This time I will show you how to use VUE to reduce the number of requests to the server, and what are the precautions for using VUE to reduce the number of requests to the server. The following is a practical case, let's take a look.
Let’s look at the keep-alive provided by vue to reduce the number of requests to the serverVUE2.0 provides a keep-alive method that can be used to cache components to avoid multiple loadings Corresponding components reduce performance consumption. For example, the data of a page, including pictures, text, etc., have been loaded by the user, and then the user jumps to another interface by clicking on it. Then return to the original interface from another interface. If it is not set, the information of the original interface will be requested from the server again. The keep-alive provided by vue can save the requested data of the page, reduce the number of requests, and improve the user experience. Cache components be divided into two types, components to cache the entire site’s pages or components to cache some pages. 1. Cache all pages, suitable for situations where each page has a request. The method is as follows: wrap the router-view that needs to be cached with the keep-alive tag.<keep-alive> <router-view></router-view> </keep-alive>
<keep-alive v-if="$route.meta.keepAlive"> <router-view></router-view> </keep-alive> <router-view v-if="! $route.meta.keepAlive"></router-view>
#Notes when Vue routing turns on keep-alive
This is not The requirements of the business, but seeing that every time the page is entered, the DOM is re-rendered and then the data is obtained to update the DOM. I feel that as a front-end engineer, it is necessary to optimize the loading logic. It just so happens that Vue provides the keep-alive function, so I tried it out. . Of course, nothing will be smooth sailing, and bumps and bumps on the road are inevitable, so I record the problems encountered here and hope that people who read this article can help. ps: This is not difficult.HTML part:
routers:[ { path: '/home', name: home, meta:{keepAlive: true} // 设置为true表示需要缓存,不设置或者false表示不需要缓存 } ]
......1. At what stage is the data obtained
PageLife cycleHooks such as As shown in the code above, these four are the most commonly used parts. This part needs to be noted. When keep-alive is introduced, when the page is entered for the first time, the trigger sequence of the hook is created->mounted->activated, and deactivated is triggered when exiting. When entering again (forward or backward), only activated is triggered.
We know that after keep-alive, the page template is initialized and parsed into an HTML fragment for the first time. When it is entered again, it will not re-parse but read the data in the memory. That is, it will only be used when the data changes. VirtualDOM performs diff updates. Therefore, the data obtained when entering the page should also be placed in activated. After the data is downloaded, the manual operation of the DOM should also be executed in activated to take effect.所以,应该activated中留一份数据获取的代码,或者不要created部分,直接将created中的代码转移到activated中。
2. $route 中的数据读不到
以前的写法是在data中将需要的 $route 数据进行赋值,便于其余方法使用,但是使用了 keep-alive 后数据需要进入页面在activated中再次获取,才能达到更新的目的。定义一个initData方法,然后在activated中启动。
initData: function () { let _this = this; _this.fromLocation = JSON.parse(this.$route.query.fromLocation); _this.toLocation = JSON.parse(this.$route.query.toLocation); _this.activeIndex = parseInt(this.$route.params.activeIndex) || 0; _this.policyType = parseInt(this.$route.params.policyType) || 0; },
3. 当页动态修改url
之前的写法是将activeIndex放在 $route 的query中,当轮播后,将
activeIndex的值存入 $route.query.activeIndex 中,然后 $router.replace 当前路由,理论上应该能发生变化,但实际没有。
查看文档后说, $route 是只读模式。当然,对象部分是他监管不到的,我修改了并不是正统的做法。
神奇的地方来了:当我将activeIndex记在params中,轮播变动修改params中的参数,然后 $router.replace 当前路由,却能发生对应的变化。代码如下:
let swiperInstance = new Swiper('#swiper', { pagination: '.swiper-pagination', paginationClickable: false, initialSlide: activeIndex, onSlideChangeEnd: function (swiper) { let _activeIndex = swiper.activeIndex; _this.$route.params.activeIndex = _activeIndex; // $router我放到了window上方便调用 window.$router.replace({ name: _this.$, params: _this.$route.params, query: _this.$route.query }); // 根据activeIndex,在这里初始化下面显示的数据 _this.transferDetail = _this.allData.plans[_activeIndex].segments; _this.clearBusDetailFoldState(); } });
4. 事件如何处理
5. 地图组件处理
想必这是使用 keep-alive 最直接的性能表现。之前是进入地图页面后进行地图渲染+线路标记;现在是清除以前的线路标记绘制新的线路,性能优化可想而知!
export default { name: 'transferMap', data: function () { return { map: null, } }, methods: { initData: function () {}, searchTransfer: function (type) {}, // 地图渲染 这个在transfer-map.html中使用 renderTransferMap: function (transferMap) {} }, mounted: function () { = new AMap.Map("container", { showBuildingBlock: true, animateEnable: true, resizeEnable: true, zoom: 12 //地图显示的缩放级别 }); }, activated: function () { let _this = this; _this.initData(); // 设置title setDocumentTitle('换乘地图'); _this.searchTransfer(_this.policyType).then(function (result) { // 数据加载完成 // 换乘地图页面 let transferMap = result.plans[_this.activeIndex]; transferMap.origin = result.origin; transferMap.destination = result.destination; // 填数据 _this.transferMap = transferMap; // 地图渲染 _this.renderTransferMap(transferMap); }); }, deactivated: function () { // 清理地图之前的标记; }, }
6. document.title修改
这个不是 keep-alive 的问题,不过我也在这里分享下。
document.title = '页面名称';下面是使用2种环境的修复方法:
function setDocumentTitle(title) { "use strict"; //以下代码可以解决以上问题,不依赖jq setTimeout(function () { //利用iframe的onload事件刷新页面 document.title = title; var iframe = document.createElement('iframe'); iframe.src = '/favicon.ico'; // 必须 = 'hidden'; = '1px'; = '1px'; iframe.onload = function () { setTimeout(function () { document.body.removeChild(iframe); }, 0); }; document.body.appendChild(iframe); }, 0); }
function setDocumentTitle(title) { //需要jQuery var $body = $('body'); document.title = title; // hack在微信等webview中无法修改document.title的情况 var $iframe = $('<iframe src="/favicon.ico"></iframe>'); $iframe.on('load', function () { setTimeout(function () { $'load').remove(); }, 0); }).appendTo($body); }
The above is the detailed content of How to use VUE to reduce the number of requests to the server. For more information, please follow other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!