Most of the options accepted by the component are the same as the Vue instance, and the option props is a very important option in the component. In Vue, the relationship between parent and child components can be summarized as props down, events up. The parent component passes data down to the child component through props, and the child component sends messages to the parent component through events. This article will introduce in detail the Vue component option props
The scope of the component instance is isolated. This means that you cannot (and should not) reference the parent component's data directly within the child component's template. To allow the child component to use the data of the parent component, you need to pass the props option of the child component
Using Prop to transfer data includes static and dynamic forms. The following will introduce the static props
The child component must be displayed Formulaly declare the data it expects to obtain using the props
var childNode = { template: '<p>{{message}}</p>', props:['message'] }
Static Prop passes as a placeholder for the child component in the parent component Add attributes to achieve the purpose of passing values
<p id="example"> <parent></parent></p>
<script>var childNode = { template: '<p>{{message}}</p>', props:['message'] }var parentNode = { template: ` <p class="parent"> <child message="aaa"></child> <child message="bbb"></child> </p>`, components: { 'child': childNode } };// 创建根实例new Vue({ el: '#example', components: { 'parent': parentNode } })</script>
For attributes declared by props, in the parent HTML template, the attribute name needs to be written with a dash
var parentNode = { template: ` <p class="parent"> <child my-message="aaa"></child> <child my-message="bbb"></child> </p>`, components: { 'child': childNode } };
When declaring child props attributes, you can use either camel case or underscore; when the child template uses variables passed from the parent, you need to use the corresponding camel case
var childNode = { template: '<p>{{myMessage}}</p>', props:['myMessage'] }
var childNode = { template: '<p>{{myMessage}}</p>', props:['my-message'] }
In the template, you need to dynamically bind Setting the parent component's data to the child template's props is similar to binding to any ordinary HTML feature, using v-bind
. Whenever the data of the parent component changes, the change will also be transmitted to the child component
var childNode = { template: '<p>{{myMessage}}</p>', props:['myMessage'] }
var parentNode = { template: ` <p class="parent"> <child :my-message="data1"></child> <child :my-message="data2"></child> </p>`, components: { 'child': childNode }, data(){ return { 'data1':'aaa', 'data2':'bbb' } } };
<!-- 传递了一个字符串 "1" --><comp some-prop="1"></comp>
<p id="example"> <my-parent></my-parent></p>
<script>var childNode = { template: '<p>{{myMessage}}的类型是{{type}}</p>', props:['myMessage'], computed:{ type(){ return typeof this.myMessage } } }var parentNode = { template: ` <p class="parent"> <my-child my-message="1"></my-child> </p>`, components: { 'myChild': childNode } };// 创建根实例new Vue({ el: '#example', components: { 'MyParent': parentNode } })</script>
Because it is a literal prop, its value is the string
instead of number. If you want to pass an actual number, you need to use v-bind
so that its value is evaluated as a JS expression
<!-- 传递实际的 number --><comp v-bind:some-prop="1"></comp>
var parentNode = { template: ` <p class="parent"> <my-child :my-message="1"></my-child> </p>`, components: { 'myChild': childNode } };
Or you can use dynamic props and set the corresponding number 1
var parentNode = { template: ` <p class="parent"> <my-child :my-message="data"></my-child> </p>`, components: { 'myChild': childNode }, data(){ return { 'data': 1 } } };
Vue.component('example', { props: { // 基础类型检测 (`null` 意思是任何类型都可以) propA: Number, // 多种类型 propB: [String, Number], // 必传且是字符串 propC: { type: String, required: true }, // 数字,有默认值 propD: { type: Number, default: 100 }, // 数组/对象的默认值应当由一个工厂函数返回 propE: { type: Object, default: function () { return { message: 'hello' } } }, // 自定义验证函数 propF: { validator: function (value) { return value > 10 } } } })
can be the following native constructorString Number Boolean Function Object Array Symbol
can also be a custom constructor Function, detected usinginstanceof.
