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Analysis of callback function of jQuery source code

Release: 2018-07-09 15:20:59
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This article mainly introduces the analysis of the callback function of jQuery source code. It has certain reference value. Now I share it with you. Friends in need can refer to it

Callback function

1. Concept

Callback function is a function that is called and executed through a function pointer. If you pass a function pointer as a parameter, then when the pointer calls this function, we Just say this is a callback function. The callback function is not called directly by the implementer of the function, but is called by another party when a specific event or condition occurs to respond to the event or condition.

Benefits: Using the callback function for processing, the code can continue to perform other tasks without waiting in vain. In actual development, asynchronous calls are often used in JavaScript.

  • Asynchronous callback


  url: "aaron.html",
  context: document
}).done(function() { 
}).fail(function() {

$('#clickme').click(function() {
        opacity: 0.25,
        left: '+=50',
        height: 'toggle'
    }, 5000, function() {
        // Animation complete.
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  • Sync

var test1 = function(callback) {
test1(function() {
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So the two most important points to understand the callback function are:

1. When a callback function is passed as a parameter to another function, we only pass the function definition. We are not executing the function on the parameters. We do not pass a function with a pair of execution parentheses () like we usually execute functions

2. The callback function will not be executed immediately, it will be executed at a specific time within the function containing it. The point is "called back".

2. Observer Pattern

Before understanding jquery’s callback object, let’s first learn about the observer pattern (SB pattern):

Observer pattern: An object acts as A Observer for a specific task, notifies the Observer(Subscriber) when the task starts or is completed. Observer can also be called Subscriber, which points to Observed(Publisher). When an event occurs, Observed will Notify observers.

For the Callback object created by $.Callbacks , its add and fire methods are actually based on The design of the observer pattern of publish and subscribe (Publish/Subscribe) .

// 模拟一下这种模式
function aa() {
function bb() {
var m_db = {
    Callbacks: [],
    add: function(fn) {
    fire: function() {
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  • Design principle

#Start building an array to store callbacks, such as this.callbacks= [] When adding a callback, push the callback into this.callbacks, when executed, traverse this.callbacks to execute callbacks, and 1 and 2 will also pop up. Of course, this is just a simple design that is easy to understand. Overall, the design idea and code are quite simple, so let’s dig into the advantages of this model from the simple design.

Actual use of the pattern
// 首先看一个场景
    url: '',
}).done(function(data) {
    // 第一步处理数据
    // 第二步处理DOM
    // 其余处理
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First of all, all logic is written in the done method, which is understandable, but the problem is that the logic is too complicated. DoneThere are data processing, html rendering, and there may also be business logic for other different scenarios. In this way, if different people were to maintain the code, adding functions would be confusing and not scalable.

    url: '',
}).done(function(data) {
    // 第一步处理数据
    // 第二步处理DOM
    // 其余处理
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It looks a little better this way. Three aspects of processing are realized at once through synchronous execution, and each aspect of processing is extracted. However, this way of writing is almost "discussing the matter", which is not up to the standard. to abstract reuse.

var m_cb = {
    callbacks: [],
    add: function(fn){
    fire: function(data){
    // 数据处理
    // DOM处理

    // 其余处理
    url: '',
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Do you feel much better after using the observer pattern in this way? The main motivation behind the design of this pattern is to promote the formation of loose coupling. In this pattern, instead of one object calling another object's methods, one object subscribes to another object's specific activities and gets notified when the state changes. Subscribers are also called observers, and the objects being observed are called publishers or topics. When an important event occurs, the publisher will notify (call) all subscribers and may often deliver messages in the form of event objects.

In short, the observer mode is to manage function/business processing, and execute it once when a certain event is triggered or a certain task is completed.

3. $.Callbacks()

For the Callback object created by $.Callbacks , its ## The #add and fire methods are actually designed based on the observer pattern of publish and subscribe (Publish/Subscribe) .

$.Callbacks is rarely used by general developers. Its development and implementation are mainly $.ajax and $.deferred .

jQuery.Callbacks was added after jquery was added after version 1.7, and was extracted from the _Deferred object in version 1.6. Mainly Used to perform add, remove, fire, lock and other operations of the function queue, and provides once, memory, unique, stopOnFalse four option to perform some special operations control.

This function is often used in the event triggering mechanism, that is, in the subscription and publishing modes of the observer design pattern. $.Callbacks mainly appears in ajax, deferred, and queue.

