AI CRM 어시스턴트 Hints Playbook AI

Hints Playbook AI

Hints Playbook AI 지금 사용
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Enhances CRM data with auto-updated caller information from video calls. Dec-12 2024
Hints Playbook AI

What is Hints Playbook AI ai chrome extension?

Hints Playbook AI improves>

How to use Hints Playbook AI ai chrome extension?

Use Hints Playbook AI as a co-pilot during calls in Google Meet, Zoom, or Microsoft Teams web version. Customize fields with notes, access conversation transcripts post-call.

Hints Playbook AI ai chrome extension's Core Features

Auto-update caller>

Customizable field notes

Access to post-call conversation transcripts

Hints Playbook AI ai chrome extension's Use Cases


Enhanced call quality with real-time insights

Improved forecast accuracy through updated caller information

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