When prop validation fails, Vue will throw a warning (if you are using the development version). props will be verified
before the component instance is created
default or validator function, such as
computed Instance attributes such as or
methods cannot be used yet
The following is a simple example. If the message passed into the subcomponent is not a number, a warning will be thrown
<p id="example"> <parent></parent> </p>
<script> var childNode = { template: '<p>{{message}}</p>', props:{ 'message':Number } } var parentNode = { template: ` <p class="parent"> <child :message="msg"></child> </p>`, components: { 'child': childNode }, data(){ return{ msg: '123' } } }; // 创建根实例 new Vue({ el: '#example', components: { 'parent': parentNode } }) </script>
# Modify the content of the subcomponent in the above code as follows. You can customize the verification function. When the function returns When false, a warning prompt
var childNode = { template: '<p>{{message}}</p>', props:{ 'message':{ validator: function (value) { return value > 10 } } } }
## is output.
#var parentNode = { template: ` <p class="parent"> <child :message="msg"></child> </p>`, components: { 'child': childNode }, data(){ return{ msg:1 } } };
One-way data flow
prop is one-way binding: when the parent component When the property changes, it will be propagated to the sub-component, but not the other way around. This is to prevent child components from accidentally modifying the state of the parent component - which would make the application's data flow difficult to understand
另外,每次父组件更新时,子组件的所有 prop 都会更新为最新值。这意味着不应该在子组件内部改变 prop。如果这么做了,Vue 会在控制台给出警告
<p id="example"> <parent></parent> </p>
<script> var childNode = { template: ` <p class="child"> <p> <span>子组件数据</span> <input v-model="childMsg"> </p> <p>{{childMsg}}</p> </p> `, props:['childMsg'] } var parentNode = { template: ` <p class="parent"> <p> <span>父组件数据</span> <input v-model="msg"> </p> <p>{{msg}}</p> <child :child-msg="msg"></child> </p> `, components: { 'child': childNode }, data(){ return { 'msg':'match' } } }; // 创建根实例 new Vue({ el: '#example', components: { 'parent': parentNode } }) </script>
1、prop 作为初始值传入后,子组件想把它当作局部数据来用
2、prop 作为初始值传入,由子组件处理成其它数据输出
[注意]JS中对象和数组是引用类型,指向同一个内存空间,如果 prop 是一个对象或数组,在子组件内部改变它会影响父组件的状态
1、定义一个局部变量,并用 prop 的值初始化它
props: ['initialCounter'], data: function () { return { counter: this.initialCounter } }
<p id="example"> <parent></parent></p><script>var childNode = { template: ` <p class="child"> <p> <span>子组件数据</span> <input v-model="temp"> </p> <p>{{temp}}</p> </p> `, props:['childMsg'], data(){ return{ temp:this.childMsg } }, };var parentNode = { template: ` <p class="parent"> <p> <span>父组件数据</span> <input v-model="msg"> </p> <p>{{msg}}</p> <child :child-msg="msg"></child> </p> `, components: { 'child': childNode }, data(){ return { 'msg':'match' } } };// 创建根实例new Vue({ el: '#example', components: { 'parent': parentNode } })</script>
2、定义一个计算属性,处理 prop 的值并返回
props: ['size'], computed: { normalizedSize: function () { return this.size.trim().toLowerCase() } }
<script src=""></script><script>var childNode = { template: ` <p class="child"> <p> <span>子组件数据</span> <input v-model="temp"> </p> <p>{{temp}}</p> </p> `, props:['childMsg'], computed:{ temp(){ return this.childMsg } }, };var parentNode = { template: ` <p class="parent"> <p> <span>父组件数据</span> <input v-model="msg"> </p> <p>{{msg}}</p> <child :child-msg="msg"></child> </p> `, components: { 'child': childNode }, data(){ return { 'msg':'match' } } };// 创建根实例new Vue({ el: '#example', components: { 'parent': parentNode } })</script>
<p id="example"> <parent></parent></p><script>var childNode = { template: ` <p class="child"> <p> <span>子组件数据</span> <input v-model="temp"> </p> <p>{{temp}}</p> </p> `, props:['childMsg'], data(){ return{ temp:this.childMsg } }, watch:{ childMsg(){ this.temp = this.childMsg } } };var parentNode = { template: ` <p class="parent"> <p> <span>父组件数据</span> <input v-model="msg"> </p> <p>{{msg}}</p> <child :child-msg="msg"></child> </p> `, components: { 'child': childNode }, data(){ return { 'msg':'match' } } };// 创建根实例new Vue({ el: '#example', components: { 'parent': parentNode } })</script>
The above is the detailed content of Vue component options props. For more information, please follow other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!