  • Let’s analyze the use of this method in detail

function aa() {
function bb() {

var cb = $.Callbacks();
// aa
// bb
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function fn1(value) {

function fn2(value) {
    fn1("fn2 says: " + value);
    return false;

var cb1 = $.Callbacks();
cb1.add(fn1); // 添加一个进入队列
cb1.fire('foo'); // 执行一下
// foo
cb1.add(fn2); // 再添一个
cb1.fire('bar'); // 一次性执行
// bar
// fn2 says: bar
cb1.remove(fn2); // 移除一个
cb1.fire('111'); // 执行剩下的那一个
// 111
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  • jQuery.Callbacks() 的 API 列表如下:

callbacks.add()        :回调列表中添加一个回调或回调的集合。
callbacks.disable()    :禁用回调列表中的回调。
callbacks.disabled()   :确定回调列表是否已被禁用。 
callbacks.empty()      :从列表中删除所有的回调。
callbacks.fire()       :用给定的参数调用所有的回调。
callbacks.fired()      :访问给定的上下文和参数列表中的所有回调。 
callbacks.fireWith()   :访问给定的上下文和参数列表中的所有回调。
callbacks.has()        :确定列表中是否提供一个回调。
callbacks.lock()       :锁定当前状态的回调列表。
callbacks.locked()     :确定回调列表是否已被锁定。
callbacks.remove()     :从回调列表中的删除一个回调或回调集合。
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  • 源码结构

jQuery.Callbacks = function(options) {
    // 首先对参数进行缓冲
    options = typeof options === "string" ?
        (optionsCache[options] || createOptions(options)) :
        jQuery.extend({}, options);
    // 实现代码
    // 函数队列的处理
    fire = function() {}
    // 自身方法
    self = {
        add: function() {},
        remove: function() {},
        has: function(fn) {},
        empty: function() {},
        disable: function() {},
        disabled: function() {},
        lock: function() {},
        locked: function() {},
        fireWith: function(context, args) {},
        fire: function() {},
        fired: function() {}
    return self;
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  • 参数处理

// 处理通过空格分隔的字符串
var str = "once queue";
var option = {};
$.each(str.match(/\S+/g) || [], function (_index, item) {
    option[item] = true;
// {once: true, queue: true}
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Callbacks 有4个参数。

  1. once 的作用是使callback队列只执行一次。

var callbacks = $.Callbacks('once');

callbacks.add(function() {

callbacks.add(function() {

callbacks.fire(); //输出结果: 'a' 'b'
callbacks.fire(); //未执行
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// 来看一下具体怎么实现
// jQuery是在执行第一个fire的时候直接给清空list列表了,然后在add的地方给判断下list是否存在,从而达到这样的处理
function Callbacks(options){
    var list = [];
    var self = {};
    self: {
        add: function(fn){
        fire: function(data){
            if(options == 'once') {
                list = undefined;
    return self;
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// $jQuery.Callbacks的处理,在fire中调用了 self.disable(); 方法
// 禁用回调列表中的回调。
disable: function() {
    list = stack = memory = undefined;
    return this;
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  • memory 保持以前的值,将添加到这个列表的后面的最新的值立即执行调用任何回调

function fn1(val) {
    console.log('fn1 says ' + val);
function fn2(val) {
    console.log('fn2 says ' + val);
function fn3(val) {
    console.log('fn3 says ' + val);

var cbs = $.Callbacks('memory');
cbs.fire('foo'); // fn1 says foo


cbs.add(fn2);  // 这里在添加一个函数进入队列的同时,就立马执行了这个 回调了
// fn2 says foo 这个东东比较特殊~
// fn1 says bar
// fn2 says bar

// fn3 says bar
// fn1 says aaron 
// fn2 says aaron
// fn3 says aaron
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// 需要解决的问题一个就是如何获取上一个参数,以及add后的执行
function Callbacks(options) {
  var list = [];
  var self;
  var firingStart;
  var memory;

  function _fire(data) {
    memory = options === 'memory' && data;
    firingIndex = firingStart || 0; // 
    firingStart = 0;
    firingLength = list.length;
    for (; list && firingIndex < firingLength; firingIndex++) {

  self = {
    add: function(fn) {
      var start = list.length;
      // 如果参数是memory
      if (memory) {
        firingStart = start; //获取最后一值
        _fire(memory); // 同时执行
    fire: function(args) {
      if (list) {
  return self;
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  • Unique:确保一次只能添加一个回调(所以在列表中没有重复的回调)

function fn1(val) {
  console.log(&#39;fn1 says &#39; + val);
var callbacks = $.Callbacks( "unique" );
callbacks.add( fn1 );
callbacks.add( fn1 ); // repeat addition
callbacks.add( fn1 );
callbacks.fire( "foo" );
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  • stopOnFalse: 当一个回调返回false 时中断调用

function fn1(value) {
  return false;

function fn2(value) {
  fn1("fn2 says: " + value);
  return false;

var callbacks = $.Callbacks("stopOnFalse");


// foo
// bar
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jQuery.Callbacks = function( options ) {

    // Convert options from String-formatted to Object-formatted if needed
    // (we check in cache first)
    options = typeof options === "string" ?
        ( optionsCache[ options ] || createOptions( options ) ) :
        jQuery.extend( {}, options );

    var // Last fire value (for non-forgettable lists)
        memory, // 最后一次触发回调时传的参数

        // Flag to know if list was already fired
        fired, // 列表中的函数是否已经回调至少一次

        // Flag to know if list is currently firing
        firing,  // 列表中的函数是否正在回调中

        // First callback to fire (used internally by add and fireWith)
        firingStart, // 回调的起点

        // End of the loop when firing
        firingLength, // 回调时的循环结尾

        // Index of currently firing callback (modified by remove if needed)
        firingIndex, // 当前正在回调的函数索引

