Codeforces Round #226 (Div. 2)

풀어 주다: 2016-06-07 15:44:08
1181명이 탐색했습니다.

The bear has a string s ?=? s 1 s 2 ... s | s | (record | s | is the string's length), consisting of lowercase English letters. The bear wants to count the number of such pairs of indices i ,? j (1?≤? i ?≤? j ?≤?| s |) , that string x (

The bear has a string s?=?s1s2... s|s| (record |s| is the string's length), consisting of lowercase English letters. The bear wants to count the number of such pairs of indices i,?j (1?≤?i?≤?j?≤?|s|), that string x(i,?j)?=?sisi?+?1... sj contains at least one string "bear" as a substring.

String x(i,?j) contains string "bear", if there is such index k (i?≤?k?≤?j?-?3), that sk?=?bsk?+?1?=?esk?+?2?=?ask?+?3?=?r.

Help the bear cope with the given problem.

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