Dynamic Performance Tables not accessible解决方法

풀어 주다: 2016-06-07 15:37:15
3588명이 탐색했습니다.

PLSQL问题: Dynamic Performance Tables not accessible , Automatic Statistics Disabled for this session You can disable statistics in the preference menu,or obtanin select priviliges on the v$session,v$sesstat and v$statname tables 根本原因

PLSQL问题:Dynamic Performance Tables not accessible
Automatic Statistics Disabled for this session 

You can disable statistics in the preference menu,or obtanin select 

priviliges on the v$session,v$sesstat and v$statname tables


方法一: Tools->Preferences->Options里 把Automatic Statistics前的那个勾子去掉,保存就可以了

方法二:grant 权限 to username

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