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How JavaScript works

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Regarding how JavaScript works, in this article we will focus on the engine, runtime, and call stack. The second article reveals the internals of Google's V8 JavaScript engine and provides some advice on how to write better JavaScript code. We'll also provide some tips on how to deal with JavaScript memory leaks. At SessionStack, we need to ensure that we do not cause memory leaks or increase the memory consumption of our integrated web applications.


Some languages, such as C, have low-level native memory management primitives, like malloc() and free(). Developers use these primitives to explicitly allocate and free operating system memory.

In contrast, JavaScript will automatically allocate memory when creating variables (objects, strings), and automatically release memory when these variables are not used. This process is called garbage collection . This feature of "automatically" releasing resources has caused a lot of confusion, making JavaScript (and other high-level language) developers mistakenly think that they can not care about memory management. This is a big mistake

Even if using a high-level language, developers should have some understanding of memory management (at least a basic understanding). Sometimes there are some problems with automatic memory management (for example, the garbage collection implementation may be defective or insufficient), and developers must understand these problems in order to find an appropriate solution.

Memory Life Cycle

No matter which programming language you use, the memory life cycle is almost always the same:

How JavaScript works

Here is an overview of what happens at each step of the cycle:

This is an overview of each step in the life cycle:

  • Allocate memory — Memory is allocated by the operating system, which allows programs to use it. In a low-level language (such as C), this is an explicit operation that you need to deal with as a developer. In high-level languages, however, these operations are handled on behalf of the developer.

  • Use memory. Actually use the previously allocated memory to read and write internally by manipulating variables in the code.

  • Release memory. When not in use, the memory can be released for reallocation. Like allocating memory operations, releasing memory also requires explicit operations in low-level languages.

If you want to quickly understand the concepts of stack and memory, you can read the first article in this series.

What is memory

Before discussing memory in Javascript directly, let’s briefly discuss what memory is and how memory works.

In hardware, the computer's memory contains a large number of trigger circuits, and each trigger circuit contains some that can store 1-bit data< /span>Transistor. Triggers are addressed by a unique identifier, allowing them to be read and overwritten. Therefore, conceptually, computer memory can be thought of as a huge read-write array.

Human beings are not good at expressing all our thoughts and arithmetic using bit operations. We organize these small things into big things that can be used to represent numbers: 8 bits are a byte. Above bytes are words (16-bit, 32-bit).

Many things are stored in memory:

  1. All variables and data used in the program;

  2. Program code, including operating system code.

The compiler and operating system work together to help developers do most of the memory management, but we recommend that you understand what is going on under the hood.

When compiling code, the compiler will parse the original data types and calculate in advance how much memory space they require. Then allocate the required amount in stack space. It is called stack space because when functions are called, their memory is added to the existing memory (that is, a stack frame is added on top of the stack to point to the space where the internal variables of the function are stored). On termination, these calls are removed in LIFO (last in, first out) order. For example:

int n; // 4字节
int x[4]; // 4个元素的数组,每个元素4字节
double m; // 8字节
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The compiler immediately knows that it requires memory

4 + 4 × 4 + 8 = 28 bytes.

This is the current size of integers and doubles. About 20 years ago, integers typically only required 2 bytes, doubles required 4 bytes, and your code was not limited by the size of the underlying data type.

The compiler will insert code that interacts with the operating system to request the necessary size of bytes on the stack to store variables.

In the above example, the editor knows the exact address of each variable. In fact, whenever we write to the variable n , it will be internally translated into something like "memory address 4127963".

注意,如果我们尝试访问 x[4] 的内存(开始声明的x[4]是长度为4的数组, x[4] 表示第五个元素),我们会访问m的数据。那是因为我们正在访问一个数组里不存在的元素,m比数组中实际分配内存的最后一个元素 x[3] 要远4个字节,可能最后的结果是读取(或者覆盖)了 m 的一些位。这肯定会对其他程序产生不希望产生的结果。

How JavaScript works




int n = readInput(); //读取用户的输入


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因此,此时不能在栈上分配空间。程序必须在运行时向操作系统请求够用的空间。此时内存从 堆空间 中被分配。静态与动态分配内存之间的不同在下面的表格中被总结出来:

How JavaScript works


为了完全理解动态内存是如何分配的,我们需要花更多的时间在 指针 上,这个可能很大程度上偏离了这篇文章的主题。如果你有兴趣学习更多的知识,那就在评论中让我知道,我就可以在之后的文章中写更多关于指针的细节。