        // Actual callback list
        list = [], // 回调函数列表

        // Stack of fire calls for repeatable lists
        stack = !options.once && [],// 可重复的回调函数堆栈,用于控制触发回调时的参数列表

        // Fire callbacks// 触发回调函数列表
        fire = function( data ) {
            memory = options.memory && data;
            fired = true; //标记触发回调
            firingIndex = firingStart || 0;
            firingStart = 0;
            firingLength = list.length;
            firing = true;
            for ( ; list && firingIndex < firingLength; firingIndex++ ) {
                if ( list[ firingIndex ].apply( data[ 0 ], data[ 1 ] ) === false && options.stopOnFalse ) {
                    // 阻止未来可能由于add所产生的回调
                    memory = false; // To prevent further calls using add
                    break; //由于参数stopOnFalse为true,所以当有回调函数返回值为false时退出循环
            firing = false;
            if ( list ) {
                if ( stack ) {
                    if ( stack.length ) {
                        fire( stack.shift() );
                } else if ( memory ) {//否则,如果有记忆
                    list = [];
                } else {//再否则阻止回调列表中的回调
        // Actual Callbacks object
        // 暴露在外的Callbacks对象,对外接口
        self = {
            // Add a callback or a collection of callbacks to the list
            add: function() { // 回调列表中添加一个回调或回调的集合。
                if ( list ) {
                    // First, we save the current length
                    var start = list.length;
                    (function add( args ) { //jQuery.each,对args传进来的列表的每一个对象执行操作
                        jQuery.each( args, function( _, arg ) {
                            var type = jQuery.type( arg );
                            if ( type === "function" ) {
                                if ( !options.unique || !self.has( arg ) ) { //确保是否可以重复
                                    list.push( arg );
                            } else if ( arg && arg.length && type !== "string" ) {
                                // Inspect recursively
                                add( arg );
                    })( arguments );
                    // Do we need to add the callbacks to the
                    // current firing batch?
                    // 如果回调列表中的回调正在执行时,其中的一个回调函数执行了Callbacks.add操作
                    // 上句话可以简称:如果在执行Callbacks.add操作的状态为firing时
                    // 那么需要更新firingLength值
                    if ( firing ) {
                        firingLength = list.length;
                    // With memory, if we&#39;re not firing then
                    // we should call right away
                    } else if ( memory ) {
                        firingStart = start;
                        fire( memory );
                return this;
            // Remove a callback from the list
            // 从函数列表中删除函数(集)
            remove: function() {
                if ( list ) {
                    jQuery.each( arguments, function( _, arg ) {
                        var index;
                        // while循环的意义在于借助于强大的jQuery.inArray删除函数列表中相同的函数引用(没有设置unique的情况)
                        // jQuery.inArray将每次返回查找到的元素的index作为自己的第三个参数继续进行查找,直到函数列表的尽头
                        // splice删除数组元素,修改数组的结构
                        while( ( index = jQuery.inArray( arg, list, index ) ) > -1 ) {
                            list.splice( index, 1 );
                            // Handle firing indexes
                            // 在函数列表处于firing状态时,最主要的就是维护firingLength和firgingIndex这两个值
                            // 保证fire时函数列表中的函数能够被正确执行(fire中的for循环需要这两个值
                            if ( firing ) {
                                if ( index <= firingLength ) {
                                if ( index <= firingIndex ) {
                return this;
            // Check if a given callback is in the list.
            // If no argument is given, return whether or not list has callbacks attached
            // 回调函数是否在列表中.
            has: function( fn ) {
                return fn ? jQuery.inArray( fn, list ) > -1 : !!( list && list.length );
            // Remove all callbacks from the list
            // 从列表中删除所有回调函数
            empty: function() {
                list = [];
                firingLength = 0;
                return this;
            // Have the list do nothing anymore
            // 禁用回调列表中的回调。
            disable: function() {
                list = stack = memory = undefined;
                return this;
            // Is it disabled?
            //  列表中否被禁用
            disabled: function() {
                return !list;
            // Lock the list in its current state
            // 锁定列表
            lock: function() {
                stack = undefined;
                if ( !memory ) {
                return this;
            // Is it locked?
            // 列表是否被锁
            locked: function() {
                return !stack;
            // Call all callbacks with the given context and arguments
            // 以给定的上下文和参数调用所有回调函数
            fireWith: function( context, args ) {
                if ( list && ( !fired || stack ) ) {
                    args = args || [];
                    args = [ context, args.slice ? args.slice() : args ];
                    if ( firing ) {
                        stack.push( args );
                    } else {//否则直接调用
                        fire( args );
                return this;
            // Call all the callbacks with the given arguments
            // 以给定的参数调用所有回调函数
            fire: function() {
                self.fireWith( this, arguments );
                return this;
            // To know if the callbacks have already been called at least once
            // // 回调函数列表是否至少被调用一次
            fired: function() {
                return !!fired;
    return self;
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The above is the detailed content of Analysis of callback function of jQuery source code. For more information, please follow other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!

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