This time I will bring you Vue.js to implement a custom login form. What are the precautions for Vue.js to implement a custom login form? The following is a practical case, let's take a look.
zForm is a common component in back-end project business. This time, the login function has been reconstructed to meet the needs of configurable login methods. I will record and share it here.Business Scenario
In the past, the project only supported login with mobile phone number and password, and the form was written directly on the front end. Later, some customers hoped It can support
Form verificationMethod, through combination, you can quickly complete login, registration, password retrieval, etc. Form components. High cohesion and low coupling, high cohesion and low coupling... repeat it ten times~
. ├ common ├ captcha.vue | ├ password.vue | └ phone.vue ├ login | └ index.vue ├ register | └ index.vue └ resetPassword └ index.vue
Request server configuration data:/* 参数说明: * 'password': 密码登录 * 'captcha': 短信验证码登录 * 'password_or_captcha': 密码或短信登录 * 'password_with_captcha': 密码+短信登录 */ config: { login_methods: 'password' }
.login-card .login-header h3 登录 .login-content phone(ref="phone") password( v-if="isPasswordMode" ref="password" ) captcha( v-if="isCaptchaMode" ref="captcha" ) template(v-if="isPasswordWithCaptchaMode") captcha(ref="captcha") password(ref="password") template(v-if="isPasswordOrCaptchaMode") ... el-button(@click="login") 登录
async login () { if (!this.validate()) return const loginData = this.getLoginData() await this.postLogin(loginData) ... }
validate () { const phone = this.$ let isPass = false if (this.isPasswordMode) { if (this.$refs.password) isPass = this.$refs.password.validate() } if (this.isCaptchaMode) { if (this.$refs.captcha) isPass = this.$refs.captcha.validate() } if (this.isPasswordWithCaptchaMode) ... if (this.isPasswordOrCaptchaMode) ... isPass = phone && isPass return isPass }
.login-password el-form( :model="form" :rules="rules" ref="form" @submit.native.prevent="" ) el-form-item(prop="password") el-input( v-model="form.password" type="password" name="password" )
validate () { let res = false this.$refs.form.validate((valid) => { res = valid }) return res }
computed: { ...mapState('login', { phone: state =>, password: state => state.password, captcha: state => state.captcha }), }, methods: { ... getLoginData () { let mode = '' const phone = ... const data = { phone } if (this.isPasswordMode) { mode = 'password' data.password = password } if (this.isCaptchaMode) { mode = 'captcha' data.captcha = captcha } if (this.isPasswordWithCaptchaMode) ... if (this.isPasswordOrCaptchaMode) ... data.mode = mode return data } }
vue.js Example code for selecting all and deselecting allnew Vue({ el: '#app', data: { checked: false, checkedNames: [], checkedArr: ["Runoob", "Taobao", "Google"] }, methods: { changeAllChecked: function() { if (this.checked) { this.checkedNames = this.checkedArr } else { this.checkedNames = [] } } }, watch: { "checkedNames": function() { if (this.checkedNames.length == this.checkedArr.length) { this.checked = true } else { this.checked = false } } } })
Detailed explanation of vue's method of packaging domain names based on parameter methods
String conversion with html tags For HTML tags
The above is the detailed content of Vue.js implements custom login form. For more information, please follow other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!