现在我们来解释JavaScript中的第一步( 分配内存 )是如何工作的。


var n = 374; // 为数值分配内存
var s = 'sessionstack'; //为字符串分配内存

var o = {
  a: 1,
  b: null
};  //为对象和它包含的值分配内存

var a = [1, null, 'str']; //为数组和它包含的值分配内存

function f(a) {
  return a + 3;
} //为函数(可调用的对象)分配内存

someElement.addEventListener('click', function() {
  someElement.style.backgroundColor = 'blue';
}, false);

`var d = new Date(); // allocates a Date object`   //分配一个Date对象的内存

`var e = document.createElement('p');  //分配一个DOM元素的内存


var s1 = 'sessionstack';
var s2 = s1.substr(0, 3);  //s2是一个新的字符串
// 因为字符串是不可变的
// JavaScript可能决定不分配内存
// 而仅仅存储 0-3的范围

var a1 = ['str1', 'str2'];
var a2 = ['str3', 'str4'];
var a3 = a1.concat(a2); 
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高级语言嵌入了一个叫 垃圾回收 的软件,它的工作是跟踪内存的分配和使用,以便于发现一些内存在一些情况下不再被需要,它将会自动地释放这些内存。






垃圾回收算法依赖的主要概念是 引用。

在内存管理的语境下,一个对象只要显式或隐式访问另一个对象,就可以说它引用了另一个对象。例如,JavaScript对象引用其Prototype( 隐式引用 ),或者引用prototype对象的属性值( 显式引用 )。

在这种情况下,“对象”的概念扩展到比普通JavaScript对象更广的范围,并且还包含函数作用域。(或者global 词法作用域



这是最简单的垃圾回收算法。 一个对象在没有其他的引用指向它的时候就被认为“可被回收的”。


var o1 = {
  o2: {
    x: 1


var o3 = o1; //'o3'是第二个引用'o1'指向对象的变量

o1 = 1;      //现在,'o1'只有一个引用了,就是'o3'
var o4 = o3.o2; // 引用'o3'对象的'o2'属性
                //'o2'对象这时有2个引用: 一个是作为对象的属性

o3 = '374'; //'o1'原来的对象现在有0个对它的引用

o4 = null;  //最初'o1'中的'o2'属性没有被其他的引用了
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function f() {
  var o1 = {};
  var o2 = {};
  o1.p = o2; // o1 引用 o2
  o2.p = o1; // o2 引用 o1\. 形成循环引用

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How JavaScript works




  1. 垃圾回收器生成一个根列表。根通常是将引用保存在代码中的全局变量。在JavaScript中,window对象是一个可以作为根的全局变量。

  2. 所有的根都被检查和标记成活跃的(不是垃圾),所有的子变量也被递归检查。所有可能从根元素到达的都不被认为是垃圾。

  3. 所有没有被标记成活跃的内存都被认为是垃圾。垃圾回收器就可以释放内存并且把内存还给操作系统。

How JavaScript works




推荐 一篇文章 ,其中有关于跟踪垃圾回收的细节,包括了标记清除法和它的优化算法。



How JavaScript works




  1. 执行相当大的一组分配。

  2. 这些元素中的大部分(或者所有的)都被标记为不可到达的(假设我们清空了一个指向我们不再需要的缓存的引用。)

  3. 没有更多的分配被执行。




How JavaScript works





JavaScript用一个有趣的方式管理未被声明的变量:对未声明的变量的引用在全局对象里创建一个新的变量。在浏览器的情况下,这个全局对象是 window 。换句话说:

function foo(arg) {
    bar = "some text";
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function foo(arg) {
    window.bar = "some text";
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如果 bar 被假定只在 foo 函数的作用域里引用变量,但是你忘记了使用 var 去声明它,一个意外的全局变量就被声明了。


另外一个意外创建全局变量的方法是通过 this :

function foo() {
    this.var1 = "potential accidental global";

// Foo作为函数调用,this指向全局变量(window)
// 而不是undefined
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为了防止这些问题发生,可以在你的JaveScript文件开头使用 'use strict'; 。这个可以使用一种严格的模式解析JavaScript来阻止意外的全局变量。

除了意外创建的全局变量,明确创建的全局变量同样也很多。这些当然属于不能被回收的(除非被指定为null或者重新分配)。特别那些用于暂时存储数据的全局变量,是非常重要的。如果你必须要使用全局变量来存储大量数据,确保在是使用完成之后为其赋值 null或者重新赋其他值。

2: 被遗忘的定时器或者回调

在JavaScript中使用 setInterval 是十分常见的。

大多数库,特别是提供观察器或其他接收回调的实用函数的,都会在自己的实例无法访问前把这些回调也设置为无法访问。但涉及 setInterval 时,下面这样的代码十分常见:

var serverData = loadData();
setInterval(function() {
    var renderer = document.getElementById('renderer');
    if(renderer) {
        renderer.innerHTML = JSON.stringify(serverData);
}, 5000); //每5秒执行一次
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renderer 对象在将来有可能被移除,让interval处理器内部的整个块都变得没有用。但由于interval仍然起作用,处理程序并不能被回收(除非interval停止)。如果interval不能被回收,它的依赖也不可能被回收。这就意味着 serverData ,大概保存了大量的数据,也不可能被回收。



var element = document.getElementById('launch-button');
var counter = 0;

function onClick(event) {
   element.innerHtml = 'text ' + counter;

element.addEventListener('click', onClick);

// 做点事

element.removeEventListener('click', onClick);

// 当元素被销毁
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如今的浏览器(包括IE和Edge)使用现代的垃圾回收算法,可以立即发现并处理这些循环引用。换句话说,先调用 removeEventListener 再删节点并非严格必要。


3: 闭包


var theThing = null;

var replaceThing = function () {

  var originalThing = theThing;
  var unused = function () {
    if (originalThing) // 引用'originalThing'

  theThing = {
    longStr: new Array(1000000).join('*'),
    someMethod: function () {

setInterval(replaceThing, 1000);
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这段代码做了一件事:每次 ReplaceThing 被调用, theThing 获得一个包含大数组和新的闭包( someMethod )的对象。同时,变量 unused 保持了一个引用 originalThing ( theThing 是上次调用 replaceThing 生成的值)的闭包。已经有点困惑了吧?最重要的事情是 一旦为同一父域中的作用域产生闭包,则该作用域是共享的。

这里,作用域产生了闭包, someMethod 和 unused 共享这个闭包中的内存。 unused 引用了 originalThing 。尽管 unused 不会被使用, someMethod 可以通过 theThing 来使用 replaceThing 作用域外的变量(例如某些全局的)。而且 someMethod 和 unused 有共同的闭包作用域, unused 对 originalThing 的引用强制 oriiginalThing 保持激活状态(两个闭包共享整个作用域)。这阻止了它的回收。

当这段代码重复执行,可以观察到被使用的内存在持续增加。垃圾回收运行的时候也不会变小。从本质上来说,闭包的连接列表已经创建了(以 theThing 变量为根),这些闭包每个作用域都间接引用了大数组,导致大量的内存泄漏。


4: DOM外引用


var elements = {
    button: document.getElementById('button'),
    image: document.getElementById('image')

function doStuff() {
    image.src = 'http://example.com/image_name.png';

function removeImage() {

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当涉及DOM树内部或子节点时,需要考虑额外的考虑因素。例如,你在JavaScript中保持对某个表的特定单元格的引用。有一天你决定从DOM中移除表格但是保留了对单元格的引用。人们也许会认为除了单元格其他的都会被回收。实际并不是这样的:单元格是表格的一个子节点,子节点保持了对父节点的引用。确切的说,JS代码中对单元格的引用造成了 整个表格被留在内存中了 ,所以在移除有被引用的节点时候要当心。


Once you integrate sessionStack into your production application, it starts logging everything: DOM changes, user interactions, JS exceptions, stack traces, failed network requests, debugging information, etc.

Through SessionStack, you can replay problems in your application and see the impact of the problem on users. All of this will have no performance impact on your application. Because the user can reload the page or jump within the application, all observers, interceptors, and variable assignments must be handled appropriately. This avoids memory leaks and increases the memory usage of the entire application.

This is a free plan you can try now.

How JavaScript works

The above content is a sharing about how JavaScript works. I hope it can help everyone.

Related recommendations:

What is JavaScript asynchronous

Detailed explanation of various JavaScript traversal methods

Comprehensive analysis of this in JavaScript

The above is the detailed content of How JavaScript works. For more information, please follow other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!

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