init=function(){ var that=this; this.createBtn(); this.createArrow(); $.delegateTag(this.wrapSelec+" "+".carousel-btn","a","click",function(e,target){ $.prevent(e); that.light(target.getAttribute("index")); animate.liner(that.ele,"scrollLeft",target.getAttribute("index")*that.width); }); $.add(this.container,"mouseenter",function(){ that.stop(); removeClass(that.container,"hide"); }); $.add(this.container,"mouseleave",function(){ addClass(that.container,"hide"); that.begin=setTimeout(function(){; },that.t); });if (this.direction==="forward") { this.light(0); }else{ this.light(this.len-1); this.ele.scrollLeft=this.width*(this.len-1); } this.haveStart=true; };
var carouselProto={}; //把上面那些方法给这个对象 carouselProto.light=... carouselProto.go=... carouselProto.stop=... //创建实例对象函数 var carousel=function(eleSelec,wrapSelec){ var that=Object.create(carouselProto); that.wrapSelec=wrapSelec; that.ele=$(eleSelec); that.container=$(wrapSelec); that.len=that.ele.getElementsByTagName("img").length; that.width=parseInt(getCSS(that.ele.getElementsByTagName("img")[0],"width")); return that; } //创建实例,使用组件 var carousel1=carousel(".carousel",".carousel-box"); carousel1.start("forward",3,true); var carousel2=carousel(".carousel2",".carousel-box2"); carousel2.start("backward",2,true);
$.delegateTag(this.wrapSelec+" "+".carousel-btn","a","click",function(e,target){ $.prevent(e); var index=target.getAttribute("index"); if ("index")) { return } that.light(index); animate.liner(that.ele,"scrollLeft",target.getAttribute("index")*that.width); });
liner=function(ele,prop,next){ var speed=(next-ele[prop])/10, i=0; ele.animating=true; (function(){ ele[prop]+=speed; i++; if (i<10) { setTimeout(arguments.callee,60); }else{ ele.animating=false; } })(); } if (!this.ele.animating) { this.light(nextIndex); animate.liner(this.ele,"scrollLeft",nextPosition); }