BizTalk Exception: Cannot access a disposed object &&

풀어 주다: 2016-06-07 15:44:17
1472명이 탐색했습니다.

BizTalk Exception: Cannot access a disposed object Failed to serialize the message part "BankQuoteRequest" into the type "BankQuoteRequest" Exception 1: The messaging engine was unable to resubmit a message for send port "LoanBroker_ 1.0.0

BizTalk Exception: Cannot access a disposed object && Failed to serialize the message part "BankQuoteRequest" into the type "BankQuoteRequest"


Exception 1:

The messaging engine was unable to resubmit a message for send port "LoanBroker_1.0.0.0_LoanBroker.LoanBrokerProcess_Port_Bank2_d4d7d47079e1d5d2" with URL "http://localhost/bankservice/bank2.asmx". Details:"Cannot access a disposed object.

Object name: 'CEventingReadStream'.".


Exception 2:

The adapter failed to transmit message going to send port "LoanBroker_1.0.0.0_LoanBroker.LoanBrokerProcess_Port_Bank3_d4d7d47079e1d5d2" with URL "http://localhost/bankservice/bank3.asmx". It will be retransmitted after the retry interval specified for this Send Port. Details:"Failed to serialize the message part "BankQuoteRequest" into the type "BankQuoteRequest" using namespace "". Please ensure that the message part stream is created properly. ".



These two BizTalk exceptions may result from that the incoming XML message instance is incompatible with the target XML schema.


In this case, usually you need output the message sending to the port, and try to validate it against the target schema. You will get a violation error, then fix the source problems, and let validation succeeded. Finally, when calling the service again, everything works perfectly